My garden is a mess. The weeds and crab grass have been ruthless. The peas, beans and peppers have gone entirely to the deer/raccoons. I got a late start. I was not out there enough weeding/spraying deer repellent. I’d be on the threshold of surrendering…
…if it weren’t for this beauty. A huge, magical, king of all pumpkins, and it’s starting to orange up. I’m so proud.
Adult at age 12? The moment Thing 1 turned 12, Lifetime Fitness was all over my shizz when I tried to take the kiddos swimming. They hunted me down and, clad in my mom-kini, I was shuttled into the Manager’s Office where I was told it would be an additional $68 for her now, but she’d have ‘full use’ of the facility.
Me:”$68 more for the year?” No sweat right?
Manager: “No $68 more per month.” Ok now I’m sweating.
Me: “But she only uses the pool for 3 months at most.”
Manager: “You can suspend her membership after pool season. Just give us 30 days notice.”
So begrudgingly, and since it was a 100 degrees and we were all desperate to swim, I paid. Since then I discovered that 12-year old ‘adults’ still need to be accompanied by a parent when using the hot tubs and many other features of the club. The other day I went in the prescribed 30 days early to suspend her ‘adult’ membership. Lo and behold there was a $15 ‘administrative fee’ to do so. Grrrr.
New workout buddy. The Caveman has been accompanying me on my thrice weekly crack of dawn walk/runs lately. I know darn well it’s in case I go into cardiac arrest and drop like roadkill. But it’s also turning out to be a nice, quiet time for us. Think he’ll stop doing this if my heart test comes back clean?
My giveaway ends tonight! Are you in?
That is ridiculous that you have to pay adult fees but the “adult” needs to be accompanied for some things. Crazy! And a fee to cancel. So much about that would make me mad. I guess I won’t complain about my fees.
I bought a state park pass this year – just for me- for 25 dollars. I am now in the all additional visits are free. I love it. When you turn 65 you pay $2.00 for a lifetime pass. I think national parks are similar. Some good things about getting old!
Holy cow, that is crazy expensive and since when are 12 year olds adults?
Maybe your husband will get in the habit of going with you and will keep coming even after your clean bill of health!
Stuff like that would make me think about a new gym.
Maybe fudge a bit on the heart test results? 🙂
Everyone needs quality time with their spouse
That pool thing is a total robbery. Total. Glad your Caveman is running with you, even if it is out of fear. Hope he will keep it up, albeit occasionally, after you get a clean bill of health. Notice I said AFTER, not IF!
Love the pumpkin.
Imagine that — they conveniently left out hidden fees — what a rip!
PS: My garden was a MESS, too! I got a late start & have felt rushed ever since. My cucumber looks like a disaster, but at least I’ve groomed it now. Can I have a do-over?! haha:)
That’s a nice pumpkin! I planted about 12 different things and so far the only ones that have grown are squash, zucchini, beans and tomatoes. They seem to pretty much take care of themselves.
I’m totally irritated on your behalf by the pool thing. And I can’t wait to see the pumpkin when it’s ripe!
Aww, that’s sweet that he’s going with you, regardless of reason! I’m so frustrated with gym fees! When I tried to work something out with LA Fitness when my membership was up (even though I only went in the summer if the base gym was too hot), it was a ridiculous fee just for that. And they’re so rude when they talk to you! So condescending! There needs to be a total reworking of the gym business!
I would be beyond pissed about the extra $68 and then the fact that she doesn’t get treated like an adult – why pay adult price – sounds like a total scam!!! And, the $15 fee no way!!!
Glad that you have a new workout partner (even if it is just temporary)!! Maybe he will love it so much that he will continue after you get your results (which I hope are all clear!!).
I smell a pumpkin pie soon
Happy birthday to Thing 1
How ridiculous! I can’t wait to see your pumpkin when it’s orange.