Let’s talk souvies: You know, the stuff we drag home from vacation…and since we’re mostly runners here, let’s include the stuff we get at race expos as well.ย I posed this question on the MHS Facebook page and most of the responses included an apparel item of some sort.
Me? I did snag 2 shirts on vacation (1 in Seattle, 1 in Skagway) but only because I realized I didn’t pack enough. Ha! What I’m almost always in search of on vacay and at race expos alike, is something fragile and treacherous to bring home. Yes the coveted mug or pint glass.
I’m on a destination Starbucks mug and race pint glass kick. I can’t get enough of them. If Jay Leno can collect cars I can collect glassware, right? At least my collection is small…for now.
Don’t be fooled, there are more in the dishwasher. Will these be the ‘heirlooms’ passed down to my future grandkids?
Is it weird I’m super pumped to have this mug from the Original Starbucks? Ok yes, but trust me it’s cool.
What’s your favorite race or vacation souvenir? Do you collect anything?
My husband always wants to get a shirt. I don’t really collect anything b/c I know it’s just going to be overflowing out of drawers or cabinets.
A friend of mine was in to collecting those SB mugs and has quite a collection from around the globe! I think they are neat ๐
I collect the Star Wars Hallmark ornaments. I try not to collect too much. I have weird feelings about having too much “stuff,” although you would think I am fine with it if you saw my house ๐
My favorite souvenirs have been things I forgot to pack but picked up out of necessity while traveling. I have a pair of shoes, hiking capris, and a running hat that continue to be some of my favorite things that have a special memory!
I’m not really a collector but I do love my race medals:)
The trail races around here are big into giving out glasses. They make me nervous because I can just see my kids smashing them onto the ground, unlike those sturdy medals! And it’s almost impossible for them to rip up a tech shirt. So I guess I’m looking for sturdy indestructibleness in my collectibles.
I seem to have started a pint glass collection myself. I started with out brewery tours – makes sense. But now I have been winning them at races (that being 60 thing) and the collection is really growing. I have a DC Starbucks coffee mug and will need to get one in Oregon. One of my favorite traveling mugs is from the original Starbucks in Seattle. Do we have room for all of these? Of course not. I also collect buttons/pins from vacations (cheap) and bookmarks – small, cheap, useful. I have more collections. It’s a bit ridiculous. My race medals may be my favorite.
I like what you are collecting–something useful that puts a smile on your face every time you use it. I am really not a collector of anything..pretty weak!
I’ve been trying to remember to get a magnet from race expos, but have been failing miserably. My roommate also collects the destination Starbucks mugs! I was in Seattle in June for a race and picked one up for her from the original Starbucks, but she feels like a fraud since she’s never been haha
In general, I don’t buy souvenirs. However, when we went to NC two years ago, I made Mike get this awesome beach fedora, so that kind of counts.
I am not much of a souvenir collector but I do collect magazines. Perhaps as I do more running I’ll collect more. I think the Starbucks mug is pretty cool.
That Seattle Starbucks mug is gorgeous! Love it. And of course I am glad to see you got one in Victoria as well.
I’m glad I’m not the only “collector”…my favorite travel souvenirs are Christmas ornaments. I have so many now, and it really brings back good memories, every year, unpacking them and putting them on the tree.
I’ve got a pig collection. I fell in love with pigs when I was doing my degree. They’re such engaging, comical individuals. And I started collecting figurines. I’ve got them from every country I’ve visited (which admittedly, isn’t that many). They collect dust but I love them.
Well, I am not collecting anything at the moment except too much crap in my house – I need to declutter! ๐
I like to find a cookbook from the city we are in – sometimes I’m successful and sometimes I have to get creative!!!
And, we collect the Starbucks city mugs, too but sadly haven’t added any in awhile.
I love race coffee mugs – especially as prizes. We won pint glasses and received shot glasses from North Country and wine glasses and I won a decanter from Michigan Wine Trail – SO COOL!
I love swag. I have learned alot of trail running and mtb races give glasses as finisher gear
i try not to collect either but i always seem to have some piles forming anyway. souvenir wise i go for a magnet or christmas ornament, but it’s getting to the point where i do NOT need another magnet lol. i might also try to find something “unique” for the house – ie: got a map of the bahamas while we were there to frame on the wall (however when we got home i managed to lose the map…)
I am ALL about swag. My favorite swag would be any kind of food product sample, LOL. I used to collect postcards but they got too voluminous plus I never look at them or use them, so I stopped. Those mugs are fab – especially the ones from Canada!
i always get a christmas ornament. That way it doesn’t take up space all year long and it reminds of the trip/vacation as I decorate the tree.