I’ll be the first to admit I am no tech whiz. You probably knew that already. My first ‘exposure’ to technology (aka cell phones, email, etc.) was when we lived overseas.
Cell phones were way more prevalent in Europe in the late 1990’s than they were in the US at that time. It was then I started using email to communicate with my family back home. Those were the pre-Skype years.
Fast forward to today. I’ve been blogging (gasp!) for 4+ years now. I started because I was a runner/writer, wanting to chronical my quest for a BQ, not a tech-whiz. But somehow, WordPress, Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram and Google+ have become like children to me.
Who would’ve thunk a technophobic curmudgeon could be app happy?
I plan meals and cook with Big Oven and workout with SworkIt and Runkeeper, all the while streaming tunes from Pandora. I keep organized (or try to) with Evernote. Who am I?
My Samsung Galaxy Tab2 has become an integral part of my day. I use it to video my skaters in training. There’s much to be said for seeing what you’re doing vs having someone tell you about it. So. Much.
It traveled to Alaska with me. Many of the pics you’ve seen on Instagram and on this blog were taken with it.
Without a doubt, the best part of communications technology is the way it brings family and friends together. I was able to send friends and relatives pictures and video of our Alaska trip with the press of a button; use Facetime this summer when Thing 2 was away with Girl Scouts. And let’s not forget about the texting, Facebooking, Tweeting, emailing frenzy that occurs during a destination race weekend. I’m talking about you, Leadville!
I wasn’t the only one traveling with technology. Please note (whispering, with glee): I was across the aisle (aka not in the line of fire of elbows, projectile juice, bickering, etc.) on our trip to Seattle. My life is charmed. At least for 4 hours it was.
I digress. A typical day goes like this:
- Wake: Fitbit goes from sleep to active mode.
- Coffee: Check twitter, email
- Workout: Using any number of fun apps.
- Make school lunches
- Attend to the blog once the kiddos are school bound.
- Errands/appointments: Evernote and Amazon price check are instrumental here. I think graph paper in pad form is rarer than the yeti, just saying.
- Stalk, I mean scope, kids’ homework progress, teacher/school notes online.
- Hit the rink, Galaxy Tab2 in tow, for coaching session.
- Mom taxi duties/after school activities
- Dinner prep
- Dinner/family time
- Finally it’s bedtime and the Fitbit (and I) return to sleep mode.
How does technology fit into your day? Favorite apps?
My husband and I started to collaborate on our weekly shopping list (and other to-do) list using Astrid, which just recently shut down. I was amazed at how much we’d become dependent on that bit of technology. We’re trying Tick Tick as a replacement…juries still out on that
I don’t know what I would do without my cell phone/apps/etc. Makes like much more interesting;)
Cannot conceive of how I would function without my cell phone and iPad! Still looking for a good meal planning app!
How doesn’t it fit into my days! I can’t do much without my tablet or my phone. It’s just so convenient to have everything there right at my fingertips. Love the skate pic! I would have used my phone for the trip pics bit I like the tablet for pics at home.
I bought a book how to use my iPhone about 9 months ago…I’ve never opened it. I’m certain I get on the internet the most inadequate way. It’s the only “tech” device I own. You know me!
It’s a love/hate with technology isn’t it? My have app to date …ChallengeLoop
Seems like I’m constantly on my iPad or smart phone between Instagram, twitter, blogging, surfing, email, net flix and pandora. With that comes lots of charging. I have a charger in two offices, my car, next to my TV and one in my back pack. I think I have as many chargers as reading glasses :-).
Hmm.. Your day sounds a lot like mine!! 🙂 +/- a few little things. I could really use a tablet!
I’m still not a cell phone person, so I don’t understand any of the apps you’re talking about. I do have to say I think I saw your twin on an airplane today though, Chicago to San Francisco.
Karen that’s funny! Too bad it wasnt me, I’d love to meet you. A dead wringer for my MIL was on our cruise. Kind of disconcerting. I still cant comment on your blog but Im reading!
I couldn’t agree more, apps make life so streamlined!
My favourites are Runkeeper and Twitter at the moment, although back in my calorie counting days My Fitness Pal was a winner too!
To bad there isn’t a way to have some app that makes the school lunches!! And dinner prep!!!
I’m the same way – after a couple days of minimal internet this week thanks to lame service in the hotel – I’m more thankful than ever for my smart phone(s).
I love a lot of those apps. I use Urbanspoon a lot and my stock watching app.
I’m no techno-genius but I’m happy to say I’m addicted. I go nowhere without my phone/camera/video recorder so then I’ve always got access to social media. I have a computer on my work desk which is on all day while I’m cutting out and another upstairs for when I’m not downstairs.
Another Samsung tablet user here – Galaxy Note 10.1 in my case. Since I’m often on the road I bought it to replace my laptop, which it does 90% of the time. I use the official WordPress app a lot, works well for keeping my blogs up to date.