It’s that time once again. Before summer slips away from us completely, let’s get those runfessions out on the table, shall we? Let’s begin:
You may have noticed I haven’t mentioned a bike ride here for a loooong time. Um, yeah my back tire’s been flat since before we went to Europe. Hangs head in shame.
They’re building a track at the middle school near us. Although I don’t currently have a child in said middle school, I have every intention of making use of that track. I may even visit it once in a while…ok daily….to check how construction is coming along.
Speaking of track, Thing 1 got track spikes last spring. In the process of finding some that worked for her, she had a pair that need to be returned. Um….I’m harboring those in my closet. I don’t have to tell you what I’m going to do with them as soon as a certain track is ready.
Now that I’m deep into marathon training, I’m using my share of gels. The other day I downed one that expired. In January. Of 2014.
Back in May I got all envious of everybody’s Cinco de Mayo recipes. So I went to Costco and dragged home a giant mortar and pestle. You know to make guacamole and stuff. The dang thing is still sitting on the floor of my pantry unopened, unused. Ready to be regifted. Wait, what?
Ok your turn! Spill your runfessions in the comments or link them up below. I promise you’ll feel better!
I’m also linking up with Jill for Fitness Friday.
Love it! I’d be stalking that track too. My Runfession is that I’m going absolutely crazy NOT running. But that’s really not a secret!
Haha! I love the giant mortar and pestle. Sounds like something I’d do and then never actually use. Pretty cool about the track. When I was in high school we had a cinder track instead of the all-weather stuff that most of our neighboring schools had. I always loved the crunch sound of the cinders under my spikes.
I bet those spikes could make a mean guacamole…
I really believe that expiration dates are merely a suggestion.
I had a mortar and pestle for over a year before it made its way out of the box – but now we use it often. It will be super nice to have a track close by!
I ate an expired gel before a 5k this summer…I ended up with a stomach ache but not sure if it was because it was expired or because I hadn’t used that kind of gel in a long time and wasn’t used to it!
A gel that expired last January?!? Eek! Hopefully it didn’t make you too terribly sick.
Glad I’m not the only one to use expired gels. Those suckers aren’t cheap ya know!
My bike had a flat tire for an entire year if that makes you feel any better haha. I just went to have it fixed a few weeks ago but I’ve still only been on a few rides :-/ I think the fall weather should kick my butt into gear (pun?) though!
LOL so with you on the mortar and pestle. I’ve got it but haven’t used it. Glad you are ok after eating that expired gel. ๐ Have a great weekend!
Expiration dates are just a suggestion. ๐ I love that you’re stalking that track! That will make such a difference for workouts, woo hoo!!
The expired gel made me laugh. My mom gave me a bunch of spices when she moved a few years back. When I took one out to use it one day, I browsed the expiration date. It no joke had expired like 8 years earlier.
I immediately purged the cabinet of the donated spices, haha.
2014? Yikes! My mom has a mortar and pestle, but I buy stuff like guac. I love cooking but there are some short cuts I will take.
So exciting that a new track will be opening up soon!!! I wish I had easy access to one. Good for you for repurposing those track spikes. And don’t even get me started on all the kitchen devices that I bought and have never touched. I have a fondue kit that I got as a wedding gift 5.5 years ago, and it has never left the cabinet. Oops!
haha, I’ll take it off your hands! I’ve always wanted one but have never felt that I needed one enough to drop the cash!!! LOL!
So funny about eating the expired gel! Expiration dates are definitely just a suggestion as far as I’m concerned!
Runfession… this summer when it was so stinkin hot out I only wore a sports bra, no shirt, for outdoor runs! It was freeing and I didn’t give a darn what anyone thought!
So guilty of ingesting an expired gel! lol have to go pick more up this evening! Out of stock.
No shame on #1 – I rely on my husband to keep my bike in working order. ๐
haha! How’d it go with the old gel? Were you ok?! You should totally whip out the mortar and pestle and make some guac! If not, I could us a gift… what?!
I’m curious to hear how the spikes feel on…that’s always something I’ve wondered. Are they hard to run in?
You are going to love having a track close to you!!! I go to our local track a lot (esp. lately!)
I need to catch up on the World Championships!! Have a great weekend!
Convenient that you and your daughter wear the same size spikes isn’t it?!
I love love running at the high school track. And I’m curious about running in spikes. Regift the mortar and pestle to me. It would be used often in our house. Have an awesome weekend Marcia.
gels expire? well crap not I better clean out my bucket! Isn’t nice when the kids stuff fits you? The track sounds exciting, our middle school has a track but not really the best part of town! Have a great weekend!
Jan 2014 wow and you didn’t get sick? Wishing you the best in your training and marathon!
Gels have expiration dates? Huh. I need a new front tire on my bike. I was hoping the hubs would take pity on me and have it repaired…still waiting.
How fun to have a new track near you! I have to admit I am a little jealous. Time to pump up that tire and go for a bike ride ๐
So exciting about the new track being built close by, and that you plan to use it regularly.
Thanks for the linkup!
This reminded me of all the old gels I have from … 2009-ish. Maybe 2011. Probably still good, right? ๐
All the tracks here are connected to public schools and kept under lock and key.