I’ve been participating in Laura’s 21-Day Reset for a full week now.
On the surface it looks like I’m a pretty good eater. I cook. A lot. I’ve got a garden bursting with fresh produce. Processed foods are not my downfall. I’m mostly gluten- soy- and dairy-free. But sugar? Yeah that’s my downfall. I know full well how bad sugar is.
The first day was tough. I wanted something sweet after lunch. I wanted something sweet in the late afternoon. I wanted something sweet after dinner. Are you sensing a pattern here? Instead I had carrots, hummus and nuts (probably too many) and took myself out of the habitual place I eat sweets. The dogs and I went for nice, long walks. Lots of them.
Day 2 was much better. The sugar cravings were already less. My run was a tad anemic feeling though.
By day 3 it was apparent I was not eating enough, which is fairly typical of me when I take on these challenges. My prodigious belly fat was shrinking before my eyes though so not all bad.
By day 5 I had lost a pound. Even though this isn’t about weightloss, GO ME.
On day 6: I worried I wouldn’t be sufficiently fueled for the following day’s 18 miler. I ate eggs, roasted squash, more squash, lean protein and cauliflower crust pizza.
Day 7: The 18 miler went well. Not spectacular but hey it’s 18 miles. Still well within goal pace range though, even with hill repeats 3/4 of the way through. Later that day we went to my mom’s birthday party where I was really good about not diving into the snacks (except guac, I dove into that) but I did treat myself to a small piece of cake.
Overall, I think I’m doing well. The biggest, BIGGEST AND BEST thing I noticed about this reset so far, is that after just a couple of days without sugar I felt fresher the day after a tough run. Like I couldn’t tell if I ran the previous day by the way my body felt. Previously there’d typically be a little fatigue. I felt raring to go EVERY. SINGLE. DAY. Huge, right? But I need to be better about planning meals and snacks. And I need to eat more. Stay tuned for week 2!
Have you ever done a reset? What was fun for you this weekend?
Good for you, Louise! Keep being badass!
I’ve tried these resets before, and usually end up failing miserably because of the ‘no wine’ rule, LOL! GREAT job sticking with it!
nice job! love the foods, so nourishing! and delish!
Cutting out sugar and other processed foods for me would be huge, definitely on the radar to try out.
You sound like you’re doing very well. I like the idea of removing yourself when in the spot where you’d normally eat sugar–brilliant! Keep up the great work!
Woo hoo! It feels so good to get rid of the sugar. I’m not there, mentally, right now so I’ll feel good vicariously through you 😉 Keep up the good work!
I have done MUCH better than I expected. I did eat fruit and used GU chomps for my 20 miler. I drank several glasses of wine on our mini-Seattle vacay but had no chocolate (which was EVERYWHERE I looked), candy or desserts. This is a major victory for me. I did not lose any weight but my pants feel bigger… so that is something!
Erica that is awesome! Major victory for sure!
Wow – great job on the first week of the reset!
I’ve never done a reset – too little will power.
I have done a sugar reset before and it is TOUGH! Great job avoiding it and not giving in. I don’t even like sugar that much but it is in EVERYTHING and definitely hard to avoid!
I eat very few processed foods, but oh, the sugar in my morning (and afternoon) coffee/hot chocolate blend…I’m craving it just reading your post. Which, no doubt, is a sign of a slight problem.
Nice job you! It may not be about the lbs, but seeing weight drop is an awesome feeling!
Sounds like you’re off to a great start!
Good for you! I’ve never done a reset. I don’t feel like I have to. I have so many food sensitivities that I already feel so limited on what I can eat.I don’t crave anything–except occasionally I want fried food. So I’ll eat french fries or fried chicken. I don’t have a huge sweet tooth. My downfalls are chocolate and wine. I love both. I can’t drink a lot, so that helps..and too much chocolate makes me ill too. Sigh…
Oh my goodness, I am the SAME way. I am pretty much gluten/dairy free, but the sugar gets me every.single.time. I have SUCH a sweet tooth. Kudos to you for sticking it out! I am majorly impressed!
Great job with the first week! I’ve never done a sugar reset/detox (or haven’t gotten past the first few days) but I really really need to do this.
Hello, yeah this post is in fact nice and I have learned lot of things from
it about blogging. thanks.
I cannot believe you didn’t have carbs the night before an 18 mile run! I used to look forward to the night before long runs LOL.
Great job on the sugar part. It is really hard to cut that out, especially because the body craves it and you can feel it down to your bones!
I’ve never done a sugar reset before because I didn’t used to be a sugar junky. Buuuut, lately I have been having a small amount of sugar like 4 times a week. I think I should jump on board with you.
Tricia butternut squash and sweet potatoes are my carbs. : )
Sounds like you did great! I know cutting the sugar would be really hard for me!
I need a good reset. I should pay more attention when Laura does these. Can you eat fruit?
I like that you’re not having a crash and that you’re still feeling energetic the day after a long run.
Carla, yes fruit’s ok. I’m eating it at least. 🙂
Feeling fresher after an 18 mile run is awesome! Nice job!
hmm. I think I need to do one of these. I’m actually talking with a nutritionist in the next few weeks because I know I’m not eating at the right times- i get to the point of major runger and then binge (usually on good foods-but still not good portion control).