Yikes August is slipping away and I haven’t done this month’s installment of loving/not loving.
Loving: I finally got my holter monitor experience over with. It was a PIA walking around (and running) with all those wires sticking to me but it’s over.
Not loving: I won’t get any results for an entire week. Geez.
Loving: Hot, humid summer weather is finally here. Better late than never right?
Not loving: Since the kids are in school, they’re not here to enjoy it. Plus 7th grade cross country and 97 degrees don’t really mix.
Loving: I finally made a dent in our garden bounty with some gazpacho.
Not loving: At the last moment I effed it up with too much tabasco.
Loving: Having the kids back in school. The last straw was when they got into my Kit Kat stash*.
Not Loving: Just 6 days into the school year Thing 2 is already dragging so much she almost missed the bus this morning. The year is far too young for those kind of shenanigans.
What are you loving/not so much right now?
Definitely loving back to school (well, preschool) time!
Not loving that in a year, it’ll be Kindergarten time :*( They grow up too quick!
I’m loving that the kids are back in school because my house is somewhat clean again but the boys have football 4 days a week. Each! Yeah, no bueno. Thank goodness heavy training is over.
Not loving that I’ve been forgetting to ask you about the monitor thing. I hope all turns out well! I’ll keep an eye on your posts.
Not loving the hot weather (it’s humid here for us, but I won’t bait you, knowing it ain’t nothing compared to what you’ve got).
Loving my Chicago training, but afraid of screwing it up by catching a cold now that the kids are back in the petri dish, I mean school. :^)
A Kit-Kat stash sounds like a pretty fantastic thing!
I’m loving the weather here lately: 70 and sunny. This NEVER happens and is considered really hot, but it is great for easy runs 🙂
With a whole lot of not loving in my life, i will say I been reading alot, not endurance books either, real books that normal people would read and I really been enjoying that alot. Who knew….
Uggh the hot, humid weather has returned here too and I’m so not loving it – I’m ready for fall!
Hope you get some answers on the monitoring soon!
When people post stuff about their fresh veggies it really makes me wish I had a garden. Then I remember I’d have to tend it and I’m less jealous.
Not loving how the weather has gone from nice and sunny to cloudy and rainy. Tends to happen out here every year around this time.
Loving how I’m getting a lot of vegetables (mostly beans and swiss chard) from my garden!
Loving that I had a good first day. Not loving that they won’t all be like it.
A week for the results. It seems like forever when you are waiting for something like that.
I need get the school thing. I’m already having to beat down Lucas’ s door in the morning. Ugh!
Kit Kats are about the only candy bar I like. Yum!
Hope you get answers from the monitor!!!!
That stash – wow!!! 😉
How did those girls of yours find your stash? You really need to find a better hiding place. I find that a zip-lock bag in the toilet cistern works well.
What we have to resort to to keep our chocolate safe!
So awesome that you made gazpacho using ingredients from your own garden! I so wish I had a backyard so I could grow my own food!!!
And yay for Kit Kats! They are among my favorite types of chocolate. =D
I’m with you – not loving the extreme heat while the middle schoolers run from 3-4:15 every day!!
Loving – the fact that we have a long weekend and no big plans!!!
Not loving — they have let school out for the entire week at noon; due to the heat.
Loving — the self-imposed pressure has been removed.
Good to hear that your test is over.
Darn kids getting into your chocolate! Haha.
I find an interesting program on how to prepare food delecious dish