Baby it’s cold outside, and it’s been snowy too. Roads have been a mess for cars let alone runners. What better time to review some things to keep in mind when navigating icy roads on foot?
- Change your shoes for better traction. Personally I like a trail shoe since I avoid deep snow for the most part. The other day some intense fog made safely crossing a busy street impossible so I ended up running in deeper snow than usual and could definitely have used something more: Yaktrax? Snowshoes? When it gets cold I also notice the wind just whistles through my usual trainers. Not so with trail shoes.
- Back off your pace. It takes awhile to get your snow/ice legs and even when you do, hitting training paces can be a challenge. Save those workouts for a treadmill or indoor track.
- Stay off of roads as much as possible. When it’s snowy there may be little to no clear roadside shoulder left for you and, like runners, drivers come in a variety of abilities and temperments. I’ve had some get over as far as possible while others won’t budge at all. One particular whack job literally aimed for me. Add in the challenge of slick roads and it can get pretty scary out there. Keep it to sidewalks and paths if possible, and quiet residential streets at non-peak traffic times.
- Hi-viz, hi-viz, hi-viz. Do not assume you are more visible against the white backdrop of snow. If there’s a way not to see you, drivers will find it. Go bright or go home.
- Beware of driveways and intersections. I like to make eye contact with drivers before proceeding. The risk of them not seeing me or not looking all ways is just too great.
- Hydrate. Although you may not feel as thirsty, the same hydration rules you follow in warmer seasons still apply.
- Carry your phone. In case you fall and can’t get up. Plus the snow is so pretty you’ll probably want to bring it for photography purposes. Just look at my Instagram feed.
- Dress warm without overdressing. Tips on how to layer up are here. Find my favorite winter gear for runners here.
- Take wind into consideration. Plan your route so you run into the wind to start and have it at your back for the last half when you’re sweaty. Better yet, play your diva card and have someone drive you out and run it in with the wind.
- Know when to say take it indoors. While there may be mental and physical benefits to training through tough conditions, there is no shame in going in. Be smart about exposure to the elements.
Do you get out to run in winter? Any tips to add?
You are definitely the expert on this via IG! 🙂
It’s been so hot here that I’ve been looking at all your snow pictures with envy. Oh for a world where it was the perfect running weather all year round.
Remember that it gets dark super ass early – so carry a headlamp if you are dumb enough to do a long run starting at 4pm. Not that I would know anything about this personally, I just heard it from someone else. 🙂
Dressing warm enough without overdressing is HUGE. In the winter, for me it’s usually either trails or TM.
I have run outside but only on the unseasonally warm days. I did not know that about the shoes at all. Now I really think I need to be looking at getting myself more appropriate gear instead of a nice sweater. 🙂
I’m lucky to live in a very large subdivision with many walkers and runners so as long as I stay inside of it and don’t wander out we don’t have trouble with drivers. Now when I venture out…that’s another story.
Im a walker.
Those are great tips. I like to be outside during winter and e don’t get much precipitation, so the trails are usually clear. I won’t go out of it is icy. Have you tried making screw shoes with an old pair? That’s what I think I would do
Lisa many of my friends swear by screw shoes, but I haven’t made any for myself…yet…
It’s slippery enough often for me to need Yak Trax. I am terrible about remembering to hydrate. I would add still wear sunscreen for visible skin. Sun is still doing it’s damage.
Where can I get a diva card?!
I think hydration is so important. I was SO dehydated after my 20 this weekend. It looked nice on the scale but otherwise I felt pretty terrible.
I think it is important to remember to dress for 15 – 20 degrees higher than the temps. Oh yeah, I was overdressed, too, on Saturday – big time!
I’ve been opting almost entirely for the treadmill with the cold weather around here. Bungee is starting to go insane, though, so I think I actually have to take her outside today. Fingers crossed the roads aren’t as slippery as they look!
I MUST share this with the hubby! I’m an indoor girl in the cold!
Trails are a good option, even though they might be tougher to navigate – the forest preserves are a good option.
Great tips! It’s definitely harder to run in the winter, but the views make it worth it!
Lots of good stuff here… I’m wondering what my winter running will look like. I’m finally feeling better but am not feeling too motivated to get out there in the cold!
Great tips! I like my Yaktrax for the trails, which are often a better place to hit in the winter as well! No worrying about cars or needing as much hi-viz clothing. I don’t do indoor workouts, except the indoor track occasionally, so I definitely need a lot of cold weather gear!
SOOOO necessary! I’m (sadly) injured right now or I would go put these tips to use. Thanks for this helpful list!
Good tips! For number 5 I often wave drivers to go ahead at intersections if they don’t acknowledge me with a wave.
Champions are made in the winter!
Great tips, Marcia. I wear about 4 different lights when I go during the dark hours. I look like a Christmas tree. 🙂
Super tips!
You already know that you are one of my winter running heroes!!
I’m perfectly happy in my shorts and sports bra sweating on the treadmill when it is cold out!!!
Trail shoes are the best in snowy street running! I actually know of someone who puts drywall screws in their shoes for added traction. They swear by it but I’ll stick with my trail shoes!
As much as I love jogging, trail running is the best. Very relexing and I always enjoyed my morning running. Anyways, I like your blog post and share it with my friends. Will come back to read more here. Thanks.