I love when I get questions from new runners and lately I’ve gotten a lot. I’m going to chip away at them here so everyone can benefit. If you have a question or topic you’d like me to cover, hit me up. Today the focus is on race week. You may know it’s race week for yours truly, with my triathlon looming this weekend, so race week prep is timely.
1. Pay special attention to fuel, hydration and rest. Make extra sure you’re eating well and drinking enough. Depending on the weather, distance you’re racing and how heavily you sweat, you may want to tweak the amount of electrolytes you take in leading up to the race so you’re all topped up come race day. Chances are good you won’t get the best night’s sleep on race eve so be sure to hit the hay early the rest of the week and you’ll be fine.
2. Get your stuff together. Everything you’ll need on race day: clothing, accessories, bib, fuel etc. Lay it out the day before so you leave nothing to chance on race morning.
3. Work out logistics. Get directions. Know exactly where you’re going and how long it takes to get there. How you’ll get to your hotel if you’re away, where to park, parking fees, etc. Agree on where any friends/family will be spectating on the course so you know where to look for them as well as a post-race reunion spot.
4. Familiarize yourself with the racecourse. Drive it if possible. Notice the elevation, turns, tangents and any landmarks. Read through the athlete’s guide. You’ll do so much better mentally if you have your bearings.
5. Relax, breathe deep and visualize success. Let your ideal race play through in your mind. Relaxed and confident at the start. Effortless miles click away. A strong finish. Remember the race is the reward for the training journey you’ve been on.
What are some of your race week rituals?
Very good tips. Here it’s difficult to familiarize with the racecourse because I usually race in other cities. But I have a black list, when the race is too tough or the organization is very bad, I write “no more” and I don’t change anymore my mind.
To get the stuff the day before, in my opinion, is the best advice. The first times (I mean 30 years ago) I forgot important stuff at home.
great advice! I never sleep well the night before because I get too excited so making sure I get plenty of rest during the week it very important! Good luck!!!!
Great tips! Sometimes I like to do a “practice run” in my race outfit to make sure Im not forgetting anything. Also, I usually come up with a Plan B in case there is a change in the forecast.
Great tips! That whole relaxing thing? I’m trying to do a better job at that!
Yes to all of these. I especially familiarize myself with the course and try to find a place to train that will simulate the course if I can. I also figure out logistics for packet pickup and transportation/parking. And figure out my in-race nutrition needs based upon what the aid stations on course will be providing.
All good stuff! I always try to preview the course if possible – like you said…good to know what’s coming!
I actually prefer not to know too much about the course. Ignorance is bliss in my case. I tend to freak myself out about hills so I’m better off not knowing.
Get there EARLY. I’m not a timely person, but I make an exception on race day. There’s plenty you can’t control, but showing up early helps you deal with unexpected traffic and logistical issues without heaping on the anxiety of running late.
These are great tips – especially the first one. It’s the days before the race that really make a difference!
My race week rituals include stretching, yoga and sweet potatoes! Good luck! Can’t wait to hear about it!
Love, love, love the list! Lately I even try to visualize success for my daily runs, since I have been hitting some really hot days. Can’t hurt right?
I always start with extra hydration three days before race dy and it has helped me survive some tough spots 🙂
Great tips. I am teh worst about resting because I get so worked up.