At last the doc called with my holter monitor results. I swear an 8pm call from a doctor is never good news is it? Heart rate ranged from 50 to 170 BPM. How’s that for a nice range?
Atrial action was fine. But the ventricular action was a little, for lack of a more technical term, funky. According to the doc, this may be normal for me. But to be safe, it’s back to the laboratory for another stress test. This time a nuclear one where they inject dye (oh yippee) rather than the boring old ultrasound kind.
I’m trying to be all positive and make the best of this. Blame it on cooler weather, but my desire to run was coming back. I was eyeing some October and Thanksgiving races. I was so optimistic I even signed up for a 5k. Tomorrow. Which I’ll still run. Not race. As if I’m in any shape to race anything right now. But I’m running, dammit.
I’d hoped this chapter would be over by now. Enough doctoring already. Nobody wants a heart problem. But it’s better we know if there is one right? Sigh.
Who’s racing? Have you had a stress test?
Hopefully it’s normal for you and nothing serious. Enjoy the race tomorrow!
Good luck. Hopefully everything turns out fine. Enjoy the 5k tomorrow.
Good luck tomorrow. Hope you’re hanging in there!
I had a stress test a few years ago when I was diagnosed with Meniere’s Disease. It was super uncomfortable, but they did tell me that it was the best stress test they’d ever seen…mostly because all of their patients are like 80.
Eicks! I’ve never had a stress test, but my parents have. My dad was in recovery for triple bypass surgery and they took my mom downstairs for a stress test! LOL Hang in there… The cooler morning temps have re-energized my run as well. Love the FALL!
Oh no, praying that the new test goes okay for you!
Ugh, sorry that this is still dragging on with more tests… I hope you get some clear answers soon!
Good luck. Maybe the doc will give you a little special something like bruce banner got??? I dont know if a little extra gamma-rays are harmful……. hahaha
Hoping its just normal for you and there are no problems. Try to enjoy your race this weekend:)
Ugh, sorry. Try not to worry too much until you really know all the results. I know, easier said than done of course. Happy thoughts!
Good luck, Marcia! Keep us posted!
I’m sorry you have to have more testing, but hopefully they will give you a “normal for you” diagnosis! Have a great race!
It IS better to know what is going on. It may be not nearly as bad as you are fearing! But in any case, it is good to know so that you can get treatment or alleviate your fears.
Wishing the best for you, of course!
Aww, I’m sorry you have to have more tests! I’ve never had a stress test before, but I hope you get the answers you need. Good luck at the 5K, have fun running it and enjoy it!
Ugh–sorry to hear this! I hope everything comes back normal and you get the green light to move forward asap!
I suppose it’s better to know. It’s just best not to have to have the tests at all.
I’ve had a stress test and it was fine. The worst part was having to run on the treadmill – and that’s only because I’m not used to it and couldn’t run in a straight line or at a regular tempo.
What a pita, right when you are starting to feel in to running again and want to get out there and not worry about things! I hope they don’t find anything. My mom was having shortness of breath and that was one of the tests she got… came back with nada.
I’ve done a bunch of stress tests of all different flavors. I have the next scheduled for Wednesday. They get old after a while.
During the last one, the cardiologist commented,” Oh, that’s not good.” Then said, never mind, it is the same as 2011, 2010, and 2009 so it doesn’t really matter.
Good luck with the next round.
I hope it turns out to be nothing and you are able to get back to running soon.
I wore a holter monitor for 3 weeks a couple years ago and they found the same thing, but heart rate varied from 50-200+ at times, even when sleeping. It showed occasional PVC’s, which are benign but the tachycardic episodes (high heart rate) were atrial. They were very disruptive to my physical activity! I would have to stop running and convert my rhythm back to normal by coughing or bearing down (valsalva manuver) it was annoying! But apparently not deadly. I went on a beta blocker which helped for awhile, but it became more frequent, happening anytime I was tired, drank even a drop of caffeine, or became overheated. I had a cardiac ablation almost 2 years ago to get rid of the aberrant electrical pathways (they found 3) that was causing my heart rate to jump up. Today, the PVC’s still exist, but they don’t bother me. Recently I am having issues again, I can feel my heart rate go up for no reason, even at rest, but not as high as it used to. I’m supposed to see the cardiologist again to check it out, I’m waiting for my referral to come through now.
Good luck with the stress test, I hope they can pinpoint the problem!
Good luck with this. I have never had a stress test. You will be better informed than the rest of us. Hope you can get some good fall running in.
Well shoot. Gotta be frustrating to still not have answers when the only answer you want to hear is “all clear”. Good luck figuring things out!
It’s better to know even though as a guy, I avoid the doc. A good friend of mine invents the chemicals for the nuclear stress test and told me many times, if you might have heart problems, nuclear stress test is the way to go. You can see things that all other methods miss.
That said, a month before my first half ironman, my doc saw a change on my EKG and ordered an echo cardio gram. My wife asked if I asked the doc if I could race and I said nope, she didn’t ask if I had a race coming up :-).
Sorry that you still need more testing and not really any definite answers yet. Glad that even if you can’t race you are running!!
Shoot! Just be careful. Check out my post tomorrow and the link to Kristen Armstrong’s Mile Markers about paying attention to health. Hope they solve this right away!
I hope you get some answers… I went through the same thing and they never did figure out what was wrong, they said they thought it was my thyroid causing my heart to go out of rhythm. I hope you get answers soon, keep us posted. xo
I am catching up so not sure you have posted about the results of the new test yet.. HUGS & hope it is better news!
boo! but so much better that you know what’s going on (if anything). hope everything comes out declared ‘normal’! hope the race (run) went well today. take it easy!
You made the right thing signing for the 5 km. Think positive and good luck. Long time ago I had a stress test: everything ok.
thanks for this
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