I haven’t posted much lately as various issues/events have pushed my attitude to the brink of the crapper. The days are getting longer, the countdown to Boston ticking down, and alas the needle on the scale is ticking up as the tapers wears on.
Hubby set out for The Master’s in Augusta at are-you kidding-me o’clock on Monday morning. My blown off speedwork on Tuesday to hopefully promote hammy healing, coupled with his calls reporting happy hobnobbing with a long list golf luminaries put me in a foul mood to say the least. Taking the bull by the horns, I finally consulted a sports doc and got myself in for treatment yesterday. And I am happy to report, after over an hour of adjusting, massaging, stimming, icing and taping, I am feeling rested, refreshed and hopeful once again. Plus I’m sporting a very bionic looking leg decked in Boston blue kinesiotape.
Since I’ve been banned from anymore speedwork, I decided to not tempt fate and ran my 6-miler today at MP. My frustration over the nagging fatigue in my hamstring and butt and seemingly leaden pace was tempered by some finally perfect spring weather. After not running just one day I am instantly more grateful to have the privilege to be out here at all. At 1.5 miles, as if on cue, my tunes cut out, forcing me to just be with nature and my breath, enjoying the birds, the breezes and the simple joy running brings.
Yes there’s a distinct possibility I may not hit my weightloss goal or my marathon pace goal. But for today at least, I am totally fine with that. The joy is in the journey.