Terzah asked: How did your husband propose?
He told me we were meeting one of his friends from college for dinner. We got there and sat at the bar waiting for the other couple. Caveman goes “Maybe I should go check and see if they’re seated upstairs” so off he goes.
He’s gone a long time, I’m getting pissed.
Finally a waiter comes and tells me the Caveman found the other party. He picks up my drink and asks me to follow him upstairs. Now I’m pretty much fuming cuz the Caveman couldn’t walk his behind down to get me himself.
The waiter leads me to a large empty room upstairs, one wall is all bookshelves, and asks me to wait there.
As soon as the waiter left, part of the bookshelf wall spun around all creepy-like, revealing a candle-lit dining room with just a table for two.
Caveman emerges from the shadows, presents ‘the box’, the inside lights up to reveal the bling, pops the question and the rest is history.
XLMIC asked: Is there something your husband does that irks you? And you him?
When he acts like a guest in his own house. Case in point: the kids ask him for some grapes. He has no clue where they are, where a bowl is, how to wash them, etc.
The way he loads the dishwasher drives me crazy as well but I’d never say anything as the fact that he’s attempting to load it at all is sufficient.
Irk may be a strong word but I’m sure he doesn’t appreciate the fact that housework is not my forte. Other than a little clutter here and there, I’m quite positive that life with The Studly Runner is sheer delight.