How much is too much to pay for a race? Us Chi-town runners are all hot and bothered about this fall’s inaugural Naperville Marathon and Half. Prices were announced yesterday: $150 for the full, $115 for the half. What the WHAT? They defend this absurd price with a half-zip valued at $65, race pics included and the fact that the race will be ‘world class’. Oh well now that’s different. World class like Meb, Kara, Ryan and Shalane will be there? Helicopters will hover and coverage will stream live on Universal Sports? Jewel encrusted, phosphorescent bling that plays Ode to Joy and spins with the gravitational pull of the moon? What is world class exactly?
What price points you are willing to pay for races?
Ideally I like when marathons are <$100. I’ll pay more but not much more. Certainly not $150+ unless it’s a big city race, preferably a world marathon major. I threw up in my mouth a little when I shelled out $110 back in 2007 for Chicago. I know I paid more than that in 2010.
Boston: I’m sure I shelled out closer to $150 for this. This is a bucket lister and a world major. For the record, the second time I went solo to hold costs down. I did not go the third time I was qualified because I did not want to spend the $$$. My cup runneth over with two Bostons.
NYCM: I will hand over my firstborn or do whatever is necessary when my number finally comes up. Again, this is a bucket lister, a world major, and after waiting impatiently in the lottery since 2010, I’m in too deep to turn back now.
One of my favorites smaller races, Grand Rapids Marathon was $60 when I ran it in 2008. It’s now $90. It is so well done, $90 is still a great value IMO.
Half Marathons
I like these to be $70 or less. I’ve gotta give a shout out to the March Madness Half Marathon in Cary, IL. The Hillstriders put on an excellent, well-supported race on a ball-busting course for under $50. The first time I ran it in 2007 I think I paid $35. There was no shirt or medal. That has since changed but there continues to be no chip timing.
10 milers
I think the $50 range is fair. IMO Chicago’s Soldier Field 10-miler is pushing it with $70+. BUT they have the whole finish on the 50-yard line thing going for them.
Final thoughts: I get that race organizers have costs. I get that they are in this to make money. I totally understand when prices are crazy high at the expo or soon before the race. But I love when there are opportunities to snag early discounts (hello $65 RnR specials) I also think the popularity of running has made some organizers feel like they can charge anything they want and the event will sell out. They’ll keep doing it as long as we keep paying too much for sub-par races.
Where do you draw the line on race entry fees? What race did you feel was a great value and vice versa?
I agree, races are just getting way to expensive. I definitely prefer to pay less then $100 for a marathon and less then $75 for a half, but it seems there are fewer and fewer races that meet that criteria
Well with over 300 angry runner posts on the fee status yesterday they decided to rethink the costs. It has soured me on this race though and I’m not sure what I’ll do. I have a GF kid that costs me $6 a box for chicken nuggets. I’ll rather feed her than feed the coffers of Naperville.
And there is Ironman, $700+ for 140.6, but the race directors know we will pay for these races, endurance sports is becoming more and more popular every year, till their is a decline in numbers of participates, the prices will continue to go up
I will pay $100 for a half, but only because I tend to be a late-comer & miss the early bird special. I did just shell out $175 for the Disneyland Half, which I’m just fine with.
Race entry fees are pricing me out of racing. Which saddens me, because I love the events, but I can’t justify that much $ so I have to be choosy.
Last year’s Veteran’s marathon in Columbia City, IN was under $80 and I registerred 3 days before the race. It’s one of my favorite shirts, and was done really well. I loved the South Shore half in Milwaukee in April. Run by the Badgerland Striders, it’s under $15, I got gloves but no medal, but a great supported course.
I’m sticking mostly to trails this year. RDs have gotten money hungry enough (and we are why, to be fair – we keep paying) that it’s leaving a bad taste in my mouth. My favorite races are not necessarily the most money. WI was under 50 bucks, and is by far my favorite half around…
You’ve got to be kidding that Naperville is going to be that expensive! I had suggested it to a fellow runner as it might not be that hot and would be fun to be near the big city. I’ve long complained that the race fees are crazy, and it makes running an elitist sport when it’s supposed to be so accessible to everyone. I prefer to pay less than $100 for full, $50 or less for half, and I really hate when 5Ks are more than $20. I tend to do a lot of our points races with the track club and, thankfully, they keep things reasonable. My upcoming 5K is $7! I think they need to cut the T-shirts and bling and make it about the sport.
If these race prices continue, then racing will become something only the rich can afford. And is that really what we want? Is that reflective of the running community? It should be about the RACE. When they start jacking up the price for all these extras that do not improve the quality of the actual RACE, then who are they really catering to? Runners? Or people who just want the swag/shirt/medal so they can brag? I’m not saying those people shouldn’t run, or that we should do away with the medal. I just don’t want to get priced out of doing something enjoy. I don’t want to get priced out of running races in my “backyard.” I don’t want to get priced out of being able to set another marathon goal.
i’m totally on board with you on the prices. and I used to be a race director, so pricing is hard, especially if you have a staff to pay. We barely made money but the race was AMAZING!
I wish I lived in an area where races were less expensive. I went from San Diego to northern California/Bay Area, both with high prices for most races. I’ve run 2 Rock n Roll San Diegos (but with Team in Training, so bib price was included in fundraising) and one Rock n Roll Pasadena (I won the entry), and because all three of those were basically “free,” I decided to take advantage of the sale Competitor Group was having when the races were $20 off or whatever it was, and registered for RnR Seattle. One of my favorite cities, and it was supposed to be my first 1/2 in 2010 before I was injured. I haven’t done a full, so can’t imagine those prices. There’s a company putting on a new 1/2 in my hometime (hometown isn’t really that nice to be honest) and the 1/2 is at $65 right now. To run along the streets that I’ve been running along, in traffic, in a not so amazing area, that seems a little pricey for me.
I haven’t raced in years – too hard on my body because I tend to over-train…..Anyway, I’ve been thinking about entering some again but I had no idea they were that expensive. I better start a race fund!!!
This is something that I have a really STRONG opinion about. Only a very FEW marathons will I be willing to pay over a $100 for and they are races that are proven to be historical or amazing. The swag is good and the on course service is good along with the finish line. There are many premier races that only charge $80 or less STILL. I get even more upset when I see a half for $100. There just is no reason for it. Unless you are running straight down through the city of NY, there should be no reason for a half to be $100 or close to that.
I support smaller, local races that have a BBQ at the finish. One that might cost $40 and you still get a nice medal and good service.
I’m like you with marathons, it has to be a really historically awesome race for me to go over $100. For a half, I won’t go over $50, $20 for a 5K. I think swag is the stupidest thing ever. Give me a cheapo race with an accurate course and a finish time and I’m there. I’m glad my local running club supplies me with enough free races (with club membership of $30 a year that covers hubby and I) that I only have to shell out for the bigger and out of town races. I wouldn’t race nearly as much if I had to pay for each and every one of the 20+ races I did last year.
There are races I refuse to do, like Nike Women’s Half Marathon – I think that was $160 for the privilege. I agree that I’ll willingly pay the Boston price tag, not so much NYC, though. There are so many good, cheap races out there and I feel that we, as runners, should vote with our feet and stop paying for these ridiculous spectacles that aren’t even about running. They make us look like fools.
I think that races are out of control. Period. Like Alison says above, the Nike 1/2 in DC was $160–outrageous! But people actually had to go through a lottery process to get in, so clearly the demand is there. Also like Alison, I won’t pay $265 for NY. Just don’t think it’s worth it. Boston, actually, is fairly reasonable in comparison, more like $115 or something, still.
I am happy to say that my March marathon cost me $65. Bargain and I love it. I intend to support these smaller races as much as possible as my little (insignificant) protest against the fees others are charging.
For me, it all depends on the race involved. (I spent around $350 for race entry fees for Goofy, but it was a one-time, bucket list thing).
Despite that craziness, I think I agree with you on your price preferences for the distances though.
Because I am obsessed with the Disney races, I pay the steep entry fess. When races offer an early entry deal, that is when I try to register to save a little. I am not sure what the max is that I would pay for a race.
I don’t race very often. When I get it in my head that I want to run a particular race, I will fork over the fee and not complain about it. That said, I do think that race directors know that people will pay a lot to race. Seems as if most runners (at least based on my reading of blogs recently) LOVE to race and want to race as much as possible. They will complain about the fees but will end up paying them anyway. There won’t be an “exorbitant fee boycott” any time soon.
Boy, you’ve hit on my sore spot. Maybe it is because I’ve been doing this way too long, but I think that race prices are absolutely over the top. I remember when the LA Marathon went up to $60 and I complained then. You can imagine how I felt when they announced the inaugural Rock & Roll HALF marathon in Palm Desert (along a course I knew would be blah), and were planning to start pricing at $170 and run it all the way to $195 by race day. They also talked about world class and great goodie bags. Yeah, right. My husband puts on races, so I know some of the expenses involved, but give me a break!
One point I like to make is that I am part of a couple. We both do these races, so if a race costs $150, we’re forking out $300 (not to mention related expenses).
What the market will bear, I guess, and as long as people are willing to fork over their hard earned money to run 26.2 miles (or 13.1 or whatever), the prices will continue to climb.
(The R & R half in Palm Desert was cancelled, btw, they said because of too late a start in planning because waiting for city approval, but I like to think that maybe people were just showing their disgust by not paying those crazy prices)
Steps off soapbox and takes deep cleansing breath.
Hello Naperville – you are NO NYC. I pay a premium for a premium race – this includes location, give aways, novelty factor (hello Seawheeze!) and (a teeny bit) for elite presence – like Meb.
I know SF10 charges a high fee b/c they have to pay for the entire parking lot whether they use it or not and the big city races cost more to run for permits and police.
NYC is too much now. My first year it was $50 and my first Boston was $75 (in 1998 – I screamed highway robbery). I think the fact that NYC went from $85 in ’07 to over $200 is cray-cray but as long as 150,000 people apply for 50K spots, they can charge whatever they want.
I am rambling and ranting. Naperville, so sorry, would NEVER pay that much for a race in Naperville. Nope, never! I do try to sign up early – and try to go with races that are <$100 for marathons, <$70 for 1/2s and less than $50 (preferably much less) for everything else.
I’m doing a $19.75 50 k in February. I’m a cheap skate. the 100 miler will bemymost expensive race ever at $185. I’d never paythat kind of money for less. see I’m cheap.
Oh I could not agree with you more about how crazy the race fees are getting. I was all hyped to run the Nike Women’s 1/2 in DC with a friend until we saw the $160 price tag….for a half?!?! So far the most I have paid for a half is $85 and I thought that was pricey!
Yikes that’s spendy! I prefer to be in the $65-$70 range for a half and $100ish for a full. I do see a rise in race prices and I hate it! I have spent more, but don’t like too:)
Yeah, I don’t get all caught up in the goodies and big city bull. I want a well organized race, but I do like creative bling (save the drab shirts please). Marathons I like to keep under $100, and I seek out the small cheap Half Marathons… definitely under $60 there. 5k’s are even starting to get a little out of hand… $35? Come on… a couple yrs ago they were just $20 here. As a runner, I don’t like being taken advantage of, just because it’s for charity.
Today, I just spent $60 for a 50K with an additional $7.50 add on for lunch for my other half. Which is pretty freaking awesome. I prefer spending $20 for a 5K, and grumble when I have to spend $30. Marathons, I think $50 is in my cheapskate price range but think $80 is reasonable.
I don’t think I’ve paid more than 75 for a race. I am finding triathlons are more expensive so my costs will add up quicker. I like to pay early for races when they are cheaper but sometimes that bites you in the butt because you end up not being able to run it.
VCM started out at 85 and is 95 now. That meets your criteria and is a great race. Just saying!
I’m not a fan of the bigger prices, but I do know it costs a LOT more to run a race through a major city, especially if it goes near the popular areas. That’s why I don’t run a lot of our local races – even the 5k’s tend to be expensive. Give me a low key, cheaper race any day.
not much i can add that those above me haven’t said. I will say i am more diligent about looking for coupon codes now. My brother introduced me over christmas to I typed in “public georgia marathon” and I got a $10 off code- not a lot, but every bit helps 🙂
I saw Chicago is $175 this year; WTH?!?!? I thought last year’s $140 was outrageous, why the huge spike? But it will still sell out in a matter of days.
I got so spoiled last year by having the race team pick up most of my race fees, but I will have to limit everything this year….especially with some hefty tags such as Leadville.
Thelma and Louise need to find a race this year, though…thoughts need to start brewing…
If a race fits my schedule, I’m usually willing to pay for it. But I also don’t do too many races a year (for now at least). That said, I’m glad I ran NYC in 2005 before it got so insane.
I don’t think I would ever pay over 100 for any race. I came close with a late entry to a Spartan but I “get” high prices for those due to the obstacles and extra insurance needed when people are jumping over fire and stuff like that.
I think the biggest problem is that it was so vague — no course map, etc. The Naperville Trails Half is about half the cost, so that’s the one I’d run if I had to pick between the 2.
I do halfs and I prefer them to be under $100….unless its Disney which is $150 for the half, but worth every penny! Unfortunately, price doesn’t always get you quality as I found out by shelling out $85 for the Air Force Half and I and hundreds of others ran 2 extra miles thanks to poor course signage. On the other hand, you could say we got more bang for our buck.
How really much is too much? Cool post! 🙂
Amen! I feel exactly same way! Don’t mind paying a little more for the bucket lister’s , but that’s it! I’ll stick to my local small events that are still reasonably priced.
I pretty much concur with your pricing – $100 for full (though I prefer even more to sign up early bird when it’s $70-75ish) and $70 (or $40-50 early bird) for a half. Haven’t done any 10-milers I think but $50 sounds reasonable. Sometimes when 5k’s are over $30 I am like what?! The local race for the cure director thought $40 was a good price people would pay… Um I get its a good cause but no. It’s a 5k mostly for walkers…
Our marathons have been $85 or less so far, I don’t want to pay much more than that. Half marathons (other than Rock ‘n’ Roll Chicago) have been about $55-$60. If I REALLY have to run the race, I’ll pay. I mean I’m going to do an Ironman after all and that costs $650.
Wow. That is pricey. I really like your idea of the fancy bling, especially having it play Ode To Joy. Now that’s a race I could get behind. 🙂 Sign me up.
I read today that Naperville dropped its prices from the social media outrage. I live in Naperville, and run with a group in a suburb not too far away, and many people who considered running it were turned off with the price. I think even after they dropped it there is still negativity surrounding it.
I registered for March Madness and couldn’t believe it was only $40. Best deal ever!
Ive paid $300 or so for a 70.3. Scored half off the RnR St. Louis half this year and got in for $55. I don’t think I would have paid $110.
Amazing the difference in how much is too much when you change locations. I feel like I must be getting a steal on races here!