This post started as 3 Things Thursday, morphed into something else then all hell broke loose when, at the last minute direction of Thing 1’s ‘room mom’ at school, I ended up driving all over town in search of napkins for the class holiday party that depict ‘winter’ rather than Santa, menorahs or anything else un PC. What I came up with? White. Yes white as the driven snow. What says winter party better than white? Nothing.
I was planning on waxing all poetic on age spots declining lactate threshold, getting chin hairs better not older, being afraid to drive after dark worth it, you know the usual cliches. But my holiday cards are sitting here right next to my gift exchange stuff, I have a few (ok six) more gifts to buy and it looks like this will be the year I wrap said gifts in pack ratted marathon heat sheets unless I make it back to Tarjay pronto.
Oh I did get myself a gift. Can’t guarantee I’ll actually follow a plan in it (it intimidates the heck out of me), but it is food for thought.
Time marches on as I celebrate my birthday in fine style directing the snowball relay and crafting snowmen from marshmallows and pretzel sticks with my favorite 4th graders. Modern Caveman and the kids are taking me out for dinner and gosh darn it I hope they get a cake this year.