OMG the trip downtown for packet pickup yesterday was exciting! Not in a good way. After trolling the neighborhood for parallel parking once, I resigned myself to the parking garage. I scoured all 4 levels of said garage before finding myself sitting at the EXIT! Half the garage was under very loud, dusty, sheet of plastic covered construction and every single spot was taken. Arghhh! So I trolled the neighborhood twice more then in desperation, tried the garage one more time. Success! Except after the whole 10 minutes it took to get my bib, they closed the 3rd floor so the elevators and stairwells were locked, leaving me to hoof up the ramp thru the dust and exhaust of passing cars. So ridiculous it’s funny!
Moving on: After receiving some caffeine gum in the mail, I’ve been thinking about all the ways us runners like to get race (or long run…or any run really) ready.
The most popular is probably coffee. It clears the pipes and gets everything um ‘moving’. I was not a coffee drinker until I trained for my first marathon in 2007 but I’ve come to love it. However I limit myself to having coffee once a week, usually long run or race day.
There are other ways to add some giddyup to your step:
Caffeine Gum: Each piece of Java Gum delivers 65mg. of caffeine. I definitely felt a lift after chewing it but was not jittery or anything crazy. It’s sugar and gluten-free, with just 3 calories per piece. While I enjoy coffee pre-run, the effects wear off in longer races. Tomorrow at my 10-mile race, I’m going to carry some Java gum with me and take it when I’m dragging. I’ll report back.
ZipFizz: The active ingredient here is vitamin B12. I definitely feel an energy surge with this, however it’s effervescent, which sometimes doesn’t agree with my stomach while running. I do enjoy it pre-workout though. The flavors are delish.
Nuun: I may be the last runner on earth to have tried Nuun. I never had a good grasp on exactly what it was: fuel? electrolyte? I finally broke down and bought some at Road Runner Sports. They had me at cherry limeade. Yum! There’s caffeine in this too so another way to put pep in your step. If your a Nuun-bassador I’d love to hear of any discounts be buying this again
Huma Gel: This was sent to me for trial. Huma Gel harnesses the natural energizing power of chia, which I love. I loved it when I used it in training, I’ll be racing with it for the first time tomorrow. Stay tuned.
Sport Beans: I used these for a short time but honestly I’m not a fan. If I don’t spill them all over the place trying to get the pkg open, the sound of them bouncing around in my fuel belt drives me batty. I’m touchy that way when I’m exhausted. I tried watermelon caffeinated Sport Beans at my 2nd marathon and had to spit them out. Not my favorite.
Tell me your favorite way to ‘energize’ your run.
Who’s racing this weekend?
Remember to enter Bestowed Box giveaway!
This java junkie household here needs to try the java gum! I need to hunt some down! I don’t use caffeine while running, but always before and experimented with a mix of fuels while running, depending on the last training plan – PB&J, M&Ms, pretzels, Accel gels, PocketFuel Naturals, Hammer stuff.
The only product here that I’ve tried is the Nuun. I found it late in my cycling season last year and love it. I find that when drinking it, my leg cramps are much less on long rides.
I’ve also used GU energy gels. These help a little, but it’s a lot of sugar and I feel like they have a big let-down when you burn them off. I feel weaker when it wears off than before I took it.
I don’t use caffeine before a run (coffee makes me poop a lot if I have it before), but I use caffeinated GU and that seems to be in small enough doses that I don’t get any GI upset. Sometimes late in an ultra, I’ll drink Coke from the aid stations.
I always start out prerun with coffee to clear myself out and get some energy. lol. Ill have to try out that caffeine gum. thanks for sharing.
Another good caffeine product is Foosh mints. They’re awesome!
Coffee for me! And I do like nuun and Zip Fizz too. Haven’t tried the gum or Sport Beans… but did try plain old jelly beans and thought they were good for energy. Also like Gu and Chocolate #9 a LOT.
I haven’t used any of those – crazy but true!!
I’m always scared to eat anything when I run so I just drink lots of water – part of my problem on my long runs!!!
Only one coffee a week?! You are such a good girl! I have about a pot a day.. :/
Let us know how the Huma gel works. I haven never tried chia anything.
Hope you have a great race!! Speedy wishes to you!
I should be getting some NUUN really soon! I am pumped to try it 🙂
I haven’t used anything for my runs. I do have something that I got in my Kona Kase but it seems like it’s just sugar. Is there a lot of sugar in these other things? Caffeine would probably be much better. Although I haven’t had any in awhile it would be okay for a workout.
YIKES on the parking!!!!
Good info for runners & anyone else that needs a get up & go! 🙂
I just go old school and have a banana. It gets everything going and is kind to my stomach on the run so I’ve seen no reason to change. Once I get deeper into marathon training I’ll be adding a slice of bread with honey or peanut butter because a banana just doesn’t hold me through a 30+k run.
I am such a Nuun girl. Cherry Limeade, Kona Cola, and Citrus are my favorites.
I talked with the creators of Huma gel at the Country Music Marathon- they are local here to Nashville and the two men are YOUNG (as in one of them graduated this month from Vanderbilt) I’m a big fan of the strawberry, but have to be in mood for cinnammon apple. What I love about them is they taste like apple sauce and you don’t need any water to wash it down with- perfect for races 🙂