1. I got up at 2:50 am and never really went back to sleep. The room was too hot, the dogs started bugging me at 3 and again a 4. I got up at 4:30. I still haven’t run. I’m leaning toward saving it for tomorrow when it’s supposed to be way cooler.
2. You know those Asian nail salons where the technicians shout in foreign tongues and you wonder WTH they’re talking about? I read an article written by a Vietnamese journalist where she outed them. They’re gossiping. About us. But we already knew that, right? I can just imagine what they say about my hideous, black toenails. Actually they’re petite flowers right now, cuz I haven’t marathoned since last year. Haven’t been in one of those nail salons in eons either.
3. While most people snag a t-shirt or coffee mug on vacation, look at the spoon I found laying on the floor near baggage claim at Sea-Tac airport on our way to Alaska. The kids (and everyone else for that matter) were totally grossed out when I picked it up. I call it my royal spoon. I think of Alaska every time I eat yogurt with it. See? I told you I was tired.
4. Yes, four things, I’m getting punchy. Thing 2 has been begging for 2 years now to go to the Flying Pig Marathon. It conflicts with Wisconsin, which I’ve done the past two years. It’ll conflict again. So do I:
- Do FP next May?
- Blow off FP and do Wisconsin a third time?
- Do Wisconsin on Saturday then high tail it to Cincinnati for FP on Sunday?
I’m leaning toward option 3. Or if I do option 1, I’d do the 3-way (5k/10k/half) and the kids would do the kids’ races.
Are you planning 2014 races?
Hate insomnia! I am convinced (from the formal polls I’ve done, of course) that it is the course of middle-aged women everywhere. Hope you get to catch up soon.
Wow–option 3 is pretty badass–go for it!
I’m kinda biased because I’ve done the Pig a few times. It really is worth it. The swag is awesome and bring a shopping bag to the expo because you’re gonna leave with lots of free goodies!
Insomnia sucks! However, I’m actually thinking about cutting back on my meds (dr prescribed) because I sleep too much and can’t get anything done. Insomnia works out pretty okay for a blogger who works full time.
Take the antsy dogs for a walk instead of running. Maybe they’ll sleep in tomorrow. 🙂
I’ve got no advice on which marathon to do. I usually give in to my kids. I’m a sucker for a lityle whining.
Insomnia sucks! However, I’m actually thinking about cutting back on my meds (dr prescribed) because I sleep too much and can’t get anything done. Insomnia works out pretty okay for a blogger who works full time.
Take the antsy dogs for a walk instead of running. Maybe they’ll sleep in tomorrow. 🙂
I’ve got no advice on which marathon to do. I usually give in to my kids. I’m a sucker for a little whining.
Haven’t you seen that episode of Seinfeld? Of course they are gossiping about us :).
I have to say, it is weird that you picked up the spoon.
Ugh fighting insomnia here too – it is the worst! I’m horrible without sleep!
I think it’s amazing you’re even considering option #3! Can’t wait to hear what you decide.
We should start a little chat group for all of us who are awake at crazy hours while the rest of the world sleeps!!!
At the Asian salons I always figured they were talking about the customers – it’s when they laugh (a lot) that I always get a tiny bit paranoid!
Have never gone to one of those salons.. I am so afraid of unhygenic tools and getting infections. Love your new spoon.
No advice from me! But I will cheer for you, whatever you decide.
Well, you know I am pro Option #3 even if I can’t join you guys. Registration opened today for WI! Crazy!
The spoon is cracking me the eff up!
I don’t know what you should do but you are hilarious!!!!
Back to back – all the way!
If I ever go to one of those nail salons I’ll be sure to take Josh’s girlfriend along with me. She’s fluent in a couple of Asian languages so I’d have my own spy.
And my vote – do the Flying Pig. No reason for my vote except that I’m partial to pigs.
I hate insomnia, too. Last weekend I was a mess, too!
Not to be discouraging,but Pig is SO hard. Not meant for back to back!! I did it 3 weeks after Boston in 07 and it was a very big challenge. I cried at mile 26 when someone shouted a mile to go. Not pretty. Great swag though! Do pig! Get variety!
Do the Flying Pig!! Stay with me!!
Oh yes, 2014 race calendar planning is already underway! Ironman Louisville!! We will register in November, it’s already open but it won’t close for awhile.
I say do Flying Pig!
And I thought I was bad when I was 4am-emailing coworkers cat videos when I couldn’t sleep last night. The Flying Pig is really really hilly…so if you want to be climbing mountains, come on down to Ohio!