Week 1 of Chicago Marathon Training is complete!
Miles: 45
Here’s how it shook out:
Monday: Was all gung-ho and traded an SRD for a Cross-Fit class at our new gym (more on that later). Holy Wonder Woman that was tough. Like am I-gonna-toss-my cookies? tough. I know I’ve just cooked my goose for tomorrow’s run and will need to reinstate my color coded alert system for muscle soreness.
Tuesday: 6 miles. Speedwork: 3x1600m. Legs are lead. Sultry and steamy, even at 5am. Buttular fatigue rating from yesterday’s Crossfit: Code Orange.
Wednesday: Kettleworx Cardio DVD and Fast Abs DVD. My muscles are growing before my very eyes. Middle-age housewife today, the amazing Hulk(ette) tomorrow.
Thursday: 6 miles, 2 easy, 2 @8:13, 2 easy. More hot steamy stuff. What else is new?
Friday: Could not pull myself out of bed for plyometric intervals so USRD, but since I didn’t have one earlier it’s all good. Took the kids to the dentist and she commented on my ‘cut arms’. See I told you my muscles were growing. Imagine how cut they’d be if I’d lay off the cupcakes.
Saturday: 20 miles on Blanche the trusty road bike followed by corework. Very pleasant. So much easier to ride than running in this humidity!
Sunday: 13 miles. I’m like a broken record here sorry but it’s so darn hot. Got caught in a thunderstorm and was honestly wondering if my number would ‘come up’. At least I’d go doing something I love…and in a pretty dramatic fashion too…thankfully I was spared.
Notes: I’m dealing with confidence issues as usual. I go into every run not sure if I can hit the paces I need to. But then as the workout unfolds, it all turns out just fine. My goal for this week: reel in the diet!