Before I get started on the Road to Tokyo Marathon, special thanks to Wendy and Holly for inviting me to guest host the Weekly Wrap! Congrats to everyone who ran the New York City Marathon and the Indy Monumental Marathon. You’re all rockstars! Road to the Tokyo Marathon Here we are: The first full week [Read More]
What is a Training Base and How Do I Build One?
This week’s Tuesdays on the Run Linkup is all about spring training…even though it feels nothing like spring here right now. What are your spring training and racing plans? Personally, since I’m little more than one week back to running since my knee injury, my spring will be all about rebuilding my training base. I’ve [Read More]
The Best Ways to Optimize Post-Workout Recovery
Many of us are in the peak weeks of training for fall races. During those peak weeks we put incredibly high demands on our bodies. Because physical training is a process of repeatedly tearing down muscle tissue and building it back stronger as we adapt to the training load, attention to recovery is absolutely [Read More]
MAYhem Continues: Peak Week, Minimal Miles
I’m going to go out on a limb here and say this was the toughest week of MAYhem. It’s going to be smooth(er) sailing from here on out. As a result, and because it’s triathlon week, the workouts were a little sparse. Monday: Rest (sick kiddo home from school) Tuesday: Unscheduled Rest (sick kiddo home) [Read More]
April Progress Report
Is April flying by or what? This time next week it’ll be May, so that means it’s time to grade our month on this week’s Tuesdays on the Run Linkup. Let’s get started shall we? For consistency, I’m grading the goals I set back at the beginning of the year. Running: A I’ve got [Read More]
Running Moms Know Best
Before we get to the rest of the weekly high- (and low) lights, here’s how week 2 of Indy Monumental Marathon training went. Not too shabby if I do say so myself: Monday: Rest Tuesday: Run 4x800m repeats Wednesday: 10 Miles Bike, Strength, Swim 800 yds. Thursday: Run 6 miles Friday: Rest Saturday: RnRCHI 5k [Read More]
Things That Make You Go…..
Before we get to the “WTH?” portion of today’s post, let’s recap the week’s workouts: Monday: Rest Tuesday: 5 miles, speedwork on mill 800m repeats Wednesday: 1 hr. Bike & Swim Thursday: 5 miles Friday: Yoga + 3 trail miles Saturday: 8 miles Sunday: Strength Overall it was an uneventful week. Weather, although milder, is still so [Read More]
Training in the Dead of Winter
Before I get to other stuff, here’s how the training week went: Monday: Rest Tuesday: Yoga Wednesday: Strength Thursday: Run 5 miles Friday: Bike and Swim Saturday: 8 miles on the mill Sunday: Strength Highlights This week was a little messed up. Do you ever get the feeling germs are closing in around you? It [Read More]
Training Ups and Downs
Here’s how the training week went: Monday: Rest Tuesday: 4 miles Wednesday: Bike + Swim Thursday: 8 miles Friday: Swim Saturday: 7 miles Sunday: Strength + Swim I mentioned in my coffee date post it was a single-parenting week, which kept me quite busy. It also means I ate more of the foods I wanted [Read More]