Special thanks to Zarbee’s and Target for sponsoring this post. All thoughts and opinions, as always, are my own.
We’re barely 3 weeks into the new school year here. The 4th grade lice alert has already arrived home and today Thing 2 is coughing with a runny nose. Oh the petri dish that is school.
Me? This mama is training for the Twin Cities Marathon on October 4th. I’m in that final stretch where the runs are looooong and time is short. The last thing I need when I’m challenging my immune system with 20-mile runs are school germs floating around the house.
When Zarbee’s Naturals invited me to try their natural vitamin drink mixes, I was all over it. I’ll take all the help I can get. I was amazed at the variety. Six different blends: Whether you want a prebiotic for digestive support, a calming blend, drinkable multivitamin, antioxidants, immune support, there’s truly something for everyone. Some are best enjoyed cold while others are better hot. Just add the simple powder to hot or cold water and mix. Easy.
First, since it was that witching hour of the afternoon when I’m most likely to reach for chocolate or sneak in a nap, I went for the invigorating blend.
This one’s packed with essential B vitamins and has a tasty natural lemon-ginger flavor. It was a nice pick-me-up. I felt my focus sharpen, but no jitters. Nice.
After my 18-mile run over the weekend, I beelined for the Multivitamin with Antioxidant Blend featuring mixed berries and honey. It has a refreshing berry flavor and is packed with 13 essential vitamins plus Selenium.
Zarbee’s Natural Drink Mixes were developed by Pediatrician and father of four, Dr. Zak Zarbok, who also developed a line of chemical-free cough syrups for children. They’re gluten-free, contain no dyes, artificial flavors, drugs or alcohols. Find Zarbee’s Natural Vitamin Drink Mixes in the cough aisle exclusively at Target as part of their #MadetoMatter program.
Find Zarbee’s here:
Instagram: @zarbees
Twitter: @zarbees
Facebook: www.facebook.com/zarbees
Pinterest: www.pinterest.com/zarbees
Find Target Here:
Instagram: @target
Twitter: @Target
Facebook: www.facebook.com/target
Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.com/target/
What steps do you take to stay healthy while training?
I keep seeing posts about these and I’ve heard Target has (had?) them on sale. I’m going to take a look tomorrow! 🙂 I ALWAYS seem to get sick in Sept/Oct so I’m attempting to keep that away this year.
I need to find these as the HUSBAND would LOVELOVELOVE EM.
right now he uses those MIOs all the d*mn time.
I recommend Zarbees cough syrups to my patients all the time, so I’ll have to check these out. Everyone is always asking me about vitamins. Do they have a kid formula?
Maybe I should try these to help kick my cold for good!
I have never heard of this, I will have to check it out! Love that he developed a chemical free line for kids too!
It’s nice they are at an easy place to access like Target 🙂 I need to give this a try!
I need a little of this in my life! I need to swing by a Target, thinking about the calming blend first 🙂 need that for work!
Marcia this could not have come at a better time, just yesterday I noticed a sniffle in the house and the start of a dry cough. I think we need to stay proactive on staying well. Our kids are exposed to so much at school and staying healthy and well sometimes is an uphill battle! Thanks for this!
I swear before kids I never got sick, but once they all started going to school I was getting sick all the time! :/ You definitely don’t need that while you’re training. I just went through a whole box of Zarbees berry mix blend, and the immunity is an awesome one now that my younger two are starting preschool for the first time!
I’ve never heard of these before. I’ll have to check them out!
I have to try it out!
Oh man, if I had kids in school I’d be downing Vitamin C like it’s my job haha. I will never forget my Mom staying home from work to pick the lice out of my super thick and curly hair when I was little. I hope you and your kids stay healthy this school year!
Zarbees look SO awesome.. I need to stock up on them before the winter.. cold and flu season is upon us! Going to see if I can find them at my Target
I am really enjoying the Zarbee’s. I especially like the orange flavored and I think they are just what I need right now for that little extra boost.
These sound really great! I’ll have to pop into Target next time I’m in the US to pick some up.
Good luck on the marathon. I have a full on my bucket running list, but for now the half marathons will have to do. The Zarbee’s Naturals are keeping me feeling great while training and just every day 🙂
With cold and flu season coming up, I’m hoping that my Zarbees will help me out! And you know how much I love TCM 😀
Ick! Lice! Seriously, I do get all OCD about washing hands and taking vitamins as the weather turns cooler. I like Emergen-C. I’ll have to check out Zarbees. Thanks for sharing!
One thing I like about the Zarabees products is that you can make them into hot beverages. I like that it’s like drinking a mug of tea. Other things I do to stay healthy during training – eat right (lots of fruits and veggies) and try to get plenty of sleep (that’s where I usually struggle!).
I mainline Vitamin C like it’s my job. I’m really not a germaphobe but when it comes time for a big race, I practically live on orange juice and C tablets. It seems to do the trick.
I’ve never heard of these, but I’m totally going to check them out. We are about to head back to the germ cesspool in just a few days. Ugh. (And the last time there was a lice warning, I shaved my kids’ heads. Yeah, I’m that kind of mom…)
i am all about keeping the germs away! thanks for sharing this, i’ll have to swing by target and pick it up!
I need these in my life! They look so much more convenient in beverage-form than in pill-form. I like having a variety of drinks throughout the day 😉
When I’m training and I’m getting in the final phase I avoid everybody like the plague haha. It’s hard when I’m training in the gym, but I try not to touch things whenever possible and get lots and lots of rest!
Zarbees seems like the in thing. Will definitely check it out.
With 3 young kiddos coming from school everyday, I need the immune support – stat!
The calming blend is also right up my alley. This sounds awesome – thanks for sharing!!
Marathon training really does take a toll on your body! You have to be careful not to push yourself over the edge to the point where you get sick and/or injured. Glad Zarbee’s has been helping you stay healthy. Good luck with the rest of your training! 🙂
Pooh I am going to have to check these out when I head to Target today, thanks for sharing!
Very interesting! I really do need to be better about taking vitamines, prebiotics, probiotics, etc. I’ll have to look into these!
I really love this line. My kids both came home sick the first week of school. I used the immunity booster and it skipped me.
these mixes are FANTASTIC!
I’ve seen a few of you post about these. Ive never heard of it before, definitely intrigued by it! Would you buy it youself if it wasn’t given to you?
The mixed berry flavor is wonderful! I haven’t tried it warm yet, but I’m looking forward to it in the winter.
We’ve been using Zarbees for a few weeks now and they’re AMAZING.
I absolutely love Zarbee’s and I love that my husband does too. So natural, great for us, and DELICIOUS! My husband loves them before his morning workouts and I love them to just help make me feel amazing throughout the day. I can definitely tell the difference when I’ve had some Zarbee’s. Mixed berry with honey and the honey apple cranberry antioxidant/multivitamin drink mixes are my favorites!!! Enjoy and stay well!
I love that Zarbee’s has a prebiotic. It’s really important that we take care of our gut health too!
I just bought 4 more Zarbee’s vitamin drink at Target yesterday