This is my hometown race. I’ve run it many times. I couldn’t pass up the beauty that is a local race with free parking, good swag, pancakes and lots of friends.
The concern going into this race: My heart, of course. Am I a loon for ‘racing’ before we have a definitive answer as to what’s going on? Not to mention that I’ve never been less ‘trained’ than I am right now. Of course I could run it easy, and that’s the plan. But we all know I can’t be trusted when it comes to a 5k.
This race and I have history: I’ve won my AG every time I’ve run it. I’ve been on the overall podium. It’s the scene of my 5k PR. I need to let the past go, get over myself, run easy and just have fun. Or not do it at all.
As per usual, the morning was hot and humid. I lined up further back than usual. All the better to stay out of the way…and not be tempted to do something stupid. The start was a weaving, bobbing cluster, saving me from myself and my undying need to barrel off the starting line.
30 seconds into the race it started pouring. Torrential curtains of rain. We turned the corner and I ran along the edge of the road, trying to cower under the trees. I unclipped my Fitbit to keep it from drowning and I heard a woman telling her son “this is what a rainforest feels like.”
Damn the endless rolling hills. Hard when I have marathon training under my belt. Torturous now, after a summer spent wogging.
A husky guy and I trade off the lead. After the halfway point turnaround, I decide I’d walk up the hills, husky passes me, then I pass him on the way down. In the last mile, the rain tapers. Thank heavens I wore my iFitness Belt to stow my car keys, or they’d be toast.
The final quarter mile or so is straightaway, where the spectators are. I fight the urge to pick it up and blaze (I use that term loosely) in. I spot the Caveman and kids (surprise! surprise!) and try my best not to look pathetic as husky punks me at the finish. I don’t care. Ok you know I do.
Since this race is in my hood, I know at least a billion people. Or a hundred. Ok 30. There’s an awesome pancake breakfast after (precisely why my kids showed up) and it’s great fun to catch up with everyone.
Never in my wildest did I ever think my wog in the rain would net me AG3. Further scrutiny of the finishing stats showed I missed AG2 by 1. Freaking. Second. But I’m not supposed to care.
Who would’ve thought one day I’d be celebrating the fact that I didn’t collapse? I’m glad I ran. It was fun. But I hope to be back there running stronger next year. I hope husky is there too.
Do you love local races like I do? Did you race this weekend?
I love local races but I do love to get to see new places too so sometimes traveling a little bit can be fun. My 12 year old and I headed out to DeKalb on Saturday to run the Mutt Strut – 5k-9 run for Tails animal shelter. She and I both won our age groups so we were both very excited and fortunately those rain showers you mentioned soaked our running path about a half hour before we were to start our race. It turned out to be a beautiful morning supporting a great cause.
Oh man, what a fun race! 1 second! That is crazy! But congrats on that AG3!
And the best news of all – your heart didn’t fail with the exertion of it all. Congratulations on the AG place. That’s pretty awesome.
Woo-woo! Look at you, hottie! Great job! Love those local races!
Way to go on that restraint! I don’t know if I could have done that. AG 3 is pretty awesome too!
I love small local races since that my chances of placing are better hehe!! Congratulations on a great race and placing in AG!
Why Louise, you are a 5k rockstar; I am so proud to be your better half!
“Local” races here bring out elite runners…damn Colorado.
They give trophies for age groups? Wow! You did great. And damn that one second. Just think if you could have gone all out. Congrats.
Im not a big racer BUT since the husband is NOT really into fitness I think id prefer a DESTINATION race ๐
That’s awesome – congrats!
Congrats on your race! 5ks are tough!
Awesome job playing it safe and getting an AG!!
Some of our local races our great, but for the most part they are all in the most horrible months of summer and make me hate my life.
thanks for this
I find an interesting program that can help you reduce your weight
Woohoo – awesome job!!!
Way to go! I say it’s a win all around. I do love local races (we have about 1,000) but I also live in a community with a ridiculous number of fast people, so I am just a number out there!
local races are my favorite. i prefer them over the large ones.
Love your running out fit pink is one of my fav colors. Great job on your race!
Congrats on a great race! One second. ugh!
Great job!!! Didn’t you just want to make an announcement to everyone and tell them that you haven’t been able to run much?! Next year Husky better watch out – all he will see is your dust!
Wow- awesome job on 3rd ag! I’m laughing at Kim’s comment… so true, next year Husky won’t have a chance. ๐
Congrats and I am praying you get good heart news asap so you can stop worrying about it. Husky is toast next year! ๐
I’m glad you had a great time, took care of yourself AND got an AG placing! Yay! I’m glad you love this race so much!
Congrats on the restraint. I have a difficult time with that too. In races and in training! ๐
Congrats! 3rd in AG is awesome! I understand being frustrated of being one second off 2nd place though! I have a local 5K that I usually get first in AG in, but this year, someone else took it and I was bummed.
How fun that you know so many people doing the race!
Outstanding and CONGRATS!
I raced to the fridge on Saturday — does that count?
YOU ROCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!! So happy for you!!!!
Oh my gosh – those race conditions sound horrific! There is no worse feeling than to have to race in rain AND hills AND heat AND humidity. WAY TO PUSH THROUGH and HUGE CONGRATULATIONS on AG3!!! You totally deserve it!!!!!
I’m glad you “took it easy”. Mmmhhhmmm. Let the one second go.Okay, try. I hope you get some answers soon about your heart.