Yes the snow is falling, we’ve got 12″ and counting, and the wind is howling, not unusual for Chi-town in the winter. But get this: Last night
Now that is uber unusual for these parts. 4.3 on the Richter scale no less. Maybe small potatoes to some of you but big news here! Geez now I guess there may be aftershocks?? Maybe I should drag my treadmill into the doorway.
Welcome to all the new A-listers! It’s so nice to have you here! If I haven’t yet come around to say hey, please leave me a comment and I will ASAP.
Thanks again to all who entered my Nathan Handheld giveaway. It was fun to learn about your hydration preferences. And can you believe not a single one of you said you drink what I do during a long race? Go figure. I mostly drink water but in long races I go with Accelerade. It contains some protein that I feel gives me an extra boost.
Seriously, an earthquake? Scary.
Hope today is less eventful!
hai happy new year, nice to meet u, u hv a great blog here 😉
Hi Marcia,
Holy crap, that is alot of snow!! Earthquake?? Wow, what are the chances? It would be huge news if Minnesota ever got an earthquake too!! Have an awesome day Marcia:)
Wowser… no way.
I used to live in CA – earthquakes were so routine nobody even bothered to freak out.
WOW! I am glad that everyone is okay!
Earthquake?! Yikes!! I've never been in one.
Oh my goodness, NO, I have never experienced an earthquake. Scary! I hope there was no damage and that aftershocks are minimal!
Hello, I'm a fairly new reader, I don't think I've commented yet! We had an earthquake last year (or maybe the year before) I didn't even know we could get them in England – so confusing at the time it woke my boyfriend and I up and we didn't know it had been an earthquake until we saw the news in the morning!!
yah, I live in California, so they happen often, but I've never experienced a BIG one…knock on wood!
Oh my gosh, I can't believe there was an earthquake there! Sure, snow and tornadoes in the midwest, but an earthquake?!?! I hope everything is alright
crazy! i've only experienced one before but it was so small that it was only a gentle shaking. theyre pretty rare in NE too
No earthquakes here! I'm so tired of snow and especially tired of the fact that the plows are seemingly never running around here and the snow keeps piling up all over the roads! Almost spring 🙂
OMG! Wow, an earthquake in your neck of the woods! That is crazy! And all that snow – good luck!
I live in the SF Bay Area, have my whole life, so earthquakes are a way of life. I lived through the big one in '89, our house was destroyed, and ever since I have been over the top prepared. Food and water on hand all the time (even have to swap it out every six months) shoes and clothes under our bed and ready. I have clips on all our cubards to make sure I don't loose my dishes. It's just a way of life – they are scary and they say we are due for a big one at anytime!!
Happy Wednesday!
LOL. Earthquakes are definitely unnerving! I don't think you really have to worry about aftershocks, since they would be pretty small and you probably wouldn't feel them. Believe it or not… I actually like earthquakes…a little. I haven't experienced a really big one, thank goodness. They really give my heart a rush. I like them better than tornados because by the time you know one is coming, it is done and over with. With tornados, there are watches, warnings, sirens, sitting in your basement… a long time of worry for one event.
I'm glad you are ok and nobody was hurt.
Scary i sure hope there are not any after shocks! As if the snow wasn't bad enough!
No Way! An earthquake there? Who would have imagined that. I've never been near an earthquake and I like that I've never been near one.
Years ago I was at home working out alone to a video and thought I felt the house move (it was on blocks). I figured it was me. Later my husband told me there had been an earthquake. It was kind of a relief to know that it wasn't me who had caused the house to shake.
Wow – glad to hear everyone's ok. And LOL on the moving the treadmill into the doorway! I actually experienced an earthquake once in the late 60's when I was in college in western Illinois. I was on the 8th floor of a high-rise dorm so it was pretty scary. Plus, can you imagine a floor of 40 girls screaming? I think that was the worst!
No major earthquakes here, but little tiny ones have maybe happened like twice over my lifetime, that I've felt. No matter how small though, they're pretty scary.
Hope the rest of the week is uneventful 🙂
I heard there was an earthquake in Chicago! Craziness you are having there with snow and the ground shaking!!
Whoa — earthquakes! I remember there being a small one in the NJ area in the 80s some time. But, none recently. After the hurricanes in Miami in 04 and 05, I'm done with the natural disasters!! Snow it is (in CT).
When I was in school at uvm we had an earthquake in the middle of the night. I thought it was my roommate shaking the bed (we were bunked) so I shook it right back at her.
I've never been to Birmingham, were you there to study? There's probably far too much of England I haven't seen!
Small ones. One time I thought the furnace had blown up. But we didn't have a furnace.
oh wow, that is intense!! I'm glad you're all okay though. 🙂
I don't know if you entered the Holey Donuts giveaway or not, but if you could check out this post and do so for my blog, it would mean a TON for my family and you can enter for the book afterwards too if you wish (White Cat by Holly Black ARC)!:
I read that in the news! What is up with our planet? Earthquakes and endless snow. I grew up in Southern Cal and would expect it there, not near you! Glad you are doing ok.
Earthquake? That's so weird!
When I lived in Ohio, there were occasional smallish earthquakes. Usually felt like a big truck going down the street.
accelerade is what i use on long runs too
Cant say that I ever experienced an earthquake. Snow? …….unfortunately yes. I have got to find a warmer state to move to. THis is for the birds.
i saw that! i was thinking what the heck illinois is not supposed to have 'quakes. then i was being a dork look at earthquake stuff online and realized they occur (small ones) pretty often all over the us.