Typically I’m pretty even keeled. At least I think I am. Running has a lot to do with that. I don’t go off unless there’s a really good reason. The time the school bus driver blew past our stop and took Thing 2, then a kindergartner on a 90-minute tour of suburbia was one of them.
Fast forward to yesterday: Lightning struck again. This time Thing 1 got a similar tour when her bus after band rehearsal took a full 90 minutes to bring her home. We live 2 blocks (very busy street so not walkable) from the school. Granted it’s a different kid, higher grade and different school even. But the bus company is the same. I always take the side of civility and professionalism. But after this happening–again–the mama bear claws are out. I begin to wonder if being a raging jerk about it would get better results? Maybe I allow too much to go wrong before voicing a complaint?
I realized today that, in addition to profound sadness, I also feel rage, yes rage about 9/11. I was a brand new mom with a 2-month old in a bouncy chair when the horrific events of that day began to unfold. I wondered then what kind of world I brought this child into. The sky today is eerily brilliant, just as it was in NYC 11 years ago.
I waited until after my run to post because I hoped it would settle me down. The run started out to be quite a mess. Hot, no shade, strong headwinds, and my damn hip (not my injured one, the other one. I told you I’m a mess.) was grinding, causing me to run/walk. After almost 1.5 miles of this nonsense I’d had enough. Blame it on exasperation, frustration, 9/11 rage, whatever, I unleashed a sprint. Yeah mama doesn’t sprint too often anymore. But you know what? The grinding stopped. My hip LOVED IT! So I kept the peppiest pace I could hold barring cardiac arrest….or puking…and took my angst out on the road. Getting the lead out was just what I needed.
Are you a squeaky wheel? Any tips on how to be one?
Speaking of squeaky wheels, look what I busted out in the yoga den. You just don’t know until you try!
Jenna says
Oh the drama of the buses never ends!!! It can be terrible! The little one I nanny (my oldest) just started 1st grade and we’ve already had some unexpected pains in the hip, if you kno what I mean!!
Kate says
I’m NOT a squeaky wheel, tending to be quiet even when I should raise a fuss. I have, at least, gotten better at getting my point across and refusing to back down when someone disagrees, though. Baby steps, I guess.
Carilyn Johnson (@CarilynJohnson) says
First of all, that backbend is quite impressive! I couldn’t do one at this point in my life if someone threatened to set me on fire!
I tend to hold things in until I explode – not a great way of going about things, because then you just appear irrational. On the other hand, I had to deal with someone this last weekend who complained and shouted about EVERYTHING, and it was one of the most truly toxic experiences of my life. There has to be a middle ground.
Hope tomorrow is a better day 🙂
bobbi says
I’m a terrible squeaker. I don’t like confrontation. Often to my detriment. I leave the squaking to my hubs.
Thing 1 and Jack are so close in age. I too sat stunned with a baby in my arms while my husband and friends called me for updates since I was still on maternity leave. I remember that day vividly…
Suzanne says
Ugh, that is so frustrating!
Hikermom says
I would have freaked about the bus thing! That’s crazy! Mama bear comes out of me sometimes and she can be scary:) don’t mess with mama bear;) your yoga move is very impressive:)
Laura says
Oh, wow…having a two month old on 9/11 would have been so disturbing. I haven’t had a lot of opportunities to be a squeaky wheel yet (in parenting)- I don’t say much unless it’s really serious. Amazing yoga move!!
Jamie @ couchtoironwoman says
Oh I make my opinion known about things all too often, it embarrasses my husband actually. I need to work on that!
I remember when I was younger that the bus driver went by my house and I had to go all the way around the bus route before I could be brought back home, I’m sure my parents were happy.
Elle says
That backbend is AMAZING! Look at you!
I have no kids so can only imagine the angst you were feeling after not having your child home within minutes of leaving the school… 90 would be agony!
I think I am a squeaky wheel but I do choose my battles. I remain calm, logical, accurate and don’t use YOU in my conversation/complaint.
I get great results, usually.
I used to get in trouble at work lots when I would stand up for people who wouldn’t stand up for themselves. I learned the difference, quickly, between those who CAN’T and those who WON’T. And chose my injustice battles more wisely thereafter.
Glad you enjoyed that sprint!
Terzah says
I’m not a squeaky wheel. Nothing makes me squirm more than going out to dinner with certain friends who I KNOW will send their dinner back 50% of the time. But I agree with you that certain circumstances demand direct and blunt confrontation. I’m glad your run was purgative!!
Terzah says
P.S. Just looked up “purgative”. BAD word choice. Let’s sub in “cathartic.” :^)
Lisa @ RunWiki says
Oh I would be voicing my opinion on that one! That is just not right. I think you’re so “Zen” for waiting for the second incident. In California their is NO budget for busses. My kids keep asking me “where are all the busses”. Only little busses here… hopefully those parents don’t go through what you have. xoxo
Michelle says
I am not a squeaky wheel, however, my husband is a loudmouth (or can be) so I have to be the voice of reason when he gets upset about something with the kids. Otherwise, we would get nowhere because he is not very PC with his complaints. So I have learned to not feel bad about speaking up when things are wrong.
We did have one incident with a teacher last year who was using her teacher position to solve her daughter’s problems with her friends. As in, having them miss class so she (the teacher and mom) could yell at them about they treated her daughter. I blew a gasket on that one. I wanted to know if I got my chance to yell at her daughter now for how she made my kid feel. Wrong, wrong, wrong on so many levels. I even went to the superintendent because it was just so wrong.
But that is highly unusual for me.
Mike says
Im not a squeaky wheel unless something is really bad. Part of it is that I try not to sweat the small stuff.