“Boston is a course you need to do many times before you get the hang of it,” says Bill Rodgers. “I know I did.” Coming from a four-time champion, that’s saying something. Boston, the world’s oldest marathon, isn’t just tricky; it’s diabolical. But we quizzed former winners, canny coaches, and regular runners who know the course firsthand to bring you a mile-by-mile guide to the ups and downs of getting from Hopkinton to Copley Square.
Miles 0-2.5:
From an initial elevation of 472 feet, Route 135 drops like a roller coaster as it rambles into Ashland, site of the original starting line, used from 1897 to 1923. The gnarliest section of the descent comes in the first six-tenths of a mile, but Boston’s strict seeding system, the size of its field, and the narrow road should help prevent you from careening downhill too fast. This is a good thing, so don’t fight it. Stay in the middle third of the road and let the jackrabbits sprint along the edges. You’ll get your chance to pass them later.
Yes, strong downhill. I stayed on the outer left side of the road because I started with a water bottle I wanted to whip.
TJ’s Food and Spirits, mile 2. Even the leather-clad Harley set gets caught up in marathon mania. This rowdy biker bar, located on the left side of the road, is the first major spectator hangout you’ll pass.
Totally remember the bikers cheering. It was awesome!
Miles 5-7.5:
Around the 10-K mark in Framingham, the course traverses the first of seven sets of railroad tracks. While you needn’t worry about having to stop to let a locomotive pass, several members of the lead pack in 1907 were less fortunate. According to Boston Marathon veteran and history buff Tom Derderian, they got separated from the eventual winner by a slow-moving freighter.
I have no recollection of any railroad tracks whatsoever. My mind is a blank. Maybe I was flying over them?
By now, Route 135 has flattened out, allowing runners to find a consistent rhythm. “Now you’re getting into a groove,” says race director Dave McGillivray, a 33-time Boston finisher. If you’ve ignored our advice and gone out too fast, when you hit Framingham, you need to settle in. “The mile splits you’d planned, those are what you should be running now,” says McGillivray.
Of course I went out too fast when do I not?
Henry Wilson Shoe Shop, mile 8.5. Although staged on Patriot’s Day, the state holiday that commemorates Paul Revere’s ride, the Boston Marathon never touches the route Revere and his deputies traveled while sounding the alarm. At the intersection of Route 135 and Mill Street in Natick, however, it does pass the proudly preserved workspace of Henry Wilson, a local cobbler who went on to become Ulysses S. Grant’s vice president.
Huh? Didn’t see it.
Miles 7.5-12.5:
The course undulates as it skirts Lake Cochituate and proceeds into downtown Natick. “Some of the grade changes are imperceptible, but they do help you,” says Boston Athletic Association (BAA) coach Michael Pieroni. “You can use different muscles, which lets those that have been taxed for a while get a break.” Forget about even splits on the rolling terrain and focus instead on even effort. “Your pace will slow down on the upgrades,” says Lisa Rainsberger, the last American to win, in 1985. “But if you keep the same cadence and the same heart rate, you’ll be okay.”
Lake? What lake? Um yes the grade changes…meaning holy hell uphill… to this flatlander. Finally at mile 11 I came to my senses and backed off my ridiculously stupid pace and took it easy for self-preservation purposes.
Wellesley College, mile 12.5. Because of the way the course bends, the celebrated shrieks of the school’s 2,400 students will reach your ears well before you pass by them. If you don’t get chills once you hit this gauntlet of sound, say even the most hard-boiled Boston vets, you must not have a pulse.
This was the most incredible phenomenon. I could hear them way before I even got there. They brought a big smile to my face and my feet were light and swift thru Wellesley. Thanks girls!
Miles 15-16.5:
On its way into Newton Lower Falls, Route 135 plummets 150 feet in a half mile, the steepest drop since the opening plunge out of Hopkinton. “It’s a terrible hill,” says Bill Squires, famed former coach of the Greater Boston Track Club, noting that what makes it so troublesome is the punishing haul up the bridge over Route 128 that immediately follows. “To me, the climb up over 128 has always been the toughest part of the whole race,” adds McGillivray. “You don’t look for it, because nobody talks about it. And then you say, ‘Wait a minute, I’m going up.’ And then you keep going up and up.” The bridge’s exposure to the elements adds to its difficulty. “If there’s a weather problem of any sort, this area seems to call it out,” says Cambridge Running Club coach Fred Treseler. “If it’s sunny, it’s always very hot. If it’s a windy day, it’s twice as bad here.” Consider yourself warned. Put your head down, stay focused, and maybe repeat a mantra-something like “This too shall pass.”
By now I’m looking for my posse and their Sponge Bob balloon.
Miles 16.5-17.5:
“If you’re under pace, this is the point to really slow it down and regroup, and make sure you’re truly getting ready for the last hills,” Pieroni says. Anyone who feels their legs fading here should “go to their arms,” suggests Rainsberger. Driving your elbows back a bit harder than normal helps bring up your knees. “And that’s going to spread out the workload.”
Entering the 17th mile, you’ll encounter two potentially vital relief stations. In front of the Woodland Country Club, you’ll find volunteers distributing Power Gel on both sides of the course. To the right sits an MBTA (or “T,” as the locals call it) trolley stop. (Note: All day on marathon day, flashing your official bib number lands you a free T ride. But don’t get on it here!)
Where the hell is my posse???
Newton Fire Station, mile 17.5. For the first time in the entire race, the course takes a sharp turn, bearing right at this handsome red-brick building onto Commonwealth Avenue and the first of the infamous Newton hills.
Finally while tap dancing thru a street littered with Power Gel land mines, I spotted the Sponge Bob balloon and saw my kids, the Caveman, my girlfriends, even the in-laws. Fuel handoff and lots of hugs and slacking happened here.
Miles 17.5-21:
Here we go: Take a deep breath, set your eyes on the road ahead, and motor on, tackling the slopes one at a time as you start up the series of rises that ends with the famous Heartbreak Hill. “The first one is pretty long, but it has the gentlest grade,” says Pieroni. Shorten your strides slightly until you reach the top, then switch into recovery mode as you drop 50 feet over the next mile. The second hill rears up just past the Johnny Kelley statue-on the left side of the street, opposite Newton City Hall-and leads to a short, level patch of road that fools some fatigue-addled runners into thinking the worst is over, when Heartbreak proper still looms. Draw encouragement from the boisterous crowds lining the course. Dick Beardsley, who finished second behind Alberto Salazar in their famous 1982 duel, says, “I thought the crowds helped me here more than anywhere else.”
Um yeah this was hard. Really hard. Like shoot me now and leave me for the vultures hard. I began walking thru water stations here. Insert GU IV drip NOW!
Miles 22-25:
Before entering Cleveland Circle at mile 22, the race turns abruptly right onto Chestnut Hill Avenue, then left 300 yards later onto Beacon Street. By mile 23, you’ll be descending steadily; in the twenty-fourth, the downward pitch becomes even more pronounced.
If you’re still feeling good, “the course is finally sweet to you at the end,” Rodgers says. “It gives you all this good downhill, and you can just glide.” If you’re struggling, Rainsberger advises taking things a few shuffling steps at a time. “Break it down into smaller sums. You can see the darn CITGO sign forever, so don’t look for that. Look for the next water station or mile marker.” As you approach Kenmore Square, beware the Mass. Pike overpass near Fenway Park. It’s just a bump, really, but it won’t seem like that now.
Landmark: Cemetery Mile, mile 23. “People get to the top of Heartbreak and they say, ‘Damn, I made it!'”Meyer says. “Then they go charging down the hill to Boston College, and then their legs are finished.” After crossing Lake Street, anyone who commits that error will be left to suffer in relative solitude. Trolley tracks paralleling Commonwealth Avenue on the left keep away supporters. What’s more, to the right stands Evergreen Cemetery. “I call it the Cemetery of Lost Hope,” Squires says. Treseler adds, “It’s really a no-man’s-land. All of a sudden, everything goes quiet. It’s very easy to become distracted or deflated.”
Thank heavens for the delicious downhills. Although my quads are cursing loudly. I keep on keepin on. Crowds are INSANE and the Wellesley girls have nothing on the Boston College coeds. WOW! Somewhere in here I came upon Rick and Dick Hoyt, ran with them for a bit and got all emotional, no actual crying though cuz I’m that dehydrated.
Miles 25-26.2:
During his showdown with Salazar, Beardsley tripped over a pothole as the two flew through Kenmore Square. The stumble barely threw him off stride-he actually credits the mishap with loosening a perilously tight hamstring-and in retrospect, it’s no surprise he kept going. Once you get this far, nothing will stop you from finishing.
A straight shot down Common- wealth Avenue leads you to a right onto Hereford Street and a final short incline before hooking a left onto Boylston. Keep the legs churning and the arms swinging. And most of all, soak in the Olympian roar-and the view of the finish-once you make that turn. “You’ve reached the point of no return,” McGillivray says. No matter what the race clock reads, “you can claim victory now.”
When I came around that corner and saw the finish looming it was like the ultimate mirage. Am I really here? How the hell did I get here? My life passed before me in slow motion. Should I cry?…oh yeah too dehydrated. I put my hands up, paced myself for the optimum finishline photo op and got er done. Amazing.
Kenmore Square MBTA Stop, near mile 25 and the CITGO sign. Some say infamous bandit Rosie Ruiz walked out of this station and jumped in the race for her ill-gained “First place” finish in 1980. Having earned your medal, you’ll want to celebrate. Avoid the Copley Square T (it’s closed), and go to Arlington Street, the Hynes Convention Center, or Back Bay Station. And try to stay awake for a postrace party.
The finishing chute was an another marathon unto itself. Somehow I missed the reunion area and found myself shivering like a drug addict out in a windy park with swan boats. Go figure. Alright, enough. Back to packing for this year! EEK!
LOVED the course narration!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! eek can't believe it's monday. post your outfit so if i spot you i can cheer you on!! ๐
great post!! and ahhhhhhhhhhh we are sooooo freaking close!!!!!!!
Really enjoyed reading that, I didn't even know what Boston was this time last year now I'm totally excited for it and for reading yours and Karyn's recaps ๐
I got goosebumps reading this:)
Wow, what wonderful memories. I loved reading your narration of the course.
I just got the chills. You rock chickie!!!!!
I seriously just got so emotional reading that! Wow, what an amazing experience. Someday I hope to live it too!
Good luck!!
If you want any last minute encouragement, email me your cell number and I'll text you some cheers on Sunday evening and Monday morning!!
Ohhh, I *loved* reading all about your Boston experience last year. How fantastic that you get to do it all again next week! EXCITING!!!
Great way to present it all…brought back some memories for me, thanks. I hope you absolutely love it and crush it next week!
Great post. Just forwarded to my daughter who is running this year!
What a great post! Forwarding this to Spike as we speak… SEE YOU SUNDAY!!!!! AHHHHH!!! ๐
Okay, I could only skim this (but will go back and read more later) my mind can't process more words than about 5 words at once right now….but I had to laugh cuz the thing you never saw on the course???? Um, yeah, I have no flipping clue they were there either. And you can add, for that matter, that I never even really realized I was at Boston College. Hello??? I never had to walk last year but dear God, I truly wanted to, I was majorly dehydrated too and my cramped stomach let me know!
See ya soon!!! HUGS!!
I just printed this up! Thank you! I'm going to study it on the plane! Can't wait to meet you all ๐
thanks for the info. This is my first Boston, so I am reading every piece of info I can. I also read the book about Salazar & Beardley's Dual in the Sun. Good book – a little sad, but good.
Need for you to roll through the race from before as you are preparing to do it again. ๐
Totally excited for you!!!
That is awesome commentary! Love it!
Great post!! I can't believe how excited I am for all you Boston racers ๐ ๐ More memories to be made!
This was an extremely great post. Its like the video I saw the other day with Josh Cox that made me want to get out and run no matter what. Thank you for sharing your pains, fears, joys, and memories. Crossing the finish line is the one goal. Glad you also took note of a few landmarks too while you are at it. Might as well enjoy the tour huh? lol. Take care and God Bless Runner Friend!
Great post! I'm teary-eyed just reading it.
While on bus duty yesterday, I was telling the kids at school about the bus lines in Boston. I may as well have been telling them that cows do fly; they were in sheer disbelief. Perhaps next time they complain about needing the washroom, I'll tell them about the porta-potties.
I just cracked up because I"m with Jill, I just couldn't read this post because it makes me jittery!! Truly! I did stop to smile and almost tear up at your finish photo, I love it!
I can't even post about B anymore, I'm all jello!
loved this! this will be my first time running boston so i am no expert. i haven't been doing much reading up on the course so this was great! only a few days to go! ๐
Awesome, awesome, awesome! Good luck!
Great pics and course report… I hope that this year's Boston experience is everything you want it to be!
Oh, I loved this! Gave me chills, for sure. Safe travels and good luck!
Such a great vision of the race! I wish you great luck and endurance to finish Boston strong! Can't wait to hear about this years recap!
Love the post. I hope you have a TERRIFIC race this year — no shivering at the end, though!
The idea of qualifing sort of terrifies me at how hard it might feel. This was a good post, as always to keep us all motivated