1. In grade school my friends called my mom ‘cool Char’. They’d call her up on Friday nights and tell her to bring ‘the big car’ so all of us could pack into it for a ride to the ice rink.
2. The ‘big car’ was a bile-green metallic Buick station wagon circa 1970-something. We called it The Tank. It had avocado naugahyde seats and power windows all six of us kids fought like cats over. The front seat had a small circular brand from where my little bro burnt a hole it as he played with the cigarette lighter. Like all good older sisters, I promptly ratted him out.
3. To our delight, in winter mom would pull into the school parking lot in The Tank and do donuts in the snow. Mom’s 70 now and I don’t doubt she still does a few donuts just for fun.
4. Mom and I have an extra-sensory phenomenon going on when we play on the same team in Pictionary. All one of us has to do is draw a straight line and the other is able to guess correctly. This makes for hours of fun for us and limitless frustration among our opponents.
5. I got my first health club membership with my mom as a teen. After school, we’d go and ride the bike together for 15 minutes, after which time I’d run on the track and my mom would ‘supposedly’ continue to ride the bike. However, the moment I was out of sight, she’d stop pedaling and sit there reading a mag until I came around, then she’d fire it up again. Obviously not a huge fan of the workout scene but it didn’t stop her from going with me. Every. Single. Day.