Look Who’s Running Now?
Yep it’s none other than 30-Minute Meal maven Rachel Ray! And she’s down 2 dress sizes as a result! Welcome to the awesome world of running Rachel–and be sure to look me up when you’re in Chi-Town!
PTSD= Pre-Thanksgiving Stress Disorder
I’m having Thanksgiving this year. Don’t get me wrong I love to cook. But for some reason I’m stressing more than usual. So much to do but so little I can do ahead. I’ve got “the bird” thawing and more baking on the docket for today. I’m sure it’ll be fine, even though the guest list is 20+ and growing…so many brines, so little time…
Whole Foods Initiative Week 3 Recap
Can you believe I’ve been at this for 3 whole weeks? Crazy! The original plan was to do it for 2 weeks but then I got to thinking about the 21 day rule–and if I can make eating whole foods a habit all the better right? So I stuck it out for another week. The findings:
My complexion remains clearer
My strong sugar cravings are gone for the most part. BUT, most likely out of habit, my brain sometimes still tells me “go ahead and have a treat, you’ve been so good”. Although if I do have something and really listen to my body, those treats are frequently not as enjoyable as they once were.
I am down one pound below marathon weight. Not a ton of weightloss but I can assure you I’m getting plenty to eat. I haven’t been counting calories, maybe I should, but I am making better food choices.
Surely I haven’t been perfect: there were a few mint M&Ms, more chocolate-covered cranberries, chips and salsa, but since treats are no longer shouting for me from the pantry, they are no longer a daily ocurrance and so far, knock wood, I’ve managed not to overindulge.
and last but certainly not least:
LOL! You are so funny! Congrats on the diminishing belly fat! I can't believe you are cooking Thanksgiving for 20+ people. Nuts!
You will probably lose weight with the workout of cooking for that many people!!
Enjoy the rewards of your hard work.
Interesting to hear that Rachel Ray has started to run. Try not to stress too much over thanksgiving 🙂
Great post – very fun!! I gave up sugar because I was consuming half the school I work at…and I'm on day 8 and I can say that I, too, am not craving it like I was when I was eating it. It's just an experiment. Have a great T'giving – that's awesome you are cooking for 20+!
20+ people?!? You deserve to have PTSD. Good for you to give up sugar. I'm sure it makes a huge difference in so many aspects of your life, and mainly for the positive.
Thanks for stopping by my blog and for the words of encouragement! Giving up sugar: I don't know how you guys do it!!! Hang in there, I'm sure you'll do fine.
Oooohhh I need to work on shedding some belly fat post holiday endulgence, I may be emailing you for some tips.
RELAX about the Holiday, it will all be great I am sure of it!!