You know this summer has been sparse for me running wise. Sparse running = little to no running fuel usage. My peanut butter and salted caramel GUs have sat forlornly awaiting my return to distance running….or so I thought. Tired of being the last runner on the face of the earth who hasn’t yet tried peanut butter GU, I went to my stash on race (or shall I say rainy wog) morning. It was ‘only’ a 5k but what better chance to throw down a PBGU?
I was traumatized by what I saw. This is not for the faint of heart.Β My stash had been wiped out. Honey Stinger Chews? gone, GU? nada. Chia Surge? MIA.Β This called for some sleuthing. Kids denied it. Plus they’re convinced something terrible will happen if they so much as glance at the stash jar.
That left one Caveman. He came clean immediately upon interrogation. He’d been taking them pre-weightlifting in the morning. What the what? Without notifying me? Since when is running fuel a pre-gym thing?
Here’s my stash in all of its splendor before the violation occurred.
At the risk of sounding all self-absorbed and biatchy, I’ll admit I was perturbed. I’d have been fine, if only he would have TOLD me he was taking them. If he was a runner, I’d expect to share them. But this…
My stash was carefully curated with flavors hand picked (and bought on sale) the way I like it. Anyone can go buy a case of something. Sigh.
Are you territorial about your running stuff? Do you share fuel?
Someone had their hands in the cookie jar! LOL
OMG, not the peanut butter!! Any flavor but that! PB is my ultimate FAV. I will actually pay regular price just to have it…
I do share my gels with hubby but sometimes his my Quest favorites from him π
I’m territorial about ALL my stuff! HA HA HA It’s not that I don’t mind sharing, I just don’t like when stuff goes missing. TELL me about it, yo! π
Ahhhh my bf does this to me all the time. It’s not just running fuel snacks, but also my lunch for the next day, planned dinners, cupcakes I made for the office… I have to make everything in secret otherwise I know it’ll be gone ASAP.
Oh man, I can only imagine your reaction, but I bet it would be the same one I’d have!
Seriously, though, before weight lifting, couldn’t you eat anything? It’s not like you have to worry about GI issues.
Kari exactly!
Oh I understand! If I had no idea it was happening and suddenly found an empty stash, I’d be a bit upset, too. I usually have a dark chocolate bar that’s “mine” in the fridge and I don’t like when it’s missing chunks. π
LOL – I’m only territorial if it’s a particular flavor of something. And if the hubby leaves only the flavors I don’t like. Then we have problems. I’ve started buying in bulk π
I am just surprised he didn’t tell you so you wouldn’t be shocked! What a bummer!
I have so much GU, I share them… but it’s taken me a long time to share dessert with Steven. And I always expect the bigger half π
I’d throat punch my husband if he took my salted caramel gu. He was lucky I let him go when he took MY Nuun to school yesterday. Cherry limeade, too. Ugh. I do not share. Ever.
I AM territorial. I dole it out as I see fit! haahaa
Hahaha….poor Louise. Thankfully, Ryan hates my Chia Surge so I think I’m safe! π
I saw a Salted Caramel GU at the store the other day. Though GU brand gives me stomach issues, I had to buy it anyway (maybe for a shorter race?!?)….I hope it doesn’t disappoint in flavor (like the peanut butter one…but I’m a pb snob anyway).
Oh, and that was me, Thelma, above.
Totally fair game, as far as I’m concerned. First one awake gets first choice. π
HHHAAA I have a little stash of foods that are 100% mine, no sharing!! It’s because I don’t want to wake up and find it empty one day!
Hah! Luckily, Mike and I use different fuel while running so I don’t have to worry too much about him taking any of mine.
And as a side note: as much of a peanut butter lover I am, I just couldn’t do the PB GU.
First, I don’t really have a stash of products. Second, I’m pretty lucky that no one in my family would even have an interest in the products I do use when I’m cycling. I just have to worry about actually keeping my favorite things stocked up so don’t run out right when I’m ready to ride.
Hey Marcia! Totally get it about the “invaded” stash. I have a son who loooooooooooooooves Honey Stinger Waffles so I have to hide them from him if I want them to last up to my weekend run. He’s 17, so he can demolish 6 of them without batting an eye! I keep telling him there are much cheaper waffle cookies out there, but he swears they are the best! sigh.
OH NO!!!!!!!!!!! But as a weight person, we need energy too & I have trouble with food before workouts so… π I had to stick up for the weight lifter but I feel for you! π
I could totally see this scene playing out in my house! It really is the principle of not letting you know, I agree. And if it makes you feel any better, I have yet to try PB GU either–I haven’t had a gel since last spring!
He’s treading on thin ice – taking your stash. I had to read the riot act to my own personal caveman yesterday for filling out numbers in my sudoku. Seriously there are some lines that you just don’t step over.
I have a great deal of GI issues, so am particular about what I injest. However…i will always share. A couple times when i first started running – long runs for my mara training – I got into a bit of trouble and ran out of stuff…..and have had strangers share. So yeh i share. If someone needs something on the run am the first o pull out my on the run stash and say TAKE THIS, you need it. Lucky for me (or unlucky depending on how you see it) I have no one to “share” with at home. so it is ALLL MIIIIINE to do with as i see fit!!
Oh, this post made me laugh!!! I can so see myself reacting the way you did even down to the “what the what?!”
Sorry that your stash was used!!!
You know, I’ve found that I really don’t like “fitness food” for lack of better terminology. I have months worth of Kona Kases and Bulu Boxes that are going to go in the trash because I just don’t like that stuff. However, if someone even flips through my magazine before I read it I may flip a lid.
I share sparingly. It is all in a drawer I doubt my husband ever looks in! At least that’s my hope.
The NERVE!!! I say this is grounds to dive into his goodies post-run for recovery π
Also, FWIW I have my box of honeystinger gels and bars hidden in a shoe box on a very high shelf- hidden away.
The husband would never ever touch my running anything…. or run or exercise for that matter. Damn skinny genes! I have a bunch of extra clif shots and GU (even PB). I am sending some your way! STAT!
I’m territorial about alllll my food! But this reminds me of all the times the Turtle will come home for lunch and eat the leftovers I thought we’d be having for dinner…until I open the fridge at 6pm to reheat them to find them gone and it far too late to thaw anything. Men!
this is so so so me me me—with my lifting stuffs!
Luckily, it’s just myself and my husband, who is not a runner:) But I will say that I am really intrigued by the PB GU!