By nature, I am not a jealous person. In running it’s always been me against me or the clock. Ok I may try to punk a person or two in the final stretch of a race but only because I’ve forced myself to be more competitive at that point, but mostly I just don’t care. I know we’re all unique and tuned differently and as long as I give it my best, it’s all good.
I don’t care about stuff: Who has more or does more or weighs more or less. Just don’t. We’re each on our own special journey. This is kind of my motto:
But this gardening season, I’m feeling a little, um, green. Green thumb, yes, but a little green monster too.
You see our community garden has expanded exponentially. There were maybe three of us 3 years ago in the inaugural year. Last year 10. But this year the garden is bursting at the seams. All 26 plots are full.
I like to start my own seeds and set them out after the last frost date, while most everyone else buys well established plants. So I’ve got my dainty little seedlings next to their 6 ft tall tomato trellises.
My basic tomato cages pale in comparison to their deluxe, rainbow-colored ones. And trellises. Row covers. Structures. Strings. Wind chimes. Intimidation at its finest. I found myself at the garden center looking longingly at the trellises. I even had some colored tomato cages in my cart. Then I took them out. Because I know it’s ridiculous.
I decided to compete on another front: Yesterday it was weedapalooza. I weeded my heart out for 2+ hours. I may not have any wind chimes or stones with cute names carved in them but dammit my plot is weed free. So there.
Are you jealous about some things but not others?
I’m definitely jealous about some things but not others. Running I could care less. I’m there to do my best and that’s it. Beautiful bags and gorgeous outfits on the other hand… ;p
I don’t know if I am jealous to be honest. I can’t really think of anything at the moment.
You will feel better if you come and look at my sad garden;) I just planted my tomato plants and accidentally broke one in the process:( Not sure if it’s going to make it. Looks pretty droopy:/
Well, you are miles ahead of me!!
I love gardening my own veggies, but this spring kids school has been all-consuming.. want to come do some weeding? 😀
Is your community garden really close to your home? I am surprised people adorn it with so many things! When we did ours, we had to drive to get there, and left the essentials there 🙂
I don’t get jealous about much. Or competitive (unless playing a card game/board game). I’m content with what I have, and happy for what others have 🙂
I don’t know if I’m really jealous of anything, but I do look at those home decorating shows on TV and feel bad about my sad interior decorating!
Hmmm. I don’t think I really COVET anything that anyone else has or does or is… I am usually happy for NICE people that do well, run fast, go great places, have fun, etc. Like YOU! 🙂
I do envy a beautiful garden…I killed a cactus in college.-Ashley
I am so feeling the same way right now, this is our first year with a community plot in the garden and .. I am a novice! The other plots look so fancy and I’m like, umm, mine are watered! Lol.
I think it’s awesome that you’re part of a community garden! I do understand where you’re coming from though – now that we’re home owners, I keep thinking my hard is so plain in comparison to our neighbors with all of their flowers, etc. I just keep blaming the baby, though:)
I would say I do tend to get a little competitive when it comes to running. Of all of my friends, I was the only runner for years. I always encouraged them to give it a start and some of them did! And I have to admit that I find myself getting a little competitive from time to time as a result…but mostly, I am just happy to do something I love with people I love!
I’m jealous you have a garden at all. I know I could easily plant one, but I’d get lazy and let it die. Really I just want free fresh veggies. What I need is a friend with a garden.
Very cool that you are growing plants from seeds. As a bonus, it is probably cheaper than paying for established plants. 🙂
If it helps, I would be totally jealous of your weed-free garden. Mine is so overgrown that I gave up even trying years ago.
LOVE the keep your eyes on your own paper. Of course. Hmm do some things make me jealous? I have times where I am a bit jealous over people who can own beach homes and always enjoy MY ocean. Day to day basis…….I can be jealous of those who speak well in public. Gardens……that’s my husband’s thing and we have a big weed free one.
Of course.
I am jealous of people who seem to be naturals at certain things.
However, I don’t usually covet objects. Clothes, bags, etc. Doesn’t get to me as much.
I definitely have times that I am envious of different people for different reasons. I think when I see all of our friends kids getting to spend time with their grandparents I’m a little jealous that my boys don’t have grandparents that want to get to know them.
Beautiful post. I am only jealous of my former colleagues of the Coast Guard who could retire last year for a special law. I must work other 6 years because I changed job.
I am competitive but usually not jealous about running. I am generally super happy for my friends (and strangers) when they do well. I guess I am envious of the people for whom running comes so easy. (Like they don’t have to train and still smoke me!)
I am not envious of most material things.
I have a brown thumb and would covet a nicer garden spot, too!
Well Marcia, let me tell you…..
I didn’t get around to planting a garden at all this year SO I covet everyones garden. I certainly understand. However, you’ve definitely got me beat & when you begin to pick your treasures & enjoy them, it won’t matter!
I will tell you that when I wasn’t running for those couple weeks I was nursing my shin splints, I definitely felt a bit (ok, maybe a lot ) of jealousy, as I was wishing it was me out there running.
Jealous isn’t really the right word, but of course there are things others have that I would want. However, I also know there are things I have that others may want. All about perspective!
I’m horrible with anything green. Plants die in my presence. So no jealousy there. I always thought I’d try a garden once I was retired, it’s in my to do list for later. As for running/biking/swimming: I’d say I’m envious at times when I see others blasting out a race and barely breathing hard. I wish that could be me, but then again, life would have to be a lot different for me to have the time to commit to the training necessary to achieve a similar outcome. That is where I wouldn’t change a thing. I do my best with all I have to juggle. It’s enough for me. And I’ll have to keep buying my tomatoes at the store for now:)
My neighbor just planted a little English garden – it is absolutely beautiful. My backyard contains no grass, only weeds. Jealous of my neighbor (and anyone else on the planet with grass), indeed!