I’m not talking about qualifying for Boston or running the Great Wall of China, but rather the dreams that happen at night. I have vivid, crazy dreams, but until last night they’ve never been about running. Blame it on being up in the middle of the night suspecting a foot-of-the-bed dog poop ambush (they didn’t, I’m paranoid) but when I got back down, I dreamt I was running the Soldier Field 10-miler (which I did last year and will be running again this May) but somehow failed to pickup my packet and there was no race day pickup, so no bib. I also had a fuel belt but no bottles or gels. Some guy who had already finished the race gave me his sweaty, crumpled up bib to wear.
I was completely stressed and discombobulated. Upon further reflection, I think this dream originated with my disappointment that there is no race-day packet pickup for the 5k I’m doing next weekend. IMO, unless there are 40k runners or so, packets should always be available (at no extra charge) on race day.
I love that so many of you joined in and shared your treadmill tell-all so how about we do it again? Tell me either in a comment or tag me in a post about your worst or best or craziest running dream.
I recently dreamed that my normal running partner ditched me on our last long run and sent her roommate instead, not a runner. He jumped off the bridge (very low) into the pluff mud for no reason and I had to spend hours trying to pull him out and could not finish my long run because of it.
Hahaha! Love it Abby!
I have a dream quite often that I am on the soccer field and I am running in slow motion and everyone else is at regular speed:/ It’s horrible! They always get the ball before me. I hate it!
I will have very strange dreams that I’m running a full marathon and it seems super easy except for the fact that I sort of get lost and off course and end up having to do more like a trail run – only stranger like climbing through drainage ditches and over random bolders LOL
Weird! I dream about running all the time..and every time it’s either I don’t have enough time to get my whole run in or I feel like I’m running as fast as I possibly can but barely moving. Why are all my running dreams bad ones!?
I once had a dream that I was running a marathon and I ran off of the course to a restaurant that I saw so that I could eat. When I was done eating I was totally lost and could not find the course and started panicking because I wanted to break 4 hours and knew that it was not going to happen! I am not sure why I stopped to eat! Maybe I was hungry when I went to be?? CRAZY!
The stuff we dream about is so weird sometimes. I had a dream that I was driving a BMW (as if?) through Disney World last night.
I dream often of running naked. What does that mean?!?!
I’m laughing about the dog poop ambush comment. I’m imagining your dogs sniggering at the base of the bed, petting off farts in a deliberate attempt to get you out of bed. Evil geniuses in canine form.
The only running dreams I ever remember are the ones where I’m trying to run and I can’t – I’m always just crawling but in a situation where I should be running.
Before triathlons I have weird, stressful dreams. Once it was that I got to T1 and couldn’t find my bike. Frantically searched for it until I realized it was back on my car because I forget to set up transition :-).
That’s you in FIRST, L, not last!
I took a sleep and dreams class in college; I sure wish I remember more from that class, but I’ve always found dreams to be fascinating. I keep saying I’m going to get a notebook to write down my dreams each morning because I can never remember then by bedtime. So I couldn’t tell you any dreams, but I know some have been scary and some happy….but honestly don’t recall any about running. 🙁
Wow – that is some crazy dreams.
I don’t usually remember my dreams, but I had a running dream last night (and remembered it!). I was running to brunch, in my street clothes, and then remembered I’m not allowed to run at the moment (post-marathon recovery). I was worried my coach would kick me out of her training group.
I have dreams like that all the time! Usually I am late for the race or can’t find it, or I’m without shoes and have to run barefoot! I agree, it’s annoying when races don’t have race day packet pickup. Aside from all the other reasons, it’s not very environmentally friendly when you have to drive to a location twice!
I hate it when our dreams pick up our anxiety. It only makes it worse! No running dreams but I am one of those people who dreams about falling and wakes up all startled.
i haven’t had any bad ones in a while that i can remember…they are always bad when I am marathon training!!