As health-conscious individuals, we all hear plenty about the many virtues of Omega-3’s in our diet. But what is Omega-3 really? And did you know about Omega-6? I receive numerous questions about how to include Omega 3 in the diet so I’d like to address it here:
Omega 3 and 6 are both essential fatty acids. Your body cannot manufacture them on it’s own so it’s important that you get these in your diet.
The two critical Omega 3 fatty acids are EPA and DHA. Hormones that control immune function, blood clotting and cell growth are made from these.
Good sources of Omega 3’s are, as you probably know, cold water fish, sardines, cod and mackerel.
Some vegetarian sources of Omega 3 are walnuts and flaxseeds. These contain ALA that your body must then convert to EPA and DHA.
Omega 6 is manufactured in our body as well. While Omega-3’s reduce inflammation and clotting, Omega 6 increases inflammation, blood clotting and cell proliferation.
For optimal health, Omega 6 and 3 should be balanced at a 4:1 ratio. In most modern diets this ratio is closer to 20:1, meaning we’re getting waaaay more Omega 6 than we need. This imbalance is believed to be at the root of the rising instances of asthma, heart disease, caners, autoimmune and neurodegenerative diseases. All of these stem from inflammation in the body. This imbalance also contributes to obesity, depression and hyperactivity.
Omega 6 is plentiful in the typical modern diet. It’s commonly found in seeds, nuts and oils.Omega 6 is rampant in the refined vegetable oils used to make most snack foods, cookies, crackers, sweets and fast food.
So how do we bring these our Omegas into balance? By following an anti-inflammatory diet.
Cut down on Omega 6 by eating less processed food, polyunsaturated vegetable oils (corn, sunflower, soybean, cottonseed, safflower).
Even grain-fed beef is a source of Omega-6. Grass-fed is a better choice.
Cook at home from scratch
Use olive oil for cooking
Eat more fish or take a supplement
Use Omega-3 fortified eggs
Include walnuts, ground flaxseeds and Omega-3 fortified dried fruit in your diet
Personally I find the Fish Oil supplement to be a great immune booster. I also notice that my kids have a calmer disposition and are able to concentrate on homework more effectively. I can’t say enough good things about it.
everything these days seems to be fortified with omega 3s!!! but i also take trader joe's fish oil supplement- a softgel, odor-free. i only started taking this a couple of weeks ago and haven't noticed a difference but i believe in it and will stick with it.
I thought you would be interested in my article on omega-3s in Prevention Magazine:
Susan thank you for the referral to your excellent and comprehensive discussion of Omega 3 and 6. I really enjoyed reading it!