Holiday Baking. When I was 30 pounds heavier I baked for the holidays like it was my job. I did more than my share of taste testing too. This year the plan is to bake minimally and give it away maximally. I made these Peanut Butter Protein Buckeyes last night with the kiddos. We have a friend whose son is gravely ill and in hospice care. Heartbreaking. They are mega OSU fans, that’s what inspired the buckeyes. I put a basket of lunch together today complete with some buckeyes and brought it over. I used protein powder instead of powdered sugar, so they’re not quite as sinful as the real mccoy. Because the protein has more staying power, I don’t eat them like it’s my last day on earth either. Win.
- 2/3C natural smooth nut butter
- 1 scoop vanilla protein powder
- 3T almond milk
- 1C chocolate chips, melted
Mix nut butter, protein powder and almond milk together in a bowl. Form 12 or so balls. Melt chocolate chips in microwave or double boiler. Stick balls with a toothpick and dip them in melted chocolate, leaving part open for the eye. Allow to dry in the fridge or a cool place. Enjoy!
I don’t know but it sounds to me like you kinda want to run that race. Let the decision be made by the registration gods.
I’m with Char – go for it!!
Sorry about your friend’s son – that is rough.
How have I not heard of this half? I say go for it, especially because you seem to dominate those hills! Woohoo!
It really does sound like you want to run the half. I say go for it!
I’m faring badly in the cold and snowy weather, but I’m pretty sure it’s justified. I’m not risking icy roads this year. Plus, I’m in love with my treadmill again.
Those buckeyes look awesome!
I say if you try and register and get in, it was meant to be for the half. And I’m totally making those buckeyes!!
Here, we’re going on day 9 in a row (new record!) of nights below freezing. I guess they even saw snow on the beach last weekend, but I wasn’t here to witness it.
Please send me some of those delicious PB things.
DO IT!!!!!!
Don’t forget to find a race in CO do to next year, too! ๐
DO IT!!!!!!
Don’t forget to find a race in CO do to next year, too! ๐
Yikes! You roads look like ours! Is this normal there in winter? I’m ready for the pineapple express to come and thaw it all out.
The recipe is Great!! Is there a substitute for almond milk? I am coming back to this post to make them. ๐
Raina you can use any kind of milk you want. Hope you like them!
Sounds like you ought to register! To give the sweets away maximally – great idea!
Roll the dice and see if you get in. Or do the lottery for NYC half – the same day and come get your NYC preview with me!
The buckeyes looks awesome. This weekend I have a few too many holiday treats (blogger lunch/cookie exchange/late chanukah) coming my way. I never bake like it’s my job, but I eat like it is ๐
MMMMMMM Buckeyesโฆโฆ mmmm. I know what I’m doing this weekend!!!
I think I am the only one who is going to say DON’T do the half. LOL. But that is because I live out here and have never had the appeal to do it myself. Do you think race morning you will regret not having signed up? If so, sign up and try to get in! ๐
I’d say go for it! If you get in, it was meant to be!
It is cold and snowy here too, it’s about 10 degrees outside today. Perfect for trail running!
The buckeyes look delish, and the protein powder is a great idea! I’m just sorry your friend’s son is suffering.
I pretty much never run in snow (can only think of one time, frankly) so I can offer no advice on any racing/running in the cold. I’m just so freakin’ impressed that you do it! Brrrr!!
HAHAHAHA!!! And that is exactly why I don’t bake anymore – because there is waaaaay too much sampling on my end.
I was considering it…until this horrible cold weather kicked in. We are going to Florida the following week and guess what I found? A half marathon in Fort De Soto state park. Voted one of the most beautiful beaches in the US. Guess what I decided to train for?
Yep. Call me fickle. Call me a fair weather runner. Maybe next year…
Race it and have fun!
So simple. Looks fantastic! Thanks for linking up to #RECIPEFRIDAY!