I am back from my Uber Sports Doc. I have a strained/sprained posterior tibialis.
Good news: My YMCA has pool running equipment.
Bad News: I’m gonna be monopolizing it for 3 weeks because I am banned from running. So let’s see, that means I’ll be all healed up and ready to go again oh about a week before the Boston taper.
USD also cleared me to bike and swim. You all know how much I adore swimming. Not. Just getting in the water to do this running thing will be interesting to say the least.
Anyway here’s the treatment regime I went thru today and will do again 3x next week:
Ice and interferential stimulation
Adjustment of bones in foot/ankle. After an unusually loud pop, USD said he moved something in my foot down that was way too high and may have been causing undue strain on the tibialis.
Graston technique to maximize blood flow to the injured area and expedite healing.
Well, I am happy to hear you now know what the problem is and how to fix it. Three weeks off and changes to racing schedule are very unfortuntate however. So sorry to hear that. I love your positive attitude though. If I were to ever BQ, I don't know if I could handle this news with such poise and grace. Anyhoo, have fun in the pool!
Be sure to listen to USD. And stay positive. You may need to read this post to yourself in a week.
I'm sure that must be a bummer. I wish I could tell you that I sympathized on the swimming thing, but I was a swimmer in high school. Hope it all heals well!
ugh, sorry to hear about the foot…but I don't think you're delusional for being hopeful.
all the cross training you do in the pool the next few weeks is something, and you're still goin' to Boston baby;-)
Sorry to hear the prognosis. :/ On the plus side, at leat you have some answers and a course of action. Hang in there with the positive attitude!
Bummer! At least you know what it is and can properly recover now. And it could be worse. Keep that positive attitude! You'll make it through!
major bummer dude! hope you recover quickly. i love your positive attitude! i'm a firm believer in the mind/body connection so youll be back in action before you know it ๐
Yikes! A loud pop. Kinda scary. Hopefully you you'll be back to normal soon.
Okay, now we know so let's get you fixed ๐
You'll totally do this and no you're not crazy to think there might be a chance for the duathlon! It's never crazy to have hope…
Sucks that you are banned from running – but at least you can do something!
It is not silly to be hopeful! Just keep cross-training and see what your body retrains. It's so great your Y has the pool running equipment. That is what Kastor used when her foot was messed up too!
Haha, I watched usa vs. russia women's curling for about an hour this morning. had no idea what was going on……
I'm so sorry you are sidelined and wished you were closer, as we are having a bit of a pool running session tomorrow! It's not so bad if you get some waterproof headphones.
I love pool running and two years ago, I ran Boston and I only did long runs in the pool (2- 3 hour sessions). If you can deal with the boredom, it will keep your endurance up. I didn't PR, but that wasn't a goal of mine, you can do some good tempo stuff and intervals in the pool! You can still do it! and more importantly, you'll probably enjoy the race more!
FYI, year Mary Kate Bailey won MCM, George was her coach then and he said she was injured and stuck doing only pool running the last 3-6 weeks or so prior to the race… food for thought…
NO, it's not silly at all! I have a friend who runs in the pool four times a week and has been racing 5ks and half marathons and she's doing really well. The pool running does keep you in there! Have faith! Speaking from someone who was injured before her marathon, never give up…the does amazing things!! Truly, there's still a lot of hope!!
Heal quickly!!
I agree with the others above – do the pool running! It will help – it will get you to Boston! Deena Kastor had to do it one year – and came back for a great race! Good luck!
Wow! What a great attitude you have. I hope you heal fast!
I'm sorry but I suppose it could have been worse. I hope you have an awesome recovery and rock Boston. Just focus on getting better for now.
Hi Marcia,
I hope that you get better soon!!! Keep smiling and stay positive:)
Wishing you a FAST recovery! Enjoy the aqua running…sounds cool. I just saw someone doing that on a documentry I was watching…looks cool.
Ah that's no good! I had posterial tibial tendonitis last year and it wasn't any fun ๐
THATS WHAT I HAD!!!! Don't know if you remember— I did it from purposely (stupidly) running overpronated on purpose in Jan??? It was more of a STRAIN and I was cleared to go in about a week and a half. It's holding up well (knock on wood) but this weekend will be my first marathon since then!
I hope you get better quickly. It's a strong tendon thing so it will get better soon. Have fun splashing in the pool!
i have never heard of that. at least someone was able to tell you. sounds annoying to say the least. theres a couple of bloggies doing pool running these days!!! good luck!!
boo! but i'm glad it isn't worse and that you will still be able to run boston! at least you will still be able to go you know? this is an excellent excuse for a little pampering this weekend ๐
I am glad to read you have an answer and a good attitude about it. Take care of yourself and heal. You will be back at it before you know it.
Yay for answers! And, at least, you have found an alternative during your down time from running. Good luck!
I'm so sorry you're hurt–and undergoing Graston to boot. So painful, but effective. Good luck with all the pool runs. If you're ever in Northern Virginia, you'll have to join our new pool running crew (I saw Cheryl shout you out on her blog!).
So sorry to read this. Graston… hurts so good. Fingers are crossed for you and sending you speedy healing vibes!