Have I mentioned spring break is almost here? What? I did? Yeah, I’m kind of looking forward to it. One of the things I like to have planned out is how we’ll pass the time on the plane. That’s code for snacks. What will I pack in my mom-sherpa carry-on feedbag that’s tasty and fun without being sugar-laden and junky?
Fruit: For me it’s apples. They travel well, I love ’em, the kids love ’em. They’re crunchy, delicious and satisfying. Once they’re gone my bag is lighter, a win on all counts.
Nuts: I go with almonds or cashews for the win. Yum.
Bars: My latest jam are these Nakd Cereal Bars from Natural Balance Foods. Holy deliciousness Batman, so tasty. With 13 flavors to choose from, there’s truly something for everyone.
Just a few, simple, whole ingredients. Wheat, gluten and dairy free. I failed to hide them from the Caveman, and in his classic style, he raided my supply. Thankfully we have a few left for the plane.
A good read: I’ve got Honey do you need a ride? Confessions of a Fat Runner teed up on my tablet. It’s this month’s selection for Wendy’s Running Book Club. I started it but I’m nowhere near finished so I should refrain from commenting on it, I guess. Except the author is nowhere near fat and I’m kind of sick of her saying she is and I haven’t even finished the book. The author needs to read this post. I’ll shut up now.
Carmex. Because planes are dry. ‘Nuff said.
Compression Socks: Runners love compression socks for workouts and recovery, but if you’re not wearing them on flights, you’re missing out. While I especially love them for flying home after a destination race, why limit it to just that? I’ve come to wear them on all flights. They keep blood from pooling in your ankles and feet, reducing the risk of blood clots. Did you enter my giveaway for a pair?
What are your travel essentials? Favorite plane snacks?
Those bars look so good! I love a simple ingredient list. Is there somewhere you can order them online?
Have a great trip!
always always my ZENSAH SOCKS!!!
I haven’t tried those bars yet but they do sound good! Compression socks are definitely a must on a plane!
I liked the cocoa one of those bars but I wasn’t into the banana on at all. I’m a huge fan of popcorn and popped chips on planes. also the mini pretzel bags. And always a bottle of water!
Anything with nuts gets a thumbs up from me. That seems to really keep my hunger at bay. My sons are allergic to nuts tho, so they’re on their own.
I’m getting a lot of comments about the author of the book calling herself fat. I asked her about that in my interview with her too. It’s all about how we see ourselves, and if you’ve ever been fat ( I haven’t), it’s probably hard to see yourself as anything but. I’m looking forward to your review!
I love Larabars and almonds for traveling they seem to keep me full for a long time.
Great post! I love apples and kind bars for easy portable snacks!
I’m all about snacks and books. Apples, bars, and I load up my nook 🙂
SNACKS for the win! Apples and nuts are my quick go-to picks! I also love to catch up on reading while flying. A good book makes the time go by! 🙂
Apples, nuts, bars. I think these are the very best. And yes, compression socks. I have only recently begun to use them for travel, especially flying.
I try to read when I am on a flight but tend to look out the window too much so a magazine is better for me than a book. And I do carry earbuds in case there is tv or a movie.
Yes to all these travel aids! And water–I always bring an empty bottle on the plane and annoy the flight attendants by asking for refills!
I never thought about the compression socks for flying that’s a great idea, all great tips.
I have to have some sort of lip balm at all times! Bottle of water, Tosi bars and I also love almonds (blue diamond wasabi soy sauce):) Plus I like to have a magazine or book to read and possibly a movie on my iPad;)
Those Nakd bars sounds really good with so few ingredients – how can you go wrong? I find the older I get the least I like to fly but my essential is my phone to listen to music or a gosspip magazine or 2 to pass the time since I don’t normally read them in my daily life.
We rarely travel, but if we do I always carry some sort of nuts/fruit with me. I’m restarting my healthy eating today (I seem to do that, a lot) and hope by carrying healthy snacks with me I will be less tempted to eat all the chips.
The nakd bars are great aren’t they? Can’t beat that ingredient list. I always eat nuts too. Why do we get hungry on a plane??
larabars are my absolute favorite. i’ve seen a lot of people praising that book so it was interesting to hear your take!
I always bring a huge bottle of water on planes. If it’s just a short hop, that’s all I’ll bother with because dealing with airports is a pain and I want to get out as quickly as possible 🙂
I love reading others’ must haves! Great list!
This post made me want to eat an apple. So I did! Have a great trip! 🙂
Compression socks on a flight. Interesting. I would have never thought of it but I am just learning there are quite a few things that happen to the body as a result of being inflight. Thanks for sharing.
All of the above plus coffee and water. I’m loving having a Kindle to read from. There’s never any worries about taking a book that you’ve almost finished and wondering if you need another. You can have as many as you like on one little device. Less luggage space needed.
I too love wearing my compression socks when I fly. Definitely helps prevent sore muscles, especially on those long flights.
Great tips! I am traveling in 3 weeks to south america (10 HOUR FLIGHT UGH) so I need to remember to wear my compression socks. I’m also not great with packing snacks and end up buying junk food at the airport…thanks again for the tips!
Those bars look great! I will have to check them out! I’ve also never tried compression socks on a plane. Thanks for the tip!
I very rarely travel, but I need to start thinking about this asap as Paris is coming very quickly. For sure my compression socks!! I need to figure out healthy, easy to travel snacks to bring with me too!
No planes for me this year but I will definitely be wearing compression socks (and tights) when I drive home Sunday after my race Saturday!!!
I need to find those bars – they sound yummy! Other than that, my list looks very similar. Enjoy your trip!
I bring a lot of my own food too – protein powder, nuts, fruit, my fave breads & just about the whole kitchen. 🙂
Great list! I’m a huge fan of bringing fruit and nuts with me anytime I leave the house. One of the worst parts about traveling is having reduced control over what you eat, which makes it tough to stay healthy. Therefore, bringing your own food is the best way to bypass that problem!
So smart of you to wear compression socks on the plane! I also pack lots of bars for emergencies…airport food never sticks with you and you never know if you will be delayed or whatever! I also bring an empty bottle to fill up with water.
These are great essentials. I always take squares of dark chocolate. Usually they help me avoid the dastardly cinnabons and pastries that lurk in airports.
What a great list! I always try to bring my own food when I am traveling. Mostly because I know I’ll be a bear if I don’t have a little snack at frequent intervals. Traveling brings out my good side. 😉
I love apples too! If I can manage to eat one with a travel pack of Justin’s, I’m in heaven! I also love to travel with a big bag of almonds and pumpkin seeds. Easy to pack, full of protein and other good stuff and the don’t melt 🙂
My go to travel snacks are Larabar, KIND, apples with individual packets of almond butter and my homemade trail mix recipes.
Definitely easy snacks like fruits, nuts, etc. I also love those little individual packs of peanut butter when traveling. Great to pair with an apple or banana, etc.
These are all great ideas. I totally agree about the compression socks. For snacks I love any kind of fruit, moisturizing lotion and water on the plane to combat the dry air.