This week’s question comes from Lacey: Imagine you are attending a week-long running camp. Where would it be? What would you do? Would there be classes? Bootcamps? Socials? I want to know all about the kinds of things that make up your ideal running-related week. No work, no obligations outside of camp,… for one week you can have it exactly your way! Tell me all about it!
My running camp would be called “Embrace the Hills” It would be located in legendary and scenic Mammoth Lakes, CA and it would be led by a veritable constellation of running luminaries ie: Dean Karnazes, Deena Kastor, Kara Goucher, Ryan Hall, Joan Benoit, Alberto Salazar. I chose a hill camp because hills and I are not (yet) the best of friends. And to borrow one of the many deep, though-provoking lines from “Born to Run”, you can’t truly conquer something until you love it. So in order for me to “conquer” my issues with hills, I will learn to love them. And what better place to do so than Mammoth Lakes?
A typical day would start with a sunrise run led by one of the luminaries, followed by breakfast and possibly a cooldown swim. There would be a daily seminar or two covering topics such as injury, running form, gait analysis, stretching, diet, etc, lots of yoga and of course plenty of spa opportunities (massage anyone?). On 3 of the 7 days there would be a 2nd run at sunset, I’ve never done doubles but hey if I can’t toughen up at running camp when can I?
Evenings would start with a gourmet, runner-friendly meal and be filled with lots of socializing among the campers and leads. Campers would take home a swag bag filled with the running stars’ favorite things. But most importantly I’d be leaving with lots of new friendships and leaving behind my trepidations regarding hills.
OK Hills and I do not get along…I am pretty sure someone would have to drag me kicking and screaming to your camp…but I would be glad afterward. HIlls are my nemesis..