You all know I’ve been brutalizing challenging my body with CrossFit/P90X…and that I’m 2+ weeks into a whole foods diet initiative…and that running has taken a back seat until the end of the year when Boston training ramps up.
I’ve been yammering on about my buttular state of emergency, how sugar-deprived I am, and so on.
Fast forward to last weekend:
Friday: I did a brutal workout which included heaven knows how many weighted lunges on a Bosu, lunges off of a step, squats with weights, squats with a medicine ball, lunging and squatting, squatting and lunging, with sticks, with boulders, with flaming spears, javelins, rings of fire….I exaggerate but not by much.
Saturday: Anniversay 11 miler. It was mediocre but what do you expect after Friday? Plus my pushup challenge had me doing a total of 148. Not all at once, but in sets with rest between. May as well have been 148 million though. Our celebratory dinner consisted of a hand-tossed veggie pie at Pizza Hut of all places. The height of elegance, I know. Thing 2’s reading award coupon for a free personal pie drew us in. And, continuing in high style, we followed the pizza up with some frozen custard. A girl’s gotta stray off her diet once in a while right?
Which brings me to Sunday: I never run 2 days in a row. Like ever. I know I’m a slacker. Many/most of you probably do. If I divulged to my Boston cronies what kind of weekly mileage I ran for any of my marathons they’d probably choke then promptly drop kick me out of their circle of friends. Kidding.
But today the rain had not yet started and I simply FELT like running. So I got out for a quick 5 miler just for fun. As usual, no pace goals and certainly no expectations. None.
Mile 1: 9:01. Fast for me for a warmup mile.
And I got faster. And faster. I felt light and fast and GREAT and I swear I wasn’t pressing. Even into the wind! Where was this energy coming from? Sub 8 minute miles felt joyful and EASY! What is up with that?
I’m sure the pizza/ice cream had alot something to do with it but a great run after two hard workouts does not compute. I’m gonna chalk it up to a wonderful and very welcome gift. The unexpectedly great runs are the best!
Awesome Sunday Run! You know, I read in an article in Runner's World once that pizza is good running fuel! 🙂
Sunday's run sounds great!! It is wonderful when it all falls into place – you want to run, the splits are great, and you had the energy to do it all!
Great job killing it on Sunday after all your work earlier in the weekend!