Phew! The first weekend of summer is in the history books. It was a jam packed one here with the in-laws’ 50th anniversary party, the return of Thing 1 from Colorado and the first party for Things 1 and 2 birthday. Somewhere in there I wedged the Chicago Women’s Half Marathon.
As anyone who is a Facebook friend can attest, I seriously considered bagging this one, especially when the heat advisories were issued. Heat and I are not friends.
With ongoing shoulder crapola and a hip (the other one this time) that’s ornery (haven’t even mentioned that one because, really how much whining can I do?) my training has been embarrassingly spotty. I’ve thought long and hard recently about my running future and know that if I plan to go forward, I need to pull back, heal the shoulder once and for all, rest up and reset, ultimately to go after NYCM next year.
My plan is to focus on strength. There’d still be running of course, but not long distance.
The Chi Women’s Half was the final longer race of the season, which was quickly deteriorating….or at least my body seemed to be.
Similar to when I ran the North Shore Half a few weeks ago, the days preceding were hectic. Between the anniversary party and retrieving Thing 1 from the airport, I was up well past midnight on race eve. Caveman was pretty sure I’d gone mad when I got up at 3:30 to head downtown. He may have been right.
Not sure why I was no intent on at least trying to run this. All of my training runs had been short run/walk affairs. And why oh why would I willingly put myself out in that blistering heat?
I think I wanted closure. If this was my last shot at a half for awhile, I was going to take it. I wanted to finish what I started (or DNF if it truly sucked that badly). Plus I’d always wanted to do this race. It used to be the Fleet Feet Women’s 5k/10k, which was my first 10k ever. I’d come down every year. Thing 1 even did the kids’ race. It had a great, supportive vibe and was extremely well organized.
Fast forward to this year. I pulled in the Millennium Park garage at 5:30, found Erica at gear check (bless her heart she picked up my pkt. and saved me a trek into the city) and missed the other blogger meetup due to potty obligations too urgent to be ignored.
It was sultry, humid, but still mercifully overcast. We were off and right on schedule, my music shut down after the very first song–theme from Monday night football (Caveman put it there years ago and it still cracks me up so it stays). We went under that, whatever it is, that most Chicago races go under that completely effs up all Garmins. It was hot as hell and reeked of bad food. We turned right, still in the hot under belly and headed out to the lakefront path. It was here I stopped to fix my tunes. My shoulder was already hurting and I seriously considered pulling off at 5k and going home. I tried right? Hip was totally painfree though. I kept on. Maybe I had a quarter marathon in me. I took lots of walk intervals and stopped for pictures, trying to enjoy myself as I took a break from shoulder agony.
At the quarter marathon point there was no good place to loop back so I slogged on. The sun was out now and it was sweltering hot. I tried to make a plan: run in the sun? Walk in the shade? Or vice versa. Then I got irritated. With myself, my body, the heat, everything. I decided to HTFU and just friggin run already. So I did. And it was hard. But my stubborn streak prevailed. I am stronger than heat and nagging shoulder pain. Ok maybe not, but that’s what I told myself. I focused instead on the gorgeous skyline and inspiring bunch of women out here. From all walks of life. Some smokin’ fast, some not. Who cares? But we’re all out here doing something we love, or are trying to love anyway.
The final mile markers took. For. Ever. to come up. I was nauseous and so, so done at that point. I finished and enjoyed the best popsicle ever in the finish party area, compliments of Brooks running.
Overall: It’s a very well done race. Aid stations are good, volunteers were oh so helpful and encouraging in the heat. Course is pretty and not overcrowded. Swag is brilliant. Love the sweaty band and the medal is gorgeous. Shirt is a nice Brooks tech tee, although I wish it was a tank as I wear them a ton more often. I blew it on parking by opting for the recommended Millennium Park garage which was $26. I know better and I know of cheaper places. Not sure WTH I was thinking. I got lucky this time with packet pickup but still wish in the future there was an option to pickup packets the weekend before or a suburban location because getting into the city during the week is a total PIA.
Good job! It sounds like it was a tough one. But beautiful! It would drive me nuts to have my Garmin screwed up right away. And $26 for parking sounds horrendous. You can tell I’m a country girl. Hope that shoulder heals so you can do what you love!
Great job toughing it out! I faced heat this weekend too on my 10K and am already counting the days till fall 😉
Good for you! I’m glad you got through the conditions ok…not fun at all, I’m sure!
I’m sorry you are looking at a layoff. But it sounds like a wise move. BTW, may I recommend MAF training during this time? I really am swearing by it, even though it’s humbling and patience trying.
That race must have been put on my Athleta? 🙂
Ah, Louise, it sucks. It makes me sad to read how much pain and misery you were in….but you did it. Believe me when I tell you this – your perseverance in this race is going to help me a TON on Pb day. You have such strong grit and determination, I am super proud of you.
Get those niggles fixed – you got a big race coming up next year and I need happy Louise shining through.
See you soon (gulp)!
Summer races are SO tough- and especially when thrown in the middle of a busy weekend. I am so impressed that you got out there and went!
I feel like this year has been a weird tease. We haven’t had any really bad hot/humid weather yet, but then this weekend BAM! And it basically murdered me on my run. I hate summer racing!
It was all family stuff for me this weekend. Since it’s all family stuff for me most of the week long, too, I was over it by Sunday (husband took off Friday, so it was 3 straight days of family fun) and really wanting to run or ride my bike. Instead we went to the zoo.
Nice job pushing through that heat! I’ve just in the past week gotten those reminders of how much summer running ducks the life out of me.
Good for you! I ran 6 sweaty hot miles yesterday…don’t know if I could have done 13.1 in that humidity!!
You’re not going to do a fall half? I’m signed up for Fox Valley.
Congrats on the finish. The conditions were not ideal!
I love your city, but I love running in your city even more! Sounds like it was another great race! Congratulations! I ran Ragnar Wasatch Back this weekend with 5 incredible ladies.. wow! what an epic experience that was!
Way to go Marcia!
Congrats on making it through! I feel bad that your shoulder bugged you so much!
Wish we could have met! Ha! Two races in a row I’ve missed you 😉
I thought this race was very well done. Would definitely do it again!
Thanks for stopping by my blog and commenting earlier! As you saw, my weekend consisted of a 62 mile bike ride on Saturday. Sadly, the front of my knee started hurting yesterday and I’ve been feeling a slightly sharp pain around my knee cap. It seems to be better if I keep moving. It’s when I sit for extended periods that it really starts hurting.
I can’t imagine running a half. Ok…I can’t imagine running a 1K. I screwed up my knees in junior high track and have not been able to run since. That’s why I cycle. The humidity Saturday morning was miserable, making it very hard to breathe here in Ohio.
Great job on the run! The medal is cool, and I agree I wish they would give away tanks instead of t shirts all the time, I prefer to run in tanks.
HOLY CRAP! You & all the others amaze me!!! Enjoy that medal & now TIME TO REST THAT BOD! 🙂
Great job despite injuries and heat! Sounds like a tough run! But that is a gorgeous medal.
Its sad I know of other places to park too ut yet a lot of times I end up parking at Millenium just because of the convenience. That ones of the few things I will not miss about chicago races…paying for parking!
Great job!! Way to stick it out and get the finish!!
I hope that taking some true time off will help your shoulder heal up once and for all!!!
Way to go through the heat and pain! I am with you, the humidity kills. I say finishing in that is a great accomplishment! Especially in the heart of the city. I love the medal!
Yay! I knew you could do it when I read your post on facebook! Glad it worked out, nothing like runner’s stubbornness (insanity?) to get you thru, great job!
I was there too & it was an incredibly organized race.
So many porta potty options with endless volunteers.
I hated the last turn around, ugggg…. But, then it ended!
Feel well & bask in the fact that you DID IT! Way to go!
Way to go!! I don’t do well in the heat either and it was HOT and sunny at our 10K this weekend. Congratulations on sticking it out! Love the views!
But you finished and finished well! And in that heat, that’s HUGE 🙂
Love the swag – really pretty stuff! This sounds like one city race I may have to do some day…
$26 for parking?! Wow!
Love the shirt from the race and the medal is really unique.