This week’s question comes from Joanna of Morning Runner. She asks:
What is your favorite race? Do you live for the marathons or crave a 5k? Would you rather race in the morning, afternoon, or at night? Do you like big races with tons of people and encouraging crowds or do you prefer the smaller hometown races?
This is like asking a mom to pick her favorite child. Just kidding…no I’m not…ok yes I am. Anyway like all good moms, I like each of these race distances for different reasons.
In terms of which race am I most competitive in: That is definitely the 5k or 10k. Like a cheetah in the hunt, I am built for speed…go ahead you can laugh now…I sure am.
In terms of what is most challenging to me: I enjoy half and full marathons. They require a longer training cycle, they hurt more when I mismanage my pacing strategy and at the same time they are most fulfilling when I manage to cross that finish line in one piece. They truly teach me something about myself.
Time of race: Definitely morning. Earlier the better. Less time to be consumed by nerves.
Big or small races? Again I’ve gotta say I enjoy both. I loved Chicago and Boston and OMG the insane crowds there, and I loved Grand Rapids and lots of the small hometown races I do where crowds are smaller.
How about you? What’s your fave?
I agree that it is hard to pick a favorite race! I feel like sometimes I have gone through phases and loving one race and hating another!!
interesting thoughts on why you like one over the other. built for speed but like the challenge of the distance. i miss speedy 5ks but fear i'm not fast enough to do as well as i want in one so i'm avoiding them… copout i know.