Since I missed this month’s coffee date, I feel the urge to catch you up on what’s going on around here:
Duck helicopter mom: As is typical in spring, I’ve noticed ducks hanging around. Two Mallard drakes and one female. According to my research, female ducks are just called “ducks” no fancy name. I don’t care, I’m calling mine Rihanna. If she’s hanging with two Drakes, Rihanna fits, don’t you think? Turns out their nest is right at the end of our driveway, that’s why these ducks are suddenly “mine”. I can think of far better places to build a nest, but what’s done is done. There are 11 eggs. They’re quite large and I can even tell that some have an aqua-ish cast while others are faintly brownish. I’m thinking male vs female. I worried Rihanna had abandoned the nest, but she comes back, usually for half the day and maybe the night I hope?? I worried about them during yesterday’s storms but everything seems to be fine this morning.
Tornadoes: You may have heard Illinois had terrible tornadoes last night. I have to admit they gave me quite a scare as the first one was massive and headed straight this way. My sister lives even closer to it. Thankfully it cut up farther north and missed us but was still way too close for comfort. It was terrifying watching live coverage of its progress from a storm chaser, yet I couldn’t look away. My heart goes out to those that were hit.
Chest crud that won’t quit. This respiratory thing I seem to have contracted on the plane home from spring break is still hanging on. I feel much better for the most part, but there’s still some lung gunk way deep down. Blech.
Upcoming race. I’ve got the Live Grit 10 miler on tap in just over a week and I wish I could say I was more prepared. I think I’m up for handling half the distance so who knows what kind of freakshow the back five will be? I’ll be taking this one easy for sure, then I’m not committing to anymore races until I get my tris out of the way. Isn’t it ironic that Twin Cities Marathon training starts the same weekend as the Espirit de She tri? Perfect timing, I think.
Awesome Discounts: Remember Mother’s Day is coming up and it’s never too early to get your ducks in a row on the gift-giving front. See how I did that?
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Do you live in a tornado-prone area? Have you had a close-call with a natural disaster? Are you racing this weekend?
I’m linking up with Courtney, Mar and Cyn for the Friday Five.
When I was 5, a tornado hit my town. We lost a lot of trees and a tent in our backyard, but we were mostly ok. The town got tore up–the A&W was gone. I was really scared of storms after that, but now I like them. Adrenaline junkie, what can I say?
Yeah the weather was wild. Glad it missed you too and my heart goes out to those hit by it.
The ducks are cool! We had robins nesting on our porch. It’s kinda fun.
I don’t understand storm chasers. I’ve watched Twister and it doesn’t always end well.
Rihanna – haha! love it!
I hope all the chest gunk goes away, ain’t nobody got time for that!
You did miss the coffee date! I hope you make it next month I love those posts.
I have an app Live storm chasing and noticed there were several of the storm chaser in IL. I find weather fascinating but as long as it’s away from me. I have chickens and guineas and they are laying and setting right now.
Those storm chasers are crazy for sure! Glad it avoided your area. Hope that chest crud moves on soon!
Eek, I saw a couple videos of the tornadoes — brought me back to when I lived in AL and was surrounded by at least 8 — YIKES!! My prayers go out to everyone who was hit. I’d seriously poop my pants.
Also, I’m so sorry you haven’t kicked that chest cold — that’s the worst. My bf actually ended up with that gnarly respiratory virus that was going around and couldn’t kick it until he gave into using my essential oils. I can send you a cream to put on your chest if you want! 🙂 xo
I Love that you named her Rihanna! So appropriate. I’m also glad you you weren’t hit by that tornado. Have a fabulous weekend!
Keep us updated on the ducks. I hope everything turns out well. Tornadoes can be very scary, but even worse are the local weather people here. They will scare you to death! I hope you feel better soon.
I’ve never understood stormchasers either, but maybe it’s like those people who hunt for ghosts/supernatural things/super-creepy stuff!
I hope your chest cold resolves soon!
Those tornados were so bad – so glad you were safe. I hope the crud clears up before your race.
Ugh. Tornadoes freak me out. We get a few around here, and I hate them. 🙁 I’m glad you are safe.
Feel better soon.
Here in PA, I don’t think we get as many tornadoes as we did when I lived in MS. Scary stuff for sure!!!
I’m actually supposed to run a 10K tomorrow, but my hammy isn’t happy. And honestly, I just can’t get into running the race – so I’m blowing it off and having a family day with the family. 🙂
A few years ago, our home outside of Houston was partly ruined during a hurricane, but all turned out fine. Hope you’re well soon and run that 10 miler fast!
I don’t live in a tornado prone area, but my parents do. I frequently worry about them!
I am in hurricane country but I am from Indiana so I know all about the tornados and hiding in the bathroom. I have that chest crud too- 3 weeks now and when I cough you would swear I swallowed marbles, this crap needs to pass! I love the ducks- take care of them!!! I hope you are having a great weekend! 2 weeks to Nashville!
The giant tornado was just miles from our house. It went 1/4 of a mile from my co-workers house fortunately sparing them but not their neighbors. We are now all just trying to lend a helping hand where we can out this way. Tomorrow will be spent helping our local farmers clear tornado debris from fields so they can actually plant this week. Keep saying prayers for all of those affected. It was so devastating.
Ugh – tornados are so scary. I don’t live near them now, but I spent plenty of evenings hanging out in the basement in North Dakota as a child. I always think of the midwest for tornados, but the only that’s ever hit anywhere close to me was when we lived in Louisiana…
Hope the gunk clears soon.
One thing I’m dreading about Spring is the laying. The geese here in Waterloo lay eggs in the most random places and then attack you when you walk anywhere near their nests. So inconvenient and more than a little scary if I’m being honest.
p.s. awesome name for the duck haha
Everyone seems to think that Kansas gets lots of tornados but that hasn’t been my experience!
Hope you can get rid of that chest gunk.
It will be so awesome when the ducks are born – I love watching duck families walk along since the babies really do walk in a line behind their mom!!
I love that you named you duck. Too cute. So glad the storms missed you.
Everyone in my life is dealing with some sort of chest crud/running nose/coughing mess. So not fun! I hope you get to feeling better soon!
Oh my goodness, those tornado’s!! I’m so glad you and your sister are ok and they missed you.
Oooh. Hope you get rid of that chest thing very soon!
Yikes tornadoes are scary! Luckily here in WA we don’t have many terrible weather related things (besides lots of rain). We have had a couple of earthquakes, but not too bad where I was;)
Hope you feel better:)
Oh dear I hope that chest crud clears up in time for your race. Maybe an inhaler? And a steam inhaler? My son’s GF told him that tornadoes don’t like tall buildings so they will never be a problem where they are (in Chicago). I didn’t know that about tornadoes but I guess I have never heard of one knocking down a skyscraper.
Lol, love that you named the duck! Glad to hear the tornadoes missed your area! Sounds pretty scary. Hope you feel better soon and the chest crud goes away especially before your race!
So glad you are ok. It sounds like those tornadoes were absolutely terrifying! How fun to have a ducks nest to watch. Please take pics when the ducklings hatch!