It’s getting hot out there. My race this weekend will likely be toastier than I’d prefer and lots of peeps are asking for tips to manage the heat. For the dozen or so of you left on the planet who haven’t already heard, I earned my ‘heat cred’ by surviving the insanely hot 2007 Chicago Marathon (my first!). It was 75 degrees with 90% humidity at 5am that day and I saw a bank thermometer reading 93 degrees around the 20-mile mark. So FWIW, my tips for hot weather running:
1. Dress accordingly. Light-colored, wicking (no cotton) loose fitting clothes are best. Wear a hat, sunglasses and don’t forget sunscreen! When I ran the Chicago Marathon I put aside the hot pink top I’d planned on for a loose (boring but sensible) white one. Lots of my friends never saw me but I finished the race!
2. Drink fluids containing electrolytes often, for me that’s every 15 minutes. If you’re thirsty you’re already dehydrated.
3. Run early or late. Avoid the heat of the day. Take advantage of cooling breezes.
4. Choose a shaded route.
5. Listen to your body. Muscle cramps and/or heavy sweating mean you need to drink more/slow down.
Lightheadedness, nausea, vomiting indicate heat exhaustion. Rest and drink.
High body temp., lack of sweating and altered consciousness indicate heat stroke. Rest in a cool place, apply ice and call emergency professionals.
6. Back off your planned pace. When you run, blood/oxygen flows to your muscles so there’s less available to flow to your skin for cooling purposes. That’s how you overheat.
7. Take refuge inside. When training, the treadmill is always an option.
if you’re racing:
8. Take advantage of course amenities: cold sponges and wristbands are wonderful. I think keeping ice under my hat in Chicago saved me.
9: Pre-race: Swear and shake your fist at the sky as you think about all the training that may have just gone in the crapper (kidding)
10. Dissolve in tears into your significant other’s arms–it’s a great stress release but don’t cry too much–dyhdration you know!
11. Start planning your rematch race. I vowed I’d NEVER run another marathon!
12. If its any consolation, know that you’ll have ‘war stories’ to share about your hot race for generations to come!
#10 made me laugh…i've never thought of the dehydration effects from tears before. ๐
LMAO at #9 – 12, excellent tips! Good luck this weekend – fingers crossed for cooling breezes and a shady route.
My roommate in college ran in that race.
My sister who was two yrs out from a bone marrow transplant ran in the 2003 Chicago Marathon. Me, I haven't run but I give you a lot of credit. Especially running in Chicago because the weather can be all over the place (especially lately).
I HATE the heat. Ugh… these are some great tips. Thanks! STAY COOL!
Great tips. I especially loved #9! It can even work for super cold/rainy weather. ๐
Love 9 and 10! Very effective. I hate races in the heat/humidity, but I like training in it–feel like it gets me in my best shape.
that chart is an excellent reference source. thanks ๐
my marathon plans are for the winter, but this will definitely help out with my 5K & 10K plans
Ha! number 9 made me laugh! Good luck to you this weekend!! I'm hoping it's not TOO hot…I am such a wimp about the heat…
what if you live in hellacious miami and it's 90degrees and 90% humidity when you get out at 5 am? Quit running is pretty much my thought ๐
Maybe someday I’ll run another marathon…I’m scared of the heat! What race are you running? Good luck!