If you’ve hung with me around here you may remember when I ran the Chicago Marathon on the Lupus Charity team in honor of my neighbor Alex, who was a teen at that time. Since then I am happy to say, she’s been managing her Lupus and just left a few weeks ago to study at NYU. On that note, please welcome guest poster, Meghan, here to tell you about the upcoming Run/Walk to End Lupus 5k:
First, I want to thank Marcia for letting me guest post! I come from a family of runners, but I’m the first to admit that running isn’t my strongest suit. I was first diagnosed with lupus 8 years ago, and swollen joints have kept me from being a marathoner. I’m exceptionally good at power walking, but that doesn’t usually translate well into 5K. After my last hour and 10 minute 5K, I noticed that my family and friends had started waiting for me at the closest bars rather than the finish lines. (I can only support their decision.) With this in mind, it’s surprising to most people that I’m on the committee for planning a run. However, I’ve compiled a list explaining why you want a person who’s slow planning your race route:
- We’re going to be on that track for a long time, so we’re going to make sure it’s a pretty route. We have more time to look at things.
- If we’re running/ walking in a race, you will never ever be the slowest person. Even if you’re on crutches.
- If you get upset by slow people, we’ve made it easy! To ensure we don’t get run over, we’re not even starting to walk until an hour after you start. This means you’ll be done by the time we start walking, and you’ll have eaten and gotten home with time to spare by the time we’ve finished.
- If you have kids that don’t typically get to participate with you, this is a perfect starting place for them.
- Because the run is only part of the day for us, we’ve got all kinds of activities to ensure everyone is entertained, including Zumba, a DJ and a kids’ tent.
- There is food!
- I will be impressed with whatever your run time is. Seriously, your worst mile will seem super-fast to me.
- Forget expensive races- this one’s only $25! At the movie theater, you can’t even get a ticket, popcorn, and Diet Coke for that price! (If you can, please let me know where your movie theatre is.)
Thank you for sharing!!!!
I agree, I am seriously impressed with runners who consider themselves slow. I’m slow,not them!
I’m glad that you have a handle on your Lupus. My SIL has Lupus but she’s not been able to remain active and I’m concerned that the disease is putting a toll on her mentally. What a great cause for an event!
GREAT POINT about the money, too….
I love her list! I have a good friend who has Lupus, so I am very aware of how challenging it is to life with it. I think Meghan is a complete stud!
Thank you, Marcia! Everyone on the Walk committee really appreciates the shout out. 🙂