I ran into Dr. Miracle, my Sports Chiro at a skating benefit last week. It was a little odd talking about hips, glutes and hamstrings in front of his wife, but I imagine she’s used to it. I promised I’d see him and his sidekick, Notorious, of myofascial release fame regularly, alas I have not. I need to go back… really should…one of these days…before my hamstrings get angry again.ย Do you get regular massages/ART/myofascial release?
I ordered new shoes yesterday to replace my uber muddy ones from last weekend’s ditch incident. Nice aren’t they?
1 more day until the NYCM reaping!ย As a tease, the NYRR sent me some purdy orange shoelaces in the mail the other day. Actually my heart would not be broken one bit if I didn’t get in this year. I’ve committed to a little something in Washington DC the weekend before.
50% off Aspaeris Pivot Shorts! Until 4/30, use promo code APS4all and save. Trust me, your hamstrings and booty will thank you.
I did try ART.. it just got to pricey. Good stuff though
I have mixed feelings over NYC. I entered but I’m also grandfathered in. If I don’t get in this year, I’m guaranteed entry in 2014. I have Ironman this year and I’m just sweating the piling costs. It’s my dream race though so if they choose me then I think it’s meant to be ๐
Nice looking shoes – I’ve never tried Mizuno though…
That is fun that they send you those laces! At least then your lottery fee goes toward something!
I love the new shoes!
No massages/ART/myofascial release for me! Sounds nice though! ๐
Love those shoes! I like the shorts, too. Might have to look into those. Good luck with the NYCM, though it’s nice to be in a position where you’re OK with the result either way. ๐
Love the orange shoelaces. I think it must be a positive sign! And will you do both MCM and NYC if you get in?
Love the new shoes!!!
ummm love that purple of the new shoes!!! so awesome! i can hardly believe the NYC lottery is tomorrow. i dont know what to think. part of me thinks i dont know if i can afford to get in…the other part is like please please please!!!! haha! good luck ๐
The purple shoes are very pretty….I think they’ll make you wickedly fast!
I would love a regular massage. I don’t have anything nagging presently but I think it’d just feel so damn good!
Tomorrow’s the big NYC announcement day???
Orange is my favorite color! I need to go to my mailbox RIGHT NOW and find out if I have any. Got my 2nd pair of ASP shorts this week – yay! I wish the red were available.
Digging the new kicks. Nice and bright!
Awesome color shoes! This is my first visit to your blog…I can’t wait to find out how you qualified for Boston at your second marathon! I would LOVE to be able to do that!! Oh and thanks for your comment ๐
Those shoe laces rock! And good luck (?) for the entry… or maybe not? Either way, rock it in DC!
Love the new kicks!
I used to get weekly work done, but with all the commuting I’m doing now, I can’t fit it in. I was worried that it would affect me, but so far (knock wood), I don’t notice a difference. I still hurt myself regularly by falling down, but I don’t think I can blame that on lack of ART ๐
Love the shoes! They are so beautiful!
I bought some new fun ones – not for running but my students will love them. They are orange. I didn’t have orange shoes which was just wrong.
I used to get ART twice a week, but then I stopped running. I would definitely get a monthly massage if I could afford it. Instead I’ll have to stick to my blasted foam roller. I hate that thing.
I see my chiro about every three weeks. He rocks my world (or at least my calf LOL).
Good luck with NY. I hope we can meet up when you come to DC!
Oh I like the new shoes!
I was going to my acupuncturist fairly regularly and now am trying to get a massage once a month – if I hit Lotto I’ll go more often ๐
Hopefully you do get in. It’s supposed to be a really nice marathon. I love the new shoes and the orange laces! looking sharp ๐
Normally I think orange should only be for food and flowers, but those new shoes are CUTE!
Did you get into NYC??
LOVE the shoes!!!
I am still waiting to hear if my number has been chosen. This process is taking SO long! Any word on yours?
And yay about the other race you are doing!! I would love to do that one! Next year I will try to register early! I think I am going to try to run all the Military BIG races. Having being in the ARMY I just think that is the right thing to do!
And I really need to look into these shorts people are talking about.
when i lived in kc i was great about monthly massage and things like that, but everything is so expensive in miami!! i have however gotten consistent with my chiro and swear it is making a huge difference
oh my, I am in love with those mizunos! I wish I could wear them but I have fat feet.