“Disclosure: I am participating in the Verizon Health and Fitness Voices program and have been provided with a wireless device and six months of service in exchange for my honest opinions about the product.”
My excitement and anticipation peaked as the day arrived for the latest device from the Verizon Voices Program to be delivered. I made sure to stay close to Casa del Marcia on Monday, so as not to miss its delivery. I may have paced in the driveway a little. There may have been some false alarms followed by the evil eye when one of the kiddos shouted “I hear a truck!”
Finally it arrived! I fought to maintain my composure while I signed for it. A large, flat box….good sign…
I carefully did my best happy dance while the kids looked on with revulsion.
Finally I took the parcel inside and opened it while the vultures circled.
A Samsung Galaxy Tab 2! Yep, I already bought it a cheetah case. I have a thing for speed and this bad girl has already earned her spots.
I’m loading up my favorite apps and am prepping this puppy to travel to Alaska with me. I’ve never blogged remotely before so this should be interesting.
Many of you have asked how I became a Verizon Voices Ambassador. Honestly I had no knowledge of the program. I never would’ve applied on my own as I consider myself a complete techno dunce who fumbles along in this social media thing. An email showed up one day inviting me. I’m a true believer in the universe giving you exactly what you need so I leapt out of my comfort zone and accepted. The rest is history.
Stay tuned for my trials and tribulations as I get better acquainted with my newest addition.
Any tips (none are too simple) for remote blogging?
That is so cool…lucky you! No advice to offer, but I’m sure you’ll be a pro before you know it 🙂
Awesome! Although I’ve never done remote blogging so I’m no help there!
Very cool!
New techno toys are so much fun. I hope you and your tablet have many enjoyable and creative hours together.
Waiting to hear how things went re your Facebook post.
That’s awesome! I love the case, too!
one word!!!! —> JEALOUS!!
Love the Cheetah case. If you use wordpress the app on the Tab 2 coupled with the fact that it has the 4GLTE is going to make blogging remotely so easy and fun! If you use blogger the app for that is not as great but still doable. Have fun on your trip!