The Wednesday Word over at Deb Runs is Courage. Since my brain is waterlogged from all the time I’ve spent in the pool lately, I have to apply this to swimming. I summoned my courage and stepped way out of my comfy zone when I decided I’d finally learn (well I’m still learning) to swim this year. The most terrifying thing (for this lone wolf) of all was to take the plunge and join a Masters Swim class. I’ve been going for 3 weeks now. It’s early (6am) incredibly hard, the water’s cold, but I haven’t drowned yet, and there’s a huge sense of accomplishment when I climb out of the pool, so win!
At my pool, the masters swim session is coached. Basically the coach puts out a whiteboard with the workout of the day on it and we all get down to business for an hour. The coach shares great tips on form, technique, different strokes, etc. It’s really a great opportunity to learn. Here are some things I’ve learned so far:
Don’t be intimidated by the workout. To be fair, it sort of blew my mind the first week. I was overwhelmed. Just take each portion (warmup, drills, intervals, cooldown etc.) and focus on each component. Each lap, each stroke, each breath. Remind yourself of all the other things in your life you’ve been successful at and apply that here. Go slow, break it down into manageable bites and chip away. You can do more than you think!
Don’t be afraid to ask questions. I promise the coach won’t bite. They actually love to educate. Don’t feel stupid. I had to ask how long the pool was. I had no clue how to begin to try butterfly or breast stroke. Heck I still don’t.
Um, yeah there hasn’t been any chatting yet at my masters swim sessions.
You may have to share a lane. I actually did my first week. I asked the coach how to proceed and was told to just pick a side and stay there. Simple enough, even for me.
These are not the kind of pool toys I’m talking about…although they’d be fun…
You might want to get some pool toys. Our coach recommends paddles, flippers and a kick board and pull buoy. The pool has some paddles and supplies kick boards. I’ve used all of these tools in all of my sessions so far. Check with your pool to see what, if anything they have on hand.
Don’t be intimidated by the other swimmers. Most likely you’ll see some very experienced, accomplished swimmers there. But honestly, everyone is absorbed in their own workout. They don’t care if you suck, and you shouldn’t either. Experts agree that, more than in any other sport, training with other swimmers is the best and fastest way to improve. I definitely swim longer and try harder during masters swim than when I practice on my own. Plus I had no clue how to formulate a workout the way the coach does. Now I can approximate what I learn in Masters Swim when I practice on my own.
What have you had the courage to do lately? In the words of my girl Desi Linden: Are you comfortable with being uncomfortable?
I love this as for me to get back into the pool and truly SWIM HARD after 25 years NOT it would indeed takes some gumption and courage.
I kind of wish I had someone to ask questions like that to when I was working on my swimming. The first time I had to share a lane I wasn’t really sure what to do, but luckily the girl asked “what side do you want” so then I knew that I just had to stay on my designated side:)
love these tips! masters always sounds so intimidating and the only reason i went in the first place was because my husband was coaching. I learned there was a slow lane too! haha
This made me miss swimming so badly. I used to be a pre-comp swimmer in high school but I stopped before I graduated. Maybe I’ll look into joining a class!
I recently started a Master swim class too and I love it so much more than I thought I would. It’s an amazing workout!
It really takes courage to swallow your pride and try something new; to admit that you have no idea how to approach this activity. It’s been fun to watch you tackle swimming. Impressive, actually!
I love swimming but hate how hard it is to fit in to training – find a pool or lake, find time, get swim gear on, etc. I’d love one of those endless pools in my garage.
I love master’s swimming–it is such an amazing workout and I think the benefits from it carry over to everything else, too. I remember going for the first time and being totally intimidated. But everyone was welcoming and before you knew it, I was moving up lanes, too. I don’t go anymore, but the skills I took away from it have carried over for life.
I am terrible at swimming. I’ve considered trying something like this. I agree it’s the only way I would improve because I wouldn’t do drills or push myself on my own.
OMG, the class is at 6 AM? I was once lamenting to another triathlete friend how hard it is to get up early in the morning to run when it’s cold outside. She told me that it’s even harder to get up early to go for a swim, knowing how cold the water is, etc. I can only imagine. Kudos to you for pushing through and taking the classes!!!
This would scare me, but I try to step out of my comfort zone so that I am a good example for my boys:) Way to go Marcia! So impressed:)
My first love is the pool. I am stepping out of comfort zone biking on the road, it scares me to death.
I’d love to swim like a big girl one day! I still keep my head out of the water – a masters swim class would certainly push me!!
I feel like if I ever took a swim class I would have to start with the five year olds….and they probably know more than me, haha!
This is another reason that we should live closer. I would never sign up for any swim class on my own but I might go with someone!!!
Great job with your progression in swimming!!! Not sure I’ve been courageous lately, but I get out of bed every morning so that’s a start, LOL!
I’m so impressed by you. I am so not a swimmer at all. I just don’t like it. Though maybe if I took a class like this, I’d learn to love it. Who knows!
I actually e-mailed someone yesterday about a job who really intimidates me. She was very nice and responsive so let’s see what happens?
I’ll have to try swimming more this summer.. I really don’t like it, but all of your talk about it makes me think I should try. It would be so great to have some sort of cross training back up to running.
Yes! I love this. Courage is needed in so many aspects of life and I love the way you took the courage to learn to swim!
Very cool! I have an itch to try a sprint triathlon and swimming lessons would definitely help!
Sharing a lane and having to swim straight would probably freak me out most. But I guess they have lane ropes and that would help with the swimming straight part.
I would be terrified to take a class. Well, I’m always nervous to get in the pool at my gym anyway lol. I’m really self conscious because 1)I suck at swimming 2)I don’t have a one piece so I usually wear a tight running tank tucked into spandex shorts. I’m such a newb! But I do want to do a sprint triathlon within the next year or two so I do want to get better at swimming. Currently I can only swim from one end to the other!
i am so impressed with your swimming and your big tri win.
I am so not a swimmer, and could use joining a masters’ swim group. I can run all day, but ask me to swim from one end of the pool to the other, or I will be hanging on the edge of the pool trying to catch my breath like I’ve just been chased by a shark! Good for you for having the courage to broaden your cardio exercises to include swimming.
Thanks for linking up!
I am impressed. YOu are so inspiring. 🙂 I love swimming… and you have planted a bug in me to find a pool to start again. 🙂