Before we all step off into business-as-usual 2012, I want to thank all of you who stop by here regularly to cheer me on, kick me in the ass, share advice, experiences and everything else. I’ve enjoyed your friendship, (real life and cyber) and it’s been an honor to celebrate your triumphs, encourage you as you faced challenges and comfort
and cuss along with you when things got tough.
I took a look back at the post I did last year at this time and was surprised and flattered to see that almost all of you who commented on that post still take time out of your busy day to stop by. For that I am truly grateful.
Although a fresh start can be made at any given moment, there’s something about a new year that makes the idea even more appealing.
Something to keep in mind in 2012:
We are not our past. Our future is spotless. What we do with it is totally up to us.
Wishing you peace, health and happiness!