I think I’ve become a hurricane magnet as well as a heat magnet because I survived my third hurricane this weekend as Arthur swept up the coast while we celebrated the Caveman’s milestone birthday in North Carolina. Possibly more impressive, I survived Hurricane MIL. No easy feat. Here are some highlights:
Bench Press Showdown. Let’s cut right to the chase. This is why you’re here, right? You know how hard I worked on strength over the past 6 weeks or so. The Caveman was hoping for 315. I was hoping for…well something greater than 115, my former max lift from 16 years ago. Who says old bags can’t be strong? 120 and 125 went up relatively easily. The Caveman thought 130 would be a snap for me….until it wasn’t. My first attempt with 130 was a big fat fail. Failure turned to frustration turned to anger turned to determination. On my second attempt, by some miracle, 130 lbs. went up. I’m calling that a victory. Oh and Caveman? 315 was no problemo for him. Score! As I commence training for the New York City Marathon, I need to make time to keep some heavy lifting in my life.
Run on the American Tobacco Trail. Yeah it’s hot and humid for running in NC but oh how I love the Tobacco Trail! It’s a 20 mile-long trail that runs alongside an abandoned railroad bed that was originally built in the 1970’s for the American Tobacco Company. I got there nice and early to partake of the shade and gentle breeze. It was the perfect way to kick off the 4th of July. At 7am, while not crowded by any means, the trail was already hopping with runners, bikers and dog walkers. I love how friendly Southerners are.
Southern Season. This is by far my favorite gourmet market of all time and the home of my favorite coffee. I started drinking it when I trained for my first marathon. The aroma alone makes me feel like running long. Needless to say, I stocked up for this training cycle. Oh and I may have picked up a Starbucks mug for the collection too.
Spectacular fireworks in the UNC football stadium. These were easily the best I’ve ever seen. It was a little eerie when firemen hosed down the seating in the closed area before the show but wow we were close! Thankfully there were no mishaps.
Pool, pool and more pool. Aquatic highjinx for kids and grownups alike. Um yeah, that’s a beer dive. See the splash in the middle? That’s the Cavman. I’m so proud. MIL not so much.
Last but not least, the parade of festive golf carts. Our clan decorated two. It made my MIL happy. When the MIL is happy, everybody’s happy.
What was fun for you this weekend? Did you travel? Race? Beer Dive?
Yeah for lifting 130! I can squat that much (when allowed by the dr) but I could never bench press that. Very impressed!
Super nice splash from the Caveman.
Congrats on surviving!
Dang – you (and the Caveman) rock!!! 130 is a lot to bench press!!! And, 315 is way out of my league:)
I love the beer dive – that is the kind of thing that makes me proud, too!!! Glad you survived the MIL!!!
Good lift! I’ve heard that it’s good to always make the MIL happy. Mine passed away before I got a chance to meet her but I’m sure I would have done everything I could to make her happy.
I always love your visits to the MIL…
That trail looks spectacular! I love the Chapel Hill area. I could live there if it wasn’t the south. ; )
Way to go on the bench press, strong lady!
well dang woman! 130 whoop whoop! that’s awesome!!! i love running, but i sure have been enjoying lifting weights lately too. i hope you can find a balance for both!
I owe that 130 to you Lindsay! Thanks again for the tips! I agree, I need to keep more strength in my life.
130! Wowza! Nice job And glad you survived hurricanes of both mother nature and mother-in-law!
Great job!!
I have never tried to benchpress!
I love the golf cart parade! How fun!
Great job on the bench press!
I spent the weekend with my MIL. She’s not as bad as yours, but a weekend is about 2.5 days too long. We were in a mud volleyball tournament, which is always fun.
Congratulations on lifting 130! I think I would drop that on myself!
Love the new mug, so cute!
130 pounds- I’m impressed!! I love trails like that for running. I’m starting to explore here although it means driving to trails, but I’m getting really tired of the routes out our door.
Nice lift. I usually bench 30 reps of 50 lbs of dumbbells everyday, so not sure how much I could do for one. Did the beer dive involve drinking the beer once it was retrieved? 🙂 Congrats on the 20 miler. Must have been hard given the heat and humidity!
Pete there was some beer drinking after the dive but the Caveman was generous and shared his haul.
I’m thinking I’d need to drink all that beer after a weekend with the MIL! Or a really long run….
Southern Season just moved into town.
This makes me want to go check it out.
But I am afraid I would by ALL THE DESSERTS!
You are an animal. A bit more training and you could bench-press me – except that I have poor core strength and would probably collapse in the middle.
What an awesome vacation. I bet I would have loved the tobacco trail – I am so into anything historic (probably because I am a history teacher, ha). And “Hurricane MIL” – I die:)
I think it’s awesome that you lift so much. All I hear about is how amazing it is for you!
Congrats on the heavy lift! I miss lifting, and only do hand weights at home. Those trails look beautiful!!!
Woohoo! Great job on your bench press Marcia! We went the to beach for the 4th and had a great time:) Wish we could have stayed longer;)
Congrats on 130 – great job! When I quickly read the start of the post, though, I misread that the Caveman thought *you* could lift 315 and I was a little bit in shock. Then it all became clear. 😉 Also, it seems our husbands share a similar dive technique.
omg, golf cart parade. hilarious!! love that NC mug…and yes, we southerners are a friendly bunch, even early in the morning! congrats on the lift! that is amazing! and my weekend was low key, but it did include a new 10K PR! 🙂
Yay on the 130 lift!! Your guns are a blazin’!!