I am back (alive!) from our weekend with the in-laws. But how can it be September already? Maybe because August was filled with our Alaska trip and all kinds of back to school scrambling? And let’s not forget my laundry list of health issues, cough rotator cuff cough heart cough, thyroid, cough cough, adrenal fatigue, cough cough.
Still no results on the holter monitor. Should be any day though. We’ll retest thyroid and cortisol this week.
I will not even bother to tally my mileage for August. 1. because I’m sure it’s pathetic. 2. Because I wasn’t a very good tracker, being away and all. 3. Because this is the season of not training for anything and I pretty much don’t care. Don’t worry, this will all change.
So, while I regroup, restock and attend to a seemingly bottomless basket of vacation laundry, I’ll leave you with some pics from our weekend in Galena.
The view from our cottage. Note I said OUR cottage. Read the in-laws stayed elsewhere. Key to staying sane in situations like these. Can you imagine how beauteous this will be during fall colors?
Could not resist getting a shot of this beauty, alas all balloon rides were booked solid all weekend. I did manage a couple of runs (holy hills Batman), a daily 4+-mile walk, a round of golf, some boating, and quality time in a kayak, but I doubt it was enough to offset the eating frenzy that took place. Hello ice cream my old friend.
This week will be about maybe, possibly, FINALLY making a plan and setting some goals for the rest of the year. See, lots of this stuff depends on what is or isn’t up with my heart so I’m not the complete and utter slug I appear to be. Well, maybe sometimes.
Are you good at setting goals? Following through on them?
Boy, you’ve been everywhere!
Hope all goes well with the thyroid – the bane of my existence!
My husband sometimes talks about how great it would be to move away from some family members, but then I remind him that they’d probably visit and end up having to stay WITH us for a period of time. It’s probably easier this way.
Galena, Illinois??
Went there as a kid skiing … memories galore.
Glad you had a great weekend and I hope you get those results in soon and get to a plannin’.
Miss you tons!
I’m all “goaled out” after Ironman. For the rest of the year I will have fun with zero pressure to meet or exceed expectations. I’m already stewing up plans for next year though!!
We keep planning trips to Galena and never making it there, one of these days…
I am good at setting them, not so good at the follow through part! I hope you start getting some answers from the holter monitor soon. Waiting drives me crazy!
Yeah, it seems like it was just August 4 days ago. LOL!
I am not great at setting and sticking with goals:( But the kids go back to school tomorrow and I am going to write some goals down and hope to accomplish them;)
Glad you had a good weekend! Separate cottages is key with inlaws – made all the difference on our last vacation ๐
We were in Galena canoeing this weekend… I wonder if we crossed paths! I have never been brave enough to run the hills there! (I follow the path along the river)
I hope September is the month you figure out all your health stuff!
Meh, goals are overrated ๐ LOL!
Glad you survived the weekend!! I’m with you – we always get our own place when we travel!!!
I hope that you get some answers on all of the health issues soon so that you can get on with the things you really want to be doing!!
So happy you had a nice weekend after all and that you had your own place! I am not a good in-law! I like my space.
You know I am making some plans and setting some goals… I think it is that time of year! And yes, September already. It seems too soon!
Galena looks like a gorgeous spot. And to have your own cottage -I’d say it was peaceful too.
I can HARDLY believe it’s September already too!!!!!! In Los Angeles it looks like it’s May! lol!
I’m very goal oriented. Hope all your health issues come out fine.
I wish my in-laws would find a separate place to stay too….ideally far, far away. ๐ I only visit them too because I know how much it means to my husband, otherwise, I’d be fine going the rest of my life without their sassy judging commentary.
I need a vacation so bad! It can’t believe that the year is almost over. Before we know it, Christmas will be here. It is my favorite time of year! I have been trying to stick to my goals and have been doing good so far. I need a good year! Hope everything is going well with the health stuff. Take Care!
I am a GOAL-GETTER! I am actively trying to attain my goals and I KNOWWWWW I WILL ๐
I’m glad you are alive!! Oh in-laws, so stressful. Beautiful photos, I love fall foliage so I’m sure this will be beautiful!
Sounds like a nice vacation! Hope you get good new on the heat recordings soon so you can get back at it.