My holiday cards went in the mailbox this morning. Finally. It may be the latest I’ve ever been on getting them out. Let the record show they were ordered on 12/10 and a full 9 days passed before they showed up at my doorstep (website claimed 5 days). Ok enough with the excuses. Although sending cards is definitely a dying custom, it’s something I still like to do. It’s certainly sad when I see the names on my list of those who passed away this year. My Godmother, an aunt, too many parents of friends.
Being so late with the cards also makes something far more shallow readily apparent: We’ve received fewer holiday cards so far than we normally would. I suspect it’s because I haven’t yet sent ours out.
I totally understand that some do not send cards, period. One of my friends’ policy is to only send to people she hasn’t seen. For many it simply isn’t a priority.
So come clean. I promise I will not judge:
- Do you send holiday cards at all? If not, why not?
- Is it customary to send cards only to those from whom you’ve received?
- Do you remove people from your list who you do not receive a card from?
- Other than death, why would you remove someone from your card list?
I apologize in advance for seeming like such a ‘score keeper’. Just curious.
I’m linking up with Jill and Angela for A Day in the Life: Here’s mine:
5am: Wake. No alarm needed. The AARP would be so proud.
5-6:30: Me time. Maybe a workout, or coffee/blog reading. Oh and feeding/walking dogs and cleaning up any overnight ‘gifts’.
6:30-8: Waking/feeding/making lunches/walking to bus, all aspects of getting kids to school.
8-10: If workout didn’t happen earlier it happens now.
10-2: Blogging/writing/coaching/errands/volunteering/holiday shopping/wrapping/prep
2:30: Home for school buses
3:30-5: After school snacks/shuttling to kids’ activities
5:30-7: Dinner Prep and dinner
7-9: Family time, homework
9:30: Bed
What does your day look like?
Our days are quite similar–must be something to do with our ages and our kids’ ages!
We still send holiday cards but just got them off last night-late this year! I don’t track who is sending/not sending, just keep my list going unless it’s someone I’ve truly lost complete touch with. At that point, I might remove them from my list.
Enjoy the weekend!
We send holiday cards. The only people I omit are family that I’m actually going to see during the holiday. Though, I did run out of stamps this year, so there are still a couple that need to go out. Whoops.
We do send out a few cards. Fewer and fewer each year. I cannot really say we have a specific reason to drop from the ‘list’ as the years go by though.
I don’t do cards. Not any more anyway. I just couldn’t understand why I was spending hours writing out the things and sending them to acquaintances that we rarely see. I do give some cards – to people I see regularly so I can let them know how important the are in my life.
Wow that pic is amazing! Yes I still send out cards but they are currently sitting on my kitchen counter without addresses and not in the envelopes:( Sad. I hope to get them out today but we shall see;)
Aww, I am sad that the cards pointed out the deaths of the year. I never thought about that!
I would love to send cards, especially a picture one! But Steven isn’t on board, so we haven’t. I would still send them to the people I wanted to, even if they didn’t send one to me because I understand some just don’t send, like us, and I appreciate that we still get some 🙂
I do send out cards, I don’t take people off the list. and I LOVE getting cards! I send picture ones.
I love cards – sending and receiving. I sent to many people – both those I see and those I don’t. I do cross off list if I sent too many years in a row with no reply – although not an elderly aunt etc. I HATE electronic cards. Don’t bother.
My days are all sort-of the same (mornings) and very different!
Yes – we do Christmas cards (pictures and letter) every year!!! I used to sort of track stuff but I quit. Now, once someone is on the list they stay on it!!! (I think we did about 150 this year.) We are definitely down on the number we have received this year, too – I think with FB less and less people mail stuff out!!
I send Christmas cards, but my list is getting shorter and shorter. A few years ago, mine were so late that I deemed them new years cards and joked that they were actually really really for next Christmas
I love cards but I know this is less & less with the internet & people with lack of time… for me it is just more the money – every little bit counts right now & we just don’t have it but a send a few but not like I used to. I hope to get back to it when things turn around…
I don’t send cards. Most of the people I would send a card to, I see regularly. Plus those photo cards are so popular and now that it’s just the cat for a kid people would think I’m totally weird. As an FYI: I can’t remember one year in my life I’ve ever sent a card so it’s not a recent thing. Just never have.
I used to send cards, but I haven’t the past few years. A combination of tight money and tighter time. Hopefully next year I’ll get back to it, bc I like keeping touch with people who I may not talk to regularly or see on fb.
I still don’t have a Christmas tree up, forget the damn cards this year (and your bday gift apparently just shipped) *sigh*
I used to send out very elaborate, homemade holiday cards (I was channeling Martha Stewart, but then she went to prison…), but now that my sons are 17, I do nothing. Nada. I feel pretty lame about it, but with all the commuting back and forth between LA and Texas, I just don’t have the energy anymore.
Our days look remarkably similar! 🙂
Interesting post about the holiday cards. Usually I make a call to my friends. About the people who passed away, 3 days ago I went to the meeting of my rugby team …. and we replied too many times “present” for friends that now are playing rugby in heaven.
i FINALLY was able to send a picture card this year (yay for getting an animal). I sent them to friends and family-and feelings are not hurt if I don’t receive them from the same people. My typical day: wake up btw 6-730 depending on if i go to flywheel in the morning. Work from 9-4ish. Workout in afternoon (if not in morning) and either cook, go out with friends, blog, work at night.
my cards took 10 days to get to me!! just mailed them yesterday… yeah, folks might get them on christmas eve. oh well. i’m tired of sending 75+ cards (for the expense of it and then about 10 cards in i’m tired of writing them! lol), this year i “only” ordered 60. if i did the “who sent to us” rule i’d send a lot less – seems people just aren’t sending them anymore. but for a number of folks i don’t mind the ‘tradition’ of sending a card. there are some i feel obligated to send one too – those will probably be cut back in the years to come.
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