I’ve known for some time now that occasionally I am prone to negative self-talk.Since acknowledgment is the first step in recovery, I’m gonna out myself here.
As you probably know, my focus has turned to Boston training for just over a week now. The uber cold weather, coupled with the fact that I operate on toddler time, means my treadmill and I are on a first name basis…when I am not swearing at him, that is.
I already told you how Sunday’s 13 went.
Today’s mission: Speedwork. 800m repeats to be more specific.
No sooner than I ramped up my speed for the first 800 did my Monkey Brain, the Buddhist term for ceaseless mind chatter, start rambling an incessant stream of self-defeating notions.
Monkey: “Ouch, the blister is hurting! Maybe you should stop. What if the skin tears? You’ll miss more training if you keep going.”
I ignore the monkey.
Monkey: “You know it’s so early in the training cycle. You are out of shape. This is probably fast enough right here.”
Reality: I’m feeling pretty good.
Monkey: “You’ve got at least a pound of excess weight from all that English toffee over the holidays, you can’t possibly expect to go any faster.”
Reality: He’s got a point here but I keep going.
Monkey: “Holy cripes! Keep this up and your hamstring will be kaput! Hey is your heartbeat irregular? Maybe you should stop and check.”
….and so it went. An unending flow of reasons to slow down or cut the run short. Self-defeating as opposed to self-fulfilling. Happily I managed to ignore my inner chimp and got the intervals done at a decent pace. I even threw in a few hill intervals at the end for spice. Take that Monkey Brain.
Do you have a Monkey Brain? What does it say?
Oh yes! I do have that all of the time when I am on the treadmill!! I loved to hear your inner dialogue because it reflected so much of what goes on in my mind!!
Love this post! I definitely have a monkey brain-I think it's the same monkey as you!! Great job on the intervals! We are going to be rewarded for all this nasty cold winter weather with a March of 31 consecutive 50 degree days-I just know it!!! Good luck with the training!
hahaha great post. my monkey brain usually happens at night. FYI ads by google on this post is advertising "naughty monkey" shoes…i found it funny
Ha, ha. We call it squirrell brain around my house! I hope your weather improves!
You are too funny! My little monkey is always talking about how tired he is. Lazy little monkey!!
I've been running on the treadmill WAY too much, also. Ugh. Today, I'm thinking of paying the 50 cents to run at the indoor track.
So, excited to follow your Boston training! You are living the dream!
Good work on the treadmill and throwing the monkey off your back. I am picturing Marcel from Friends jumping around!
way to show that monkey brain who's boss! i don't have anyone/thing (heh) telling me those thoughts but I do have to tell myself (sometimes aloud!!) that i'm strong and bamf and that i can do this sometimes during my speedworkouts i try to talk myself out of doing all the scheduled intervals!
OMG! That made me laugh! I, too, have a big fat monkey on my back…and you're right, he lives right next to the treadmill. I can hear him telling me not to even bother to put my running shoes on in the next room because he is sure I am gonna suck wind when I get on!
Way to push through! Boston: here we come!!
I don't have a monkey brain…i have a gorilla brain!! I constantly have those little conversations in my head about out how i should cut my run short or take another walk break, etc. Glad to know i'm not that only one. 🙂
OMG! I SOOO have a Monkey Brain. It tells me how slow I am, that today is an "off" day, that my hip hurts and I shouldn't injure it, and then tells me all the chores I should be doing instead. I hate that monkey!
I have massive "squirrel brain" as a fellow blogger likes to say. I have conversations like this constantly! I am bowing to you for only being up one lb from the holiday sugar madness…ugh, I feel like a blimp. I went on a sans sugar diet for 4-weeks and gonna have to hunker down and do it again. Thanks for that nudge!
i fight with mine most every time i step on the treadmill!!
Thanks for giving me a name to put to that annoying voice in my head. A typical occurance: I'm on a long run of say, 14 miles and feeling good, when Monkey starts in with "Wow, this is tough, there's no way you can do 20 in a few weeks." Eventually, I realize that all I have to worry about is the 14 I'm doing today and the 20 will take care of itself at some point in the future. But, unfortunately, I fall for the negativity each time. Next time I vow to recognize Monkey's antics right away and banish him! Thanks – you're always so good at articulating runners' thoughts & feelings!
LOL! What is your monkey's name? Is it Steve? (Have you seen Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs? If yes, it will make sense)
I don't have much of a monkey brain problem – I am to easy on myself.
Did you see the article in the Feb. issue of Runner's World about how awesome running on the treadmill is? I have not read it all yet, but when I read the title, I just laughed out loud!
It's funny how that monkey brain loves the treadmill at my house too!
way to overcome the monkey! i am bad about having these thoughts too often myself… i need to work on mental strength training big time!
Your monkey brain is so much nicer to you than mine…mine says I'm a fat piece of lard waiting to happen and I should just quit while I'm ahead and stop running because I'm embarrassing myself in front of all my neighbors who's never seen a sweaty pig dressed as in runners clothes before…and on, and on, and on! It just never shuts up!
You did a good job on the TM! Way to go on that!
I totally have Monkey Brain, especially on long runs. I have found the best way to shut it up is to just keep up with the others that I couldn't before. We all chat away and I don't let the brain say that this is too hard, or let's just take a break here.
Monkey brain, huh? Is that what you call it? And I just thought that was the little fat lazy Shelly would watches tv all day, yelling at me to sit back down whenever I do anything that makes me sweat.
Good job NOT listening to your negative chatter!
hahahaha! Great Job on ignoring the Monkey. Get that Monkey off your back, or in this case, out of your head. Eat that George Michael. lol. You have given me something to ponder on. THanks. My monkey or whatever tells me "oh, there is plenty of time later to do this, just relax"
I like how you did the inclines at the end of you run for good measure! my monkey is just basic procrastinating….