As a fairly very Type A runner, during training cycles I find myself scheduling the pace of each mile, the buildup, the taper, seemingly every inhale, morsel of food and so on. As a runner currently NOT in the throes of a training cycle (WOOT!) I’ve made a concerted effort to NOT schedule every footfall. I know, what a concept.
Yesterday, for the second consecutive Saturday I actually ran simply because I felt like it. During training you’d never catch me out running on a Saturday unless I was changing up my long run to that day. But the weather in these parts lately has been nothing short of sublime and just too good to pass up. I refer to times like these as running on borrowed time. I was treated to a firey red sunrise shrouded by ribbons of mist–more beautiful than anything I could have conjured in a dream had I chosen to stay in bed.
Today I got out for a leaden but equally joyful 10. Perfect weather yet again. It was apparent that my body is not accustomed to running two days in a row but so what? I have no pace goals to meet, no mileage requirement, no pressure. For now I’m running for the pure joy of it. Because I FEEL like it.
Great post, thanks!!! I've been struggling with the "have to's" and so long to just run because I "want to"! Usually, I run so much better with a purpose behind my running .. but not so much lately. Glad I'm not alone!
That is the best reason to run!!!
Going on a run because you feel like it is the best kind of run! So rejuvenating.
I am enjoying that running when I feel like it mode. I like being able to just wake up and run whatever I am feeling!! The weather certainly has cooperated!
Love this post! What a nice feeling!