Calling All Sports Moms
To help launch new Shamrock Farms Rockin’ Refuel chocolate milk to active families across the country, they are sponsoring a national blogger contest.
Rockin’ Refuel is a delicious, protein-fortified milk that includes 20 grams of protein, nine essential nutrients and vitamins; as well as, naturally-occurring electrolytes. It’s a great-tasting way for kids to refuel once the game ends – and for moms after a workout.
Convenient 12 oz. bottles are great for school lunches, road trips and after practice.
It contains no high-fructose corn syrup like many sports drinks.
About the contest, Shamrock Farms Rockin’ Refuel is in search of the “Ultimate Sports Mom.” Almost anything can qualify –
Are you the biggest fan at your child’s game?
Do you bring the best snacks?
Do you have a fun fitness routine yourself that keeps you fit for your family?
I, and they, want to hear them all!
To enter:
1. become a follower of this blog
2. Submit your entry by commenting on this post with why you think you deserve the title of “Ultimate Sports Mom.” I will pick my favorite entry and the winner will then be up for a chance to win the “Ultimate Game-Refueling Prize” – a $500 gift card. It’s a great way to be rewarded for being the great “you” that you are!
3. Entry deadline is Wednesday, May 5 at midnight.
I am a follower and here is my entry.
I think I am the Ulitimate Sports Mom because I am a sports transportation director (mom taxi), motivational megaphone (cheerleader), dietary manager (snack mom), equipment manager (keep my son's karate gear clean and where it needs to be), recreational director of basketball and t-ball (coach), glutton for punishment (runner), an occasionally organize the Tour de Front Yard (family bike riding).
I try to show my kids that I have fun being active and encourage them and give them the tools to have fun with whatever sports they choose. My son takes karate lessons and I have coached him in tball and basketball. My daughter is learning to ride a bike which has been harder for me to coach than a team full of screaming kids!
I also think it's important to keep up my own activities (running, biking, and some weights and core work) to show them that sports and activity should be something that you do for a lifetime.
I have also made quite a few dietary changes in the last year and want to instill in them the importance of fueling your body properly to achieve optimal performance during activity.
Fun contest. I bet you are going to get some really fun entries!!
Ok so here goes, I don’t usually like to toot my own horn, but for a gift card, here goes 🙂
As a mom to five children, four of them boys, my life often seems consumed with sports. From the moment my oldest son was born (well almost) it seemed we were destined to be a family of atheletes. My husband is a huge sports fan, and I was always active in sports when younger. My son got his first basketball hoop on his first birthday and we haven’t looked back since.
My husband always coaches one of our boys’ soccer teams and I serve as team mom, creating snack schedules, writing letters and making phone calls to the player’s families to remind them about important times and dates. Every Saturday the whole family (all 7 of us) heads out for a day filled with soccer.
During the past two years I have been baseball mom all by myself. My husband worked nights for years, and as baseball takes place mid week, I was baseball mom solo! Four games a week we make the trek to the baseball diamond, little ones in tow.
Finally, after years away from running, 2 years ago, I decided it was time to get my pregnancy ravaged body back in shape. I started with short running and walking spurts and worked my way up to running a 5K. Last summer I participated in the Wasatch Back Ragnar Relay and next month I will be running my first half marathon, and hopefully my first full Marathon in October. My husband has started running with me and the kids are getting excited about running as well. We have taken them to the local high school track and they are gearing up to run the 5K or mile at their elementary school fundraiser.
I am a Follower..
Ultimate Sports Mom…well my kiddos are still little but through our active lifestlye we inspire them to be athletes. Our 4 year old begs to sprint up hills with mommy, practices playing soccer in the house and always wants to be outside. I KNOW that my future will have me driving to any and every sport they hope to pursue. I will be the Mom yelling (Positive cheering) loudly and wearing a sweatshirt with my kiddos photo on the front.
My Mom was the Ulitimate sports Mom never missing a game, and even some practices. I WILL follow in her footsteps. In the mean time I remain active and know that my kiddos are learning.
I'm a follower!
Like so many other moms, I taxi, cheerlead, make sure everything is ready to go for all outings, and keep the kids going. In addition to making sure everything on the home front is going smoothly, I am an assistant coach for Punky's soccer team. I am the Thursday co-coach for Bugs' soccer team. I am there to cheer Bugs on in baseball (no coaching for this team, ADP really wanted to coach baseball).
On top of the sports the kids are involved with and their schooling, I keep myself going through running. The kids are excited to run with me and just this morning I signed them up for their first race of the year, the 50m dash in June! They feed off of our excitement to play sports, be fit and enjoy life. They are young but are already learning that being active and playing sports can help keep us healthy, is something we can do as a family, and occasionally leads to treats on the way home from sporting events.
Great contest! I'm no sports mom, but good luck to all the other active mamas out there!
I'm a follower (duh) and pick me just cuz I'm awesome!!! (I actually love this stuff, our local grocery store carries it!!)
Having been raised in an active family-with a great example from my parents-living an active life with my own kids has always been an important thing to me. Finding a way to make it all work…..well, that’s a different story.
Last year I added triathlete and runner to my list of titles (most important being of course, Mom), going from “why would anyone ever want to do that?”, to “how can I squeeze in just one more race?” in a period of just six months. It's funny how life works out sometimes! This year (most) races are on hold and I am working hard to stay active through pregnancy. (7 miles last Saturday-thank you bladder for holding out! lol)
I am expecting baby number 8 (yes, eight, that’s not a typo!), and am now really that “crazy pregnant lady”. I used to balk at pregnant women out running-and now I’m the one being balked at! Obviously with more children than average, life is crazy at times. Some days fitting it all in seems impossible. How can one stay active and involve the kids-especially when the kids are young? (mine are 11 and under)
Enter family sports!
When I am running, my kids come with me! Kids will pull out their bikes and ride along as I run. The youngest gets packed in the jogging stroller and off we go. Family bike rides are also a favorite, we all gear up and take off on the trails through our city. I’m sure it’s an amusing sight-Dad, Mom, 5 kids on bikes and two in the trailer!
We go through seasons where we fill the parent coach/team mom roles (basketball season just ended, baseball is upon us!)-I can’t count the hours spend taxi-ing to practices and games and cheering loudly from the stands, but honestly, with this many kids it’s exhausting. Not to mention expensive! And I found the same to be true for my racing habit as well. Even those low cost short races add up! Myself and a couple of my crazy running friends started a community running board so that we can arrange races locally that do not involve entry fees. All the prizes are donated and help bring exposure to local businesses. Everyone wins! Last year we even did a “meet the candidates” run prior to our city elections, dragging those who were running for office out for a little running on the trail. Whether it is a race for individual finish times, or family events like our annual Turkey Trot, it has been a great way to get our community together and stay active! I love so much that every time we are putting together an event, my kids ask “Is there a kids run this time too?” and that I find them scanning newsletters for mention of family triathlons-I love that they know that sports aren’t just a kid thing, or something reserved for professional athletes, but an enjoyable part of life!
For the kids, since sports are not only a great habit, but a ton of fun, we incorporate them into everyday-even when we aren’t doing the “official” team sports. Instead of defaulting to TV or video games, we pack up and head to the park for a game of soccer or baseball, or just bail to the backyard for whatever sport the most interest happens to be in this week. Some of my favorite “Family Nights” last year involved a family jump rope contest, and hula-hoop-off! One of the big bonuses of spending more time playing the sports with my kids instead of just signing them up to compete on some team every season, is that the focus remains on the joy of playing the game, and not on which team wins. And that is also a great reminder for me-to focus on the love of the sport, and enjoying my own training and races, and not focus on the number of races I've run this season compared to someone else, or how my finish times compare to others. The only one I’m competing against is myself. It’s not just about crossing the finish line, but about enjoying the journey along the way!
I'm a follower . . .
I try to be the ultimate sports mom – to make being active and taking care of myself a priority so I can set an example for my daughter. So hopefully she will be ultimate sports girl (instead of ultimate hot dog eater and couch sitter girl like I was growing up!).
I'm a follower.
I am a mom that has no other choice than to get moving and be active. With 3 kids and growing up with 5 other siblings I have always been on a team, creating a team or coaching a team. I spend much of my time driving to and from practice for my kiddos…and because we live out of town a bit…I often end up waiting in town. I have packed many picnics and hit Mc more that I would like. Just seeing that cold yummy chocolate milk makes me excited to get out the cooler for team and my own kids! I have a 9, 7 and 4 year old and they are all over the place. This year I coached my 7 year old's soccer team and 9 year old's basketball team. It is so important to me to get to know the kids my kids hang with and as a mom be available. Sometimes those little 3rd grade boys would look at me in "wonder". I mean how can a mom steal a basketball??? We had a blast during the Olypics and had our own mini olypics when ever we could squeeze it in!! We will have a busy summer with gymnastics and golf and of course some basketball. My kids join me for short runs and I really do love this time with them. They see me set goals and they see me making time for them as well. I love being a mom on the go….this time is precious and if I can have cold chocolate milk on top of this…I'm golden!!
I'm a follower and a mom to 2 boys. My boys are on the school baseball teams, the Rec teams and we also do travel ball (traveling to play in 3 states). They also get to do soccer and boy scouts, and football (I have a feeling I'm leaving out something) With all of that I'm on the Travel team board and Executive Director of Fundraising for baseball and the soccer team and the team mom …aka the snack queen! I am my boys and the teams number one very loud (in the good way) fan! Like the other moms here, I love being “Ultimate Sports Mom”!
I am a follower
I'm a follower.
Without a doubt, I am the Ultimate Sports Mom. I pursue my own running goals and my boys, 4 and 9, and with me every step of the way – literally, most days. My oldest loves to come with me and rides his bike (he's become a great pacer) and my youngest, whom I thought would have outgrown the baby jogger by now, has a temper tantrum if he can't come along for the ride. At the end of each run, youngest jumps out and races me the last kilometre home – and that kid is fast. This actually works out well as my husband works night hours. Whenever I race, I have to try to find one that also has a fun run for kids – or create one for my youngest to do at the end of the "Mom's race." Running is a way for our family to be active together, even though that activity means different things to each of us.
Both boys play soccer and I coach the youngest's team. I also coach cross-country at school and I coach track and field during the spring (okay, perhaps this isn't mom stuff, but it's me). Often the boys will come with me to my school's practices; they love a chance to jump in as a relay runner or just a chance to jump into the long jump pit.
With us sports, though, is not just team sports. It's getting out there and being active. It's playing frisbee with your kids until your shoulder hurts, bending over for hours while you teach a child to ride on two wheels and chasing each other through the bushes because no one wants to be it. That's being a Sports Mom.
I'm a follower!
I'm a follower of your journey! Rockin' Refuel looks great and I'd love to try it out!
I feel that I'm the Ultimate Sports Mom, because I constantly try to involve my children in our active and healthy lifestyle … whether it is them being active or being a part of our journey. I didn't start working out or running until my oldest was 18 months old. She and my son only know me as a "running mommy" and think it is normal to have running and sports as a part of your every day life. My kids enjoy working out with me in our home gym and going along with me with the little one in the jogging stroller and the older one walking/running/riding her bike along side me. Racing has also given us a reason to travel and has given my kids the opportunity to travel all over the midwest and to Disney World. My daughter has competed in a few faces of her own already! I also keep my daughter signed up for a variety of activities. I like giving her the opportunity to try out things and see what she is good at and likes. There is always something else to try, if she decides it's not for her. But, it keeps her active and busy. While she's at practice, I like to take my son out for run in the jogging stroller. I was very shy as a child and didn't like trying anything new (especially sports). I hated gym class, because we needed to run the mile at the end of the year. I don't want my kids to be afraid like that. This is part of the reason I've decided to run as a "sole mate" for Girls on the Run at my marathon this month. I want to inspire young girls to be active and see what marvelous things they can accomplish, especially my own children.
Thanks for the opportunity!!! 🙂