Congrats! You crossed the finish line. Now what? RECOVER!
Keep Moving
This is precisely why so many finishing chutes seem almost as long as the race. It’s important to keep tired muscles from seizing up and allow your body to gradually slow down. So resist the urge to collapse in an inert heap. Medical tent personnel tend to swirl like vultures and you don’t wanna be in there unless absolutely necessary. If you have a long ride home, make sure you make periodic stops to get out and move. Your muscles will thank you in the days to come.
As soon as possible after crossing the finish line, start the rehydration process and refuel. Think carbs, salt, potassium, and protein. Honestly nothing sounds good to me when I finish a race and I’m guilty as charged of grabbing stuff with my kids in mind. But I force myself to have something: sports drink and a protein drink like Muscle Milk, Honey Milk and Recoverite are all great.
Get out of your sweat-soaked running clothes as soon as possible.
Use the stick/foam roller, stretch gently. A light massage is good but save the heavy manipulation for another time. I also like to relax with my legs against a wall and let the blood circulate out of my legs and toward the heart.
Cool Down
Get in that ice bath or cool shower to ease sore muscles and reduce inflammation.
Compression socks are the bomb
I put mine on as soon as possible and have been known to sleep in them. They reduce leg muscle fatigue/cramps by enhancing circulation and help prevent blood from pooling in the legs.
The Following Week:
6 to 8 hours are good, 7 to 9 are even better. I’m almost 2 weeks post marathon and I’m still sleeping like a log!
Feeling sore for 2-4 days is completely normal but not mandatory. I was most sore (going down stairs was a total treat…not, I mastered the ‘plop’ to a sitting position, walked hunched over, etc.) after my first marathon. I’ve been significantly less sore and recovered much faster from subsequent ones so don’t be discouraged.
Cross Train
Biking, walking, swimming, strength training and balance work are all excellent activities during recovery. Although you’ve earned a slothful stint in front of the TV, you don’t necessarily have to take it.
Eat well
Not a ton, just the kinds of foods that promote recovery: fruits/veggies/protein etc. The week after a marathon IS NOT the time to start a weight loss diet. Antioxidant-rich foods are your friend. You just put the ‘ole bod through an intense amount of stress and your immune system may be compromised.