I definitely re-pulled my hamstring in the race(s) last week. I cut yesterday’s run short because no good was going to come of going longer or faster. Thankfully it was mild–if you call 28 degrees mild–so I bailed to the bike. No worries, hell or high water, I’ll be ready for Carlsbad in January!
It’s December!
The month defined by Christmas and Hanukkah and Kwanza and Santa and good cheer, overindulgence, egg nog and cookies and oh yes, my birthday! SUAR has a Shut Up & Do Good Initiative going on, which frankly, I think will be pretty darn easy for runners. Everyone knows runners are some of the nicest, kindest peeps you’ll ever meet. Well all except maybe the one who accused me of eating cardboard and starving myself in WIAW yesterday.
Party PrepThe Caveman’s holiday party is this weekend. Big exhale, I actually have a sitter lined up! Now if only I had an outfit. I’m sure there’s one in the mass of beads, sequins, and satin madness I’ve got going on in my closet. I’ve been dragging stuff home for weeks now.
It’s so easy to find great running stuff, why is formal attire such an ordeal for me? You should’ve seen the look on the sales lady’s face when I asked her for something sweat-wicking, preferably in compression material with a nice half-zip at the neck.
Oh and yes the hair. I finally got it cut after more than a year. I was too embarrassed to go back to my normal stylist so I went to a new place. I’d planned on going a little shorter but she declined. Apparently longer is better. Well alrighty then. Here we go: